Figure 9: The 3D shape obtained from the deformation of a
Unlike previous works, the method does not use
non-linear optimization strategies: a simple linear
system has to be solved. Efficiency is closely con-
nected with the size of this system, i.e. the number
of control points used to drive the deformation. Our
method is clearly intended for smooth objects, hence
a few hundred of control points are sufficient. An-
other factor influencing the computation time is the
number of images but the method is designed to keep
it small. The main limitations are the availability of
a generic 3D model of the object and the requirement
of some landmarks for the initial registration. A point
to improve is the decreasing scheme of the smoothing
parameter used in the deformation. We plan to find
a dynamic adjustment of this sequence, based on an
analysis of the displacements of control points.
Human body is a good subject for our method.
We have demonstrated the modeling of a human torso
with as few as 4 images. A classical SFS technique
would need at least 20 images to produce such a re-
alistic 3D model. The next step is the modeling of
the whole body. The work presented in (Hilton et al.,
2000) may, for example, be adapted to fit our ap-
proach. A lot of applications in medical, garment or
virtual reality fields would be possible.
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