comes a ball. In the case when the eigenvalues are
not distinct, we can slightly perturb the point set, and
obtain unique approximate hyperplanes of reflective
The case when q variances equal zero, implies
that the rank of covariance matrix of the point set
diminishes for q. Therefore we can reduce the d-
dimensional problem to a (d − q)-dimensional prob-
Beside its simplicity and efficiency, as it is known,
detecting symmetry by PCA has two drawbacks. PCA
fails to identify potential hyperplanes of symmetry,
when the eigenvalues of the covariance matrix of the
object are not distinct. The second drawback is that
PCA approach cannot guaranty the correct identifica-
tion when the symmetry of the shape is too weak.
The most of the research effort on symmetry detection
was dedicated to shapes and object in 2D and 3D. In
this paper, we proposed a novel algorithm which is
also able to detect a hyperplane of reflective symme-
try in arbitrary dimension. The algorithm is based on
the modified version of geometric hashing. We have
implemented a 2D variant of the algorithm. The be-
havior of the algorithm was analyzed with a proba-
bilistic model. The tests on real and synthetic data
showed that the algorithm is robust when the symme-
try is not too weak, and that it is quite insensitive on
The second contribution of this paper is the proof
of the relation between the reflective symmetry and
principal components of any type of symmetric ge-
ometric shapes in arbitrary dimension. The only re-
lated result to this is the result known from the me-
chanics, which establish the above relation for rigid
bodies in 3D. We present here a stronger result, which
confirms this relation for any symmetric geometric
shape in arbitrary dimension. That opens a possibility
to generalize some already known ideas from 2D and
3D in higher dimensions.
An implementation of the geometric hashing al-
gorithm in higher dimensions and estimations of its
behavior is one of the tasks for future work. Of
course, the 3D case is of the biggest practical impor-
tance. Comparing the results obtained by both here
presented algorithms, as well as comparing them with
other algorithms for detecting reflective symmetry is
of interest.
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