Sharifah M. Syed Ahmad
Universiti Tenaga Tenaga Nasional (UNITEN), 43009 Kajang, Selangor, Malaysia
Keywords: Multiple classifiers, Borda Count, Equal Error Rate (EER), Automatic Signature Verification.
Abstract: Decision level management is a crucial aspect in an Automatic Signature Verification (ASV) system, due to
its nature as the centre of decision making that decides on the validity or otherwise of an input signature
sample. Here, investigations are carried out in order to improve the performance of an ASV system by
applying multiple classifier approaches, where features of the system are grouped into two different sub-
sets, namely static and dynamic sub-sets, hence having two different classifiers. In this work, three decision
fusion methods, namely Majority Voting, Borda Count and cascaded multi-stage cascaded classifiers are
analyzed for their effectiveness in improving the error rate performance of the ASV system. The
performance analysis is based upon a database that reflects an actual user population in a real application
environment, where as the system performance improvement is calculated with respect to the initial system
Equal Error Rate (EER) where multiple classifiers approaches were not adopted.
There is a wide diversity of information available to
characterize human signatures, which offers an
opportunity to create an Automatic Signature
Verification (ASV) system with a high degree of
flexibility and sophistication. For example an ASV
system can be built out of static and dynamic
features (Lee et al., 1996), heuristics and spectral
based features (Allgrove and Fairhursty), global and
local features (Sansone and Vento, 2000), as well as
parametric and non-parametric features (Kegelmeyer
and Bower, 1997). However, it is probably
ineffective in terms of the error rate to combine
disparate forms of signature information in a single
classifier, due to the possibility of features
incompatibility that is caused by different nature of
features. Thus, here, multiple classifiers approaches
are adopted, where each individual classifier
operates on of a pool of features of the same type,
and the overall system is built out of a combination
of these classifiers.
The rationale for adopting a multiple classifier
approach in increasing the performance of an ASV
system is that such an approach makes it possible to
compensate for the weakness of each individual
classifier while preserving its own strengths
(Sansone and Vento, 2000), (Allgrove and
Fairhursty). Kittler (Kittler et al., 1998), (Kittler,
1999) in his research has pointed out that in order to
achieve system performance improvement, the
system should be built up from a set of highly
complementary classifiers in terms of error
distribution. This means that the classifiers should
not be strongly related in their miss-clarification,
indicating a requirement for selecting classifiers that
are error- independent of each other.
However, some studies have questioned the need
of such classifier error independence in obtaining
system improvement (Demirecler and Altincay,
2002), (Kuncheva et al., 2000). Demirekler and
Altincay (Demirecler and Altincay, 2002) in their
investigations have noted that independent multiple
classifier may not necessarily yields the best system
performance. Therefore, the investigation on error
distribution between different classifiers prior to the
implementation of the multiple classifiers approach
is not considered here. The only prior work carried
out is the analysis of individual classifier
performance, which is discussed in section 4
M. Syed Ahmad S. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications - IU/MTSV, pages 257-263
The work reported here is based on a test set that is
aligned with the guidance of good practice drafted
by the UK Biometric Working Group which requires
scenario evaluation to be carried out on a database
that reflects an actual user population in a real
application environment (August, 2002). The
database used in the verification was compiled as
part of the KAPPA Project in January, 1994 where a
large cross section of the general public were invited
to take part in data collection trials carried out at a
major Post Office branch over a few months period
of time (Canterbury, 1994).
More than 5000 samples were collected, where
the minimum number of samples submitted per
subject is 3, and some users are reported to have
submitted more than 40 samples. Each user is
assigned with a unique identifier (ID) number,
where all samples of the same individual are stored
under the same user ID entry. The data collected do
not include any attempted forgeries, which do not
allow for investigations on forged signatures.
Signature samples were captured using a digitizing
tablet, connected to a PC. The tablet captured
information in the form of signing co-ordinates and
timing data, as well as pen-up or pen-down data
A relatively simple straightforward prototype system
is constructed based on a pool of 22 global
normalized features, consisting of 8 static and 14
dynamic features (as listed in Table 1 and Table 2
respectively), a simplification of Cornell ASV
system (Lee et al., 1996).
Table 1: The Static Classifier’s Feature Set.
Feature Feature Description
S1 Normalized [first x - max. x]
S2 Normalized [first x - min. x]
S3 Normalized [last x - max. x]
S4 Normalized [last x - min. x]
S5 Normalized [first y - max. y]
S6 Normalized [first y - min. y]
S7 Normalized [last y -max. y]
S8 Normalised [last y - min. y]
Though the database adopted is built in an online
mode that captured dynamic information of the
signing operation, the testing is carried out purely
using offline batch processing. Hence the test results
are repeatable for the same test scenario due to the
fixed nature of the database.
Table 2: The Dynamic Classifier’s Feature Set.
Feature Feature Description
D1 Normalized time
D2 Normalized max. speed
D3 Avg. speed / max. speed
D4 Normalized x zero velocity
D5 Normalized x positive velocity
D6 Normalized x negative velocity
D7 Normalized y zero velocity
D8 Normalized y positive velocity
D9 Normalized y negative velocity
D10 Avg. speed / max x velocity
D11 Avg. speed / max y velocity
D12 Min. x velocity / avg. x velocity
D13 Min. y velocity / avg. y velocity
D14 Normalized min. acceleration
The evaluation is carried out on two different
modes, as defined by the UK Biometric Working
Group (August, 2002), which are:
genuine claim of identity
A test is carried out to compare a user
signature sample with his / her genuine
reference data under the same ID. Hence any
invalid verification gives rise to False Rejection
Rate (FRR).
impostor claim of identity
A test is carried out to compare a user
signature sample with a different subject
reference data under different IDs. Hence any
valid verification gives rise to False Acceptance
Rate (FAR). Formally, such ‘forgeries’ are
unskilled, with no deliberate attempt to
reproduce another person’s signature. This type
of forgery is known as ‘random’ forgery (Gnee,
2000). Another type of forgery which is
‘skilled’ forgery is not considered here due to
the unavailability of forged signature samples.
At the initial stage, a system prototype (i.e.
without the implementation of multiple classifiers
that combines all features in the ASV system) is
created in order to provide for testing as well as
benchmarking for the envisaged optimization
investigations. In the verification process of the
system prototype, each feature cast a binary accept
or reject vote, whereas the validity of a genuine
signature sample is decided based on the number of
accumulated accept votes cast by all features that is
compared against an overall system_threshold (i.e.
the ASV system operate based on a threshold voting
VISAPP 2007 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
mechanism). This system_threshold is adjusted until
the ASV system reached its Equal Error Rate (EER),
which is recorded here occurred at 8.31%. Thus, the
8.31% EER figure remains the analysis benchmark
when comparing the system performance with the
implementation of multiple classifiers approaches.
For the individual classifier performance analyses,
the features are grouped based on the static /
dynamic nature of each feature. For each classifier i,
where i is the classifier index, a corresponding
classifier threshold (i.e. classifier_i_threshold) is
maintained which controls the degree of classifier i's
sample acceptance. Here, the total number of
accepted features in classifier i is compared against
the classifier_i_threshold, which follows the
classification rule in equation 1. The
classifier_i_threshold is adjusted until the classifier
Equal Error Rate (EER) is achieved.
If (x_total_classifier_i_feature accepted
>= classifier_i_threshold)
Then tested signature is assumed to be genuine;
otherwise it is assumed as a forgery (1)
Table 3: Results of Individual Classifiers’ Performance
Estimated EER (%)
for Dynamic Classifier
Estimated EER (%)
for Static Classifier
9.93 16.48
The result of individual classifier performance
analyses is as listed in Table 3. The figures indicate
that the dynamic classifier in this ASV system that is
built up from a sub-set of 14 dynamic features has
higher identifying and / or discriminating capability
compared to that of the static classifier, which is
built up from a sub-set of 8 features. This
information regarding the non-uniformity of the
classifiers’ performance provides some insights on
the selection of a suitable combining strategy in the
subsequent envisaged analyses of section 5. The
results in table 3 also show that both classifiers
perform poorer on their own, as compared to the
performance of the prototype system which
combines all features which is recorded at 8.31% of
the system EER. Thus, the next step is to investigate
the possibility of increasing the ASV system error
rate performance when the decisions cast by both
static and dynamic classifiers are combined based on
several multiple classifier approaches.
The main concern in using multiple classifiers is
selecting the combining strategy, a process what is
commonly referred to as ‘decision fusion’. Decision
fusion can be defined as a formal framework that
expresses the means and tools for the integration of
data originating from different classifiers (Arif and
Vincent, 2003). For the last few decades, there has
been extensive research in the various types of
decision fusion methods. Clearly there is no one
universally best combiner existing that would suit all
applications. A study carried out by Demirekler and
Altincay (Demirecler and Altincay, 2002) has
discussed the impact of decision fusion method on
the choice of classifier. For example, for a given set
of classifiers N, there is a sub-set of class1ifiers N’
that yields the best performance under a given
combination rule c, where an addition of another
classifier will only degrade the system performance.
Lei, Krzyzak and Suen (Lei et al., 1992) in their
research have defined three types of multiple
classifiers combining strategy based on the
classifiers’ output:
combination is made according to the output of a
unique label
Each classifier produces an output label (e.g. a
signature sample is accepted or rejected by
classifier i, where i is the classifier index), which
is processed and integrated by the system in order
to produce a final label
combination is made based on ranking
Each classifier produces a ranked set of labels
(e.g. a signature sample that has high probability
of being genuine is then given a high acceptance
rank, where else a signature sample that has a high
probability of being forged is then given a low
acceptance rank), and the ranking of the labels is
added up and processed at the final stage.
combination is made according to measurements
Each classifier produces measurement level of
information, instead of definite decision (e.g. the
acceptance degree of an input signature sample),
which is processed and integrated by the system in
order to produce the final decision.
In this work, several decision fusion methods
that represent each of the above said decision
combiner types are analyzed for their effectiveness
in improving the error rate performance of the ASV
system. These include majority voting, Borda Count
and multi-stage cascaded classifiers respectively.
5.1 System Optimization by Using
Majority Voting
In a voting algorithm, each classifier is required to
produce a soft decision (i.e. a vote) which is added
up and analyzed in order to arrive at a hard decision
about an input sample (Lam and Suen, 1997). In an
Automatic Signature Verification (ASV) system, the
decision takes the form of either one of the two
verification classes, namely ‘sample accepted’ or
‘sample rejected’.
One of the main advantages of a voting system is
that it allows for a wide variety of classifier types to
be combined without much concern about the
underlying classifier processing methodologies.
Basically, it treats individual classifiers as ‘black
boxes’ and needs no internal information on the
implementation (Lin et al., 2003), which in turn
offers a great deal of system flexibility, generality
and simplicity.
There are many different forms of voting system
such as threshold voting, majority voting, plurality
voting and others. An example of a threshold voting
system is the decision-making mechanism applied in
this ASV prototype system where a signature sample
is classified as genuine only if the total number of
acceptance votes exceeds the defined system
threshold. On the other hand, both majority voting
and plurality voting systems require more than half
of the candidates’ votes and most votes respectively
(Lin et al., 2003). However, in a two-class
recognition problem, a plurality voting mechanism
operates in a similar way to that of a majority voting
mechanism (i.e. the class with the most votes also
receives more than half of the candidates’ votes).
Therefore, the literature on pattern recognition
generally does not differentiate between these two
voting systems. Here, such a mechanism is referred
to as a majority voting approach in order to avoid
Since the ASV system is built up of only two
classifiers (i.e. static and dynamic classifier), in
order to satisfy the requirement of the majority
voting definition, the final decision is based on
whichever class that receives two votes (i.e. more
than 1 which is more than half the number of the
total votes). However, a conflict exists when both
classes obtained equal number of votes (i.e. one vote
each). Demirekler and Altincay (Demirecler and
Altincay, 2002) suggested that in order to resolve the
conflict, a random decision is selected among these
classes. However such an approach is not considered
here due to the uncertainty of random decision
accuracy. Instead a probably more realistic approach
is to resolve the conflict based on the statistical
individual classifier performance analysis that is
carried out previously in section 4. Here, since the
dynamic classifier has a lower Equal Error Rate
(EER), the resolving hard decision is based on the
soft decision of the dynamic classifier. The rationale
behind this is that the dynamic classifier has lower
probability of making a classification error, and thus
is more accurate and more reliable compared to the
static classifier.
5.2 System Optimization by Using
Borda Count
In a voting system, each classifier is required to cast
a specific vote amongst one of the available accept-
reject classes. This can be ‘inaccurate’ in the case of
sample status is uncertain, and such errors will have
major impacts especially in a two-class verification
situation, where the probability of error is high, that
is 0.5. A Borda Count approach is capable of
overcoming the ‘lack of depth’ problem of the
voting system, by allowing each classifier to rank
the classes indicating which the more likely
candidates are. This approach was presented in
1770 by Jean-Charles of Borda, hence the name
‘Borda Count’ (Arif and Vincent, 2003). According
to him, the class with highest recognition probability
receives the highest rank. Consequently, at the
decision level, the ranks are added up and the final
decision is decided based on the class with the
highest accumulated rank.
Erp and Schomaker (Erp and Schomaker, 2000)
have analysed the effectiveness of Borda count in a
great detail, and they claimed that it is an easy and a
powerful method in combining rankings. They have
also highlighted the possible limitation of this
approach which results may be susceptible to
extreme voting by some classifiers. Nevertheless,
here, the Borda Count approach is adjusted, where
the classes are divided into three categories which
class A - class ‘sample accepted’
class U - class ‘sample status is uncertain’
class R - class ‘sample rejected’
Here, since there are three classes (i.e. m is 3),
therefore the class with the highest recognition
VISAPP 2007 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
probability receives three ranks (i.e. highest ranks
equal to m that is 3). The following alternative
receives one less rank than the other (i.e. m-1=2, m-
2=1). Therefore all classes will at least receive 1
rank from each classifier. The ranking is based on
the number of accepted features within a specified
range. The threshold for each range is adjusted until
the system EER is achieved. Figure 1 illustrates the
ranking mechanism of the designed Borda Count
0 t1 t2 t3 N number of feature
R = 3 2 1 1
U = 2 3 3 2
A = 1 1 2 3
Where Class R = ‘sample rejected’
Class U = ‘sample status uncertain’
Class A = ‘sample accepted’
t = threshold
N = total number of feature in a classifier
Figure 1: Borda Count Ranking Method.
However, there is also a need in the Borda count
approach for a mechanism to solve the conflict of
having two classes with an equal number of highest
accumulated ranks, similar to the case that needed to
be addressed by implementing the majority voting
approach. Here, when class U is tied with class A or
class R, then the decision will be based on the class
that is tied to class U. In addition to this, the system
should also deal with the case when class U receives
the highest accumulated ranks, since the final system
decision can either be in the form of sample
accepted or rejected. The solution applied here is
simple, that is to be based on the class that receives
the second highest mode. Should there be a tie
between class R and class A, then the decision will
be based on the results of the dynamic classifier, due
to the lower EER of the dynamic classifier as
compared to that of the static classifier (i.e. as
analyzed in section 4). Here, an acceptance classifier
threshold is maintained for the dynamic classifier
that decides whether the sample is accepted or
5.3 System Optimization by Using
Multi-Stage Cascaded Classifiers
In section 5.1 and section 5.2, the multiple classifier
ASV system using the Majority Voting algorithm
and the Borda count method as decision fusion
strategies have been designed in order to analyze
their effectiveness in optimizing the system error
rate performance. For both methods, the vote / rank
cast by each classifier is treated equally in a parallel
decision making process, except for the mechanisms
designed to resolve conflicts in handling ties in the
case of equal number of highest votes / accumulated
ranks between sample class rejected and sample
class accepted. However, such approaches lack an
ability to differentiate between different individual
classifier’s performances, where clearly, as indicated
in section 4, the dynamic classifier has lower
recognition error rate compared to that of the static
classifier. Here, an analysis of a multi-stage
cascaded classifiers system is performed, where the
soft decisions of individual classifiers are taken into
account one after another in a pipeline prioritized
nature. A theoretical discussion of such an approach
is discussed in a detail by Pudil, Novovicova, Blaha,
and Killter (Pudil et al., 1992).
Sansone and Ventro (Sansone and Vento, 2000)
in their studies have investigated the effectiveness of
a three-stages cascaded multiple classifier system in
an Automatic Signature Verification (ASV) system.
They have grouped the features into two classifiers
where each classifier is designed to tackle one type
of forgery at a time. The first stage consists of a
simple classifier that is devoted to eliminate random
forgeries, where only signature samples that pass the
first stage will be forwarded to the second stage that
handles skilled forgeries. If the system fails to detect
forgeries, then the sample is forwarded to the third
stage that takes into account the confidence level of
the previous two stages’ decisions. The rationale
behind such an approach is that most classifiers are
only good at detecting one type of forgery, and that
the performance of the system decreases when
attempting to eliminate all types of forgery
simultaneously. Hence, the classifiers are arranged
in a cascaded nature in order to handle one type of
forgery at a time.
Though this allows for higher system efficiency
in handling different types of forgery, it does not
necessarily increase the performance of the system
in terms of error rate since the whole system
decision making can be summarized as a parallel
logical ‘AND’ function (i.e. a signature sample is
accepted if and only if the signature sample pass all
three stages). Furthermore, since the test cases for
this research do not include test for skilled forgery,
such an approach is not suitable to be implemented
in this analysis.
