flow estimation. In section 4, we present the method
for the minimization of the function including the
smoothing term based on colour information. Some
experimental results are presented in section 5 and at
the end, we address a conclusion.
Optical flow is the apparent motion of brightness
patterns in the images sequence. It corresponds to
the motion field, but not always.
Optical flow techniques are based on the idea
that for most points in the image, neighbouring
points have approximately the same brightness.
Optical flow can be computed from a sequence by
using the (Horn, 1981) assumption, known as the
brightness constancy assumption, is represented by
the following equation:
, I
and I
are first partial derivatives of I
respectively with respect to x, y and t and u and v
are the optical flow components in the x and y
Equation (1) is called optical flow constraint
equation. It provides only the normal velocity
component. So we are only able to measure the
component of optical flow that is in the direction of
the intensity gradient (aperture problem) and the
system is undetermined. To overcome this problem,
it is necessary to add additional constraints.
Another problem is that are assuming that δt is very
small. The sampling error in the spatial domain also
leads to errors in the computation of the I
and I
The brightness assumption implies that the (R, G, B)
components of each image remain unchanged during
the motion undergone within a small temporal
neighbourhood (Weber, 1995). Therefore, R, G and
B images can be used in a similar way as the
luminance function: they have to satisfy the optical
flow constraint equation. Markandey and
Flinchbaugh (Markandy, 1990) have proposed a
multispectral approach for optical flow computation.
Their two-sensors proposal is based on solving a
system of two linear equations having both optical
flow components as unknowns. The equations are
deduced from the standard optical flow constraint
(1). In their experiments, they use colour TV camera
data and a combination of infrared and visible
images. Finally, they use two channels to resolve the
ill-posed problem (Barron, 2002).
Golland and Bruckstein (Polina, 1995) follow
the same algebraic method. They compare a
straightforward 3-channels approach using RGB
data with two 2-channel methods, the first based on
normalized RGB values and the second based on a
special hue-saturation definition.
The standard optical flow constraint may be
applied to each one of the RGB quantities, providing
an over determined system of linear equations
(Barron, 2002):
Then the pseudo-inverse computation gives the
following solution for the system:
This assumes that the matrix (A
A) is non-singular.
By definition this matrix is singular if its
columns or lines are linearly dependent, which
means that the first order spatial derivatives of the
colour components (R, G, B) are dependent. Since
the sensitivity functions Dr(λ), Dg(λ) and Db(λ) of
the light detectors are linearly independent, the first
derivatives of the R, G, B functions will also be
independent for images sequence with colour
changing in two different directions. But if the
colour is a uniform distribution, the (R, G, B)
functions are linearly dependent or if the colours of
the considered region change in one direction only,
the gradient vectors of (R, G, B) are parallel so that
the spatial derivatives are dependent and the matrix
A) is singular. In addition to the estimates of the
image flow components at a certain pixel of the
image, we would like to get some measure of
confidence in the result at this pixel, which would
tell us to what extent we could trust our estimates. It
is common to use the so-called condition number of
the coefficient matrix of a system (A
A) as a
measure of confidence of this system (Polina, 1995).
To improve this problem, the idea is the use of two
independent functions for colour characterization so
that their gradient directions are not parallel. If the
Iu Iv I++=
Ru Rv R
Gu Gv G
Bu Bv B