based on background subtraction. In (Karaman et al.,
2005), the authors compared some selected state of
the art background subtraction methods and proved
that most of the proposed systems in literature are
developed for specific environmental conditions and
overcome explicitly or implicitly some of problems
such as shadow, highlight, etc. Based on this
investigation, they propose a method (Karaman et
al., 2006) which combines the use of the Gaussian
colour model (GCM) and temporal information. This
method is extended and used for the purposes of this
Instead of the well-known colour spaces (RGB,
YCbCr, HSV), the Gaussian colour model proposed
by (Geusebroek et al., 2001) is used. It is based on
the measurement of object reflectance in colour
images and focuses on the description of colour
invariants. Various invariant features are obtained
from reflectance properties by its differentiations.
The proposed system includes two parts: pre-
segmentation and post-classification. In the pre-
segmentation part, a background reference model is
generated using multiple frames without moving
objects, calculating mean and standard deviation
maps for each pixel. The absolute difference image
of the input frame and the reference mean frame is
binarised using unimodal thresholding (Rosin,
2001). Further, binary maps are obtained from image
differencing results and standard deviation maps.
Both binary results are combined with an AND
operation. The results of each channel is further
processed with an OR operation into a preliminary
foreground mask.
The second part of the system eliminates the falsely
detected regions. Therefore, an OR operation is
applied to the last obtained final foreground mask
and the mask from the successive frame (motion
mask). Finally, an AND operator is applied to this
motion segmented result and the preliminary
foreground mask in order to restrict the extension of
the moving objects to the motion region and
achieves elimination of large noisy regions. Some
morphological operations are also applied to reduce
residual noise. Moreover, to consider temporal
changes of the background, the background model is
selectively updated.
If there are no frames without moving objects
available, the background model estimation is more
difficult. A median image is calculated based on
multiple frames. Depending on the strength of
movements, a variable step length is used for
skipping frames considered for each intermediate
median image. A final median image is generated by
median filtering of these intermediate results and a
clean background image without any moving objects
can be obtained. Furthermore, for background
modelling, multiple frames are required in order to
derive statistical models for each pixel. For this, a
simple background subtraction method is used based
on the median image. For each current image, an
over-segmented foreground mask is obtained by
setting a very low threshold which after negation
leads to an under-segmented background mask. This
ensures that only very reliable background pixels are
used for generating the final background model.
This whole background subtraction step is applied to
each camera view independently.
2.3 Observation Extraction
Using the masks of the moving objects and the
calibration information it is possible to estimate the
position of the targets in world (ground) coordinates.
The uncertainty of each observation is also
calculated as well as a classification based on shirt
colour information.
Specifically, the following steps are used to estimate
the field position of all players visible from each
• A connected component labelling algorithm is
applied to the binary foreground mask.
• Blob filtering is performed to discard moving
blobs not corresponding to players.
• For each blob, a characteristic point is chosen.
Since the ground plane assumption is used, a
suitable point is the middle bottom of each blob.
• World (ground) coordinates of each player are
calculated based on the calibration information.
Furthermore, using a version of (Borg et al, 2005),
the observation uncertainty