annotation techniques. The proposed technique show
a good improvement although must be said that a
straight comparison is impossible due to the
different adopted features and the number of classes.
Table 3: Comparision of proposed technique with state of
art annotation techniques.
Prec 0.06 0.10 0.09 0.24 0.36
Recall 0.04 0.09 0.12 0.25 0.36
Image annotation needs to exploit information from
different orthogonal features to capture the visual
elements carrying a symbolic meaning matched with
the text labels.
The shown techniques use information from
different features and merge together visual
information represented in term of scores related to
different labels. Different information fusion
techniques have been compared showing that, for
this application, the weighted sum of g-scores
produces better results than other fusion techniques.
The information fusion produced putting a HL
LDF to summarize the results of the first stage
LDFs, allows an improvement in performance when
the characterization of input images, through g-units
scores, is adherent to their content. Decision trees
have a reduced utility in this case mainly due to the
reduced generalization capability.
Further investigations will be focused on the
training of the images in terms of more specific
classes or sub-classes that despite a reduced number
of samples for each category are more specific as
content. The application of more complex models
instead of LDF can also allow capturing the positive
and negative classes in a more flexible way and
allow a better performance for fusion algorithms.
Authors would like to thank Kobus Barnard and
Shen Gao for their help with the images data set and
Rulequest company for the evaluation version of the
See5/C5.0 software for decision trees building.
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