functionalities. Hence, it is more convenient to base
further perceptual processes on a more general rep-
resentation of the visual signal. The harmonic repre-
sentation discussed in this paper is a reasonable rep-
resentation of early vision process since it allows for
an efficient and complete representation of (spatially
and temporally) localized structures. It is character-
ized by: (1) compactness (i.e., minimal uncertainty
of the band-pass channel); (2) coverage of the fre-
quency domain; (3) robust correspondence between
the harmonic descriptors and the perceptual ‘sub-
stances’ in the various modalities (edge, motion and
stereo). Through a systematic analysis we investi-
gated the advantages of anisotropic
isotropic filter-
ing approaches for a complete harmonic description
of the visual signal. We observed that it is prefer-
able to construct a multichannel, multiorientation rep-
resentation, thus avoiding an “early condensation” of
basic features. The harmonic content is then com-
bined in the phase-orientation space at the final stage,
only, to come up with the ultimate perceptual deci-
sions. An analysis of possible advantages of the ag-
gregation of the information in the monogenic im-
age in mid- and high-level perceptual tasks (e.g., im-
age classification) would require further investigation,
and it is deferred to a future work.
This work results from a cross-collaborative effort
within the EU Project IST-FET-16276-2 “DrivSco”.
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