Instead, here, the cascaded classifiers are
arranged based on individual classifier’s
performance of section 4. The classifier with the
higher performance (i.e. the dynamic classifier) is
given a higher priority where its soft decision is
considered at the first stage.
In order to not resemble the parallel logical
‘AND’ function, three classes are maintained for the
first stage, which are:
class A - class ‘sample accepted’
class U - class ‘sample status is uncertain’
class R - class ‘sample rejected’
Thus, two feature thresholds are maintained for
the dynamic classifier. The first threshold (i.e.
accept_threshold) is the minimum limit of number
of features that must be accepted in order to cast the
final decision of sample accepted. The second
threshold (i.e. reject_threshold) is the maximum
limit of the number of features that must be accepted
to invoke the final decision of sample rejected. Only
the signature samples that fall under class U (i.e. the
total number of features accepted lies in between
accept_threshold and reject_threshold) are
forwarded to the second stage, otherwise the system
will output a final ‘sample accepted’ or ‘sample
rejected’ decision. The second stage consists of the
static classifier. Here, samples whose statuses are
undecided in the first stage are processed based on
the soft decision of the second stage. The output of
the second stage is in the form of a final decision
‘sample accepted’ or ‘sample rejected’.
The results on all three multiple classifier
approaches’ analyses are as shown in Table 4.
Table 4: Results using Multiple Classifier Approaches.
Multiple Classifier
Combining Strategy
% of EER
(1) Majority voting 9.93 -19.49
(2) Borda Count 8.20 1.32
(3) Multi-stage cascaded
7.57 8.90
The system improvement is calculated with
respect to the original system prototype performance
without the use of multiple classifiers, which is at
8.31% of the system EER. The results in Table 4
show that the majority voting approach has negative
impacts on the system performance (i.e. the system
performance deteriorates). This indicates the failure
of the majority voting system as a performance
optimization tool for this ASV system. A possible
explanation for it is the lack of discrimination within
each single classifier (i.e. each classifier has a high
level of classifier error rates) that leads to a
generalized system response which is highly
inaccurate. This may also be caused by the limitation
on the number of classifiers involved in the voting
Where as, for the Borda Count multiple classifier
approach, the system has shows improvement in the
overall system error rate, however the figure is
relatively small that is around 1.32%. The only
multiple classifier approach that have successfully
increased the system EER to an acceptable level is
the multi-stage cascaded classifier approach. The
main advantage of this method as compared to the
former two tools is that it recognizes the different
error rate performances of different classifiers by
evaluating the decision cast by each classifier in a
cascaded prioritized manner and not in a parallel
equal nature (i.e. one that produced the least error
rate is given the highest priority). This could
probably suggest its superiority in producing the
lowest system error rate amongst the analyzed
In this study, three different types of multiple
classifier approach are analyzed to determine their
effectiveness as an alternative to the single classifier
system that was previously implemented in the ASV
prototype. In a multiple classifier system, several
classifiers are maintained, where the soft decisions
of each classifier are combined according to a
combining criterion. First, in order to execute this,
the original pool of 22 features is divided into two
sub-sets based on the nature of each feature, namely
dynamic and static sub-sets. These in turn are treated
as individual classifiers. A classifier performance
analysis is carried out prior to the investigation of
the multiple classifier approach. Here, a threshold
voting algorithm is applied at the classifier level,
where the corresponding threshold is adjusted until
an Equal Error Rate (EER) is achieved. The results
show that the dynamic classifier has lower EER
compared to that of the static classifier, hence
suggesting that the dynamic information used in this
VISAPP 2007 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
ASV system is more accurate compared to the static
The second step carried out here is the analyses
of the effectiveness of three different types of
combining strategy which are based on majority
voting, Borda Count and a multi-stage cascaded
classifier configuration In general the results
demonstrate that a multiple cla ssifier approach is a
possible optimisation tool for an ASV system.
However, not all combining strategies are effective
in order to achieve a performance increment. For a
system with high individual classifiers error rates, a
voting mechanism is unsuitable, due to the inability
of individual classifier in determining the exact
status of an input sample. Thus, for such a situation,
a combining algorithm that allows a classifier to
output an ‘uncertain’ status of a sample is highly
desirable. It is also best to choose a combining
strategy that acknowledges and treats decisions cast
by different classifiers in a prioritized cascaded
manner for a situation where different classifiers
recorded considerably different error rate
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