Mehdi Ellouze, Hichem Karray
Research Group on Intelligent Machines, Sfax University, ENIS, Tunisia
Sfax Superior Institute of Technological Studies
Adel M.Alimi
Research Group on Intelligent Machines, Sfax University, ENIS, Tunisia
Keywords: News broadcast, summary, summarization, browsing, Genetic Algorithms.
Abstract: This paper presents a new approach summarizing broadcast news using Genetic Algorithms. We propose to
segment the news programs into stories, and then summarize stories by selecting from every one of them
frames considered important to obtain an informative pictorial abstract. The summaries can help viewers to
estimate the importance of the news video. Indeed, by consulting stories summaries we can affirm if the
TV is one of the most important sources of
information. The number of news broadcast
channels is in perpetual increase. Besides, the
techniques of digitizing have greatly progressed and
the storage capacity of computers has become very
important. For this reason, all people are digitizing
enormous quantity of video sequences. However,
this has caused a problem in manipulating this mass
of information.
The importance of this problem has engendered a
large number of works done in the field of video
summarization and video browsing. In this paper, we
will be interested to the problem of the
summarization of the news broadcast.
The news program is a specific type of video. It’s
usually structured as a collection of reports and
stories. A story as it was defined by U.S. National
Institute of Standards and Technologies (NIST) is a
segment of a news broadcast with a coherent news
focus, which may include political issues, finance
reporting, weather forecast, sports reporting, etc.
(NIST, 2004). In our approach we profited from the
several works proposed for news segmentation to
detect and to extract news stories. Then we propose
a genetic solution to summarize every story by
keeping only important frames (Figure 1). The
selection is done according to some criteria to keep
only informative ones.
Many approaches have been proposed to
summarize video. We can distinguish essentially two
classes: Image Processing perspective (IP) (section
3.2) and Natural Language Processing perspective
(NLP) (Qi et al., 2000) (Maybury, Merlino, 1997).
The first perspective is based on the extraction of
key frames according to low level features. The
major drawback of this perspective is the absence of
high level features in the criterion of selection.
Indeed, text transcriptions and faces play a key role
in content analysis in some kinds of video,
especially news broadcast. In the second
perspective, researchers work on the extraction of
text from video frames and the automatic speech
recognition to formulate a textual summary.
However, such methods are necessarily limited by
the quality of the speech transcription itself and the
efficiency of the proposed method to extract text
from frames.
Nowadays, we are speaking about multi-modal
summarization approaches pioneered by Informedia
(Informedia Project, 2006). In such type of
approaches, we combine low level features and high
level features to accomplish video navigation and
browsing systems.
As part of this new tendency, we propose in this
paper a genetic solution for summarizing news
Ellouze M., Karray H. and M.Alimi A. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications - IFP/IA, pages 303-308
broadcast which uses both of low level features and
high level features to generate pictorial summaries
of news stories. As high level features, we choose to
work with textual information. However, we have
escaped the problem of text extraction from which
NLP approaches are suffering.
The rest of paper is organized as follows. In section
2, we discuss works related to news segmentation.
Section 3 describes our genetic algorithm proposed
to summarize stories. Results of our approach are
shown in section 4. We conclude with directions for
future work.
Figure 1: User interface of news segmentation and stories
summarization. Stories are selected from the list on the left
side. Summary of every story appears on the right side.
Many works have been done in the field of
extracting stