Marco Leo, P. Spagnolo, T. D’Orazio, P. L. Mazzeo and A. Distante
Institute of Intelligent Systems for Automation
Via Amendola 122/D-I 70126 Bari, Italy
Keywords: Smart surveillance, Motion analysis, Homographic Transformations, Edge Detection.
Abstract: Smart Surveillance is the use of automatic video analysis technologies for surveillance purposes and it is
currently one of the most active research topics in computer vision because of the wide spectrum of
promising applications. In general, the processing framework for smart surveillance consists of a
preliminary and fundamental motion detection step in combination with higher level algorithms that are able
to properly manage motion information. In this paper a reliable motion analysis approach is coupled with
homographic transformations and a contour comparison procedure to achieve the automatic real-time
monitoring of forbidden areas and the detection of abandoned or removed objects. Experimental tests were
performed on real image sequences acquired from the Messapic museum of Egnathia (south of Italy).
Smart surveillance is the use of automatic video
analysis technologies in video surveillance
applications. The aim is to develop intelligent visual
equipment to replace the traditional vision-based
surveillance systems where human operators
continuously monitor a set of CCTV screens for
specific event detection. This is not only quite a
tedious activity, but with increased demand for area
coverage, the continuous surveillance quickly
becomes unfeasible due to the information overload
for the human operators.
Current literature proposes different smart
surveillance systems to measure traffic flow,
monitor security-sensitive areas such as banks,
department stores and parking lots, detect pedestrian
congestion in public spaces, compile consumer
demographics in shopping malls, etc. In (Wu &
Huang,1999), (Cedras & Shah,1995),
(Gravila,1999), (Aggarwal & Cai,1999), (Hu, Tan,
Wang & Maybank, 2004) excellent surveys on this
subject can be found .
Nearly every visual surveillance system involves a
preliminary motion analysis step to segment regions
corresponding to moving objects from the rest of an
image (Haritaoglu, Harwood, Davis, 2000),(Wren et
al.,1997),(Remagnino, Shihab, Jones,2004) ,(Dee &
Hogg, 2004),(Collins et al., 2000), (Mittal &
Davis,2003), (Bobick & Davis, 2001).
In this paper a motion analysis approach is coupled
with semantic paradigms to achieve automatic smart
surveillance of a public museum. In particular two
problems are addressed: the monitoring of forbidden
areas and the detection of abandoned or removed
objects. In both cases the system has to
automatically detect the unexpected event and to
send an alarm containing a label of the detected
anomaly (access violation, removed object or
abandoned object).
This work is aimed towards the design of a reliable
and automatic surveillance system to ensure a more
efficient protection of the archaeological heritage of
the considered sites.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: section
2 details the algorithmic steps of the proposed
methodology; section 3 reports experimental results
and finally computational factors are discussed.
The first step of the whole procedure is a complex
preprocessing phase which extracts the binary
shapes (without shadows) on which the following
algorithms have to work (Spagnolo, D'Orazio, Leo,
Leo M., Spagnolo P., D’Orazio T., L. Mazzeo P. and Distante A. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications - IU/MTSV, pages 527-530
Distante, 2006) ,(Spagnolo, D'Orazio, Leo, Distante,
The following step is to aggregate pixels belonging
to the same moving object in order to build a higher
logical level entity named region or blob. Detected
regions are the input of a color based probabilistic
tracking procedure. The main aim of the tracking
procedure is to analyze temporally the displacements
of each moving region in order to manage
overlapping or occlusion when the following
decision making procedures could otherwise be
misleading .
The tracking procedure exploits appearance and
probabilistic models, suitably modified in order to
take into account the shape variations and the
possible region of occlusion (Cucchiara, Grana &
Tardini, 2004). Using the procedures outlined each
object is localized in the 2D image plane and is
temporally tracked. Tracking information is the
input to the two procedure dealing with the
automatic recognition of suspicious human
The first procedure deals with the problem of
detection of forbidden area violation.
This procedure consists of two steps: firstly the 3D
localization of moving regions is obtained using an
homographic transformation (Hartley,R., Zisserman,
A., 2003); then object positions on the ground plane
are compared with those labeled as forbidden in the
foregoing calibration procedure. If a match occurs
the algorithm generates an alarm.
The second procedure deals with the problem of
recognition of abandoned and removed objects.
In the literature usually these two issues are not
distinguished, and they are dealt with in a similar
way. So, detecting an abandoned/removed object
becomes a tracking problem, with the aim of
distinguishing moving people from static objects
left/removed by human people (see (Connell, 2004)
and (Spengler & Schiele, 2003) for good reviews).
In this work, instead, the goal is to distinguish
between these two cases: so a classic tracking
problem now becomes a pattern recognition
problem. The reliability of the algorithm is strictly
related to the ability to find/not find correspondences
between patterns extracted in different images.
The approach implemented starts from the
segmented image at each frame. If a blob is
considered as static for a certain period of time (we
have chosen to consider a blob as static if its
position does not change for 5 seconds, but this
value is arbitrary and does not affect the algorithm),
it is passed to the module for removed/abandoned
discrimination. By analyzing the edges, the system is
able to detect the type of static regions as abandoned
object (a static object left by a person) and removed
object (a scene object that is moved). Primarily, an
edge operator is applied to the segmented binary
to find the edges of the detected blob. The
same operator is applied to the current gray level
To detect abandoned or removed objects a matching
procedure of the edge points in the resulting edged
images is introduced. To perform edge detection, we
have used the Susan algorithm (Smith, 1992), which
is very fast and has optimal performances. The
matching procedure physically counts the number of
edge points in the segmented image that have a
correspondent edge point in the corresponding gray
level image. Additionally, a searching procedure
around those points is introduced to avoid mistakes
due to noise or small segmentation flaws. Finally if
the matching measurement
M is greater than a
certain value th
experimentally selected, it means
that the edges of the object extracted from the
segmented image have correspondent edge points in
the current grey level image and it is labeled as an
abandoned object by the automatic system.
Otherwise, if
has a small value, typically less
then a given threshold th
, it means that the edges of
the foreground region do not match with edge points
in the current image, so it is labelled by the
automatic system as an object of the background that
has been removed. For values of
these two thresholds the system is not able to decide
on the nature of the object.
The experiments were performed in both the
Messapic Civic Museum of Eganthia.
The museum has many rooms containing important
evidence of the past: the smallest archeological finds
are kept under lock in proper showcases but the
largest ones are exposed without protection. The
areas around the unprotected finds are no-go zones
for visitors and are defined with cord. Only a visual
control can ensure that visitors don’t step over the
cord in order to touch the finds or to see them in
more detail.
The proposed framework was tested to detect
forbidden entry into protected areas of the museum
and to recognize removed and abandoned objects in
the monitored areas.
VISAPP 2007 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
In our experiment IEEE 1394 cameras were placed
in the main room of the museum. The acquired
images were sent to a laptop where the algorithms
described in the previous sections were processed.
The room was monitored for about 3 hours (30
frame/sec) during visiting hours: several visitors
came to the room but none went inside the forbidden
areas or touched the archeological finds. In this
experimental phase no false positives were found,
that is the system never gave the alarm in an
improper way.
After closing time some people performed illegal
behaviors in order to validate the capability of the
system to automatically detect them. A set of 29
sequences were recorded collecting 15 forbidden
area violations, 8 abandoned objects, and 6 removed
Misclassification of human behaviors did not occur
even in non trivial conditions. In particular, during
the experimental phase, different people entered the
scene at the same time and the sunlight shone
through the large window with continuous changes
of illumination conditions. The procedure for
abandoned and removed object recognition did not
fail even considering that texture in the static areas
of the scene was not uniform and, in theory, this
could cause false detections (due to possible edge
matching between the contour of the removed object
in the segmented image and the edge of the texture
in the background).
In figure 1 column on the left shows a frame
extracted while a person steps over the cord into the
forbidden area, column in the middle shows the
relative image containing the moving points detected
before the shadow removing step and finally column
on the right shows the results obtained after shadow
removing. The relative position of the moving
person on the image plane and onto the ground plane
are also reported.
By comparing the position of the moving person on
the ground plane with the boundary lines of the
forbidden area the decision making procedure
detected that in the third and fourth rows the person
is performing an illegal access and sends an alarm.
In figure 2 the correct detection of a removed object
is shown; the three images show a person
approaching the finds and stealing a piece of an
ancient vessel. In the second row the processed
images are shown: notice that a red rectangle (red
rectangles indicate removed object whereas blue
rectangles indicate abandoned objects) has been
positioned around the area where the removed object
U=134 v=211
x=1.43 m y=3.90 m
Figure 1: A frame extracted while an actor stepped over
the cord and the corresponding segmented images before
and after shadow removing. The relative position of the
moving person on the image plane and onto the ground
plane are also reported.
This work was developed under MIUR grant (ref.
D.M. n. 1105, 2/10/2002) “Tecnologie Innovative e
Sistemi Multisensoriali Intelligenti per la Tutela dei
Beni Culturali”.
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Figure 2: An example of automatic detection of removed object.
VISAPP 2007 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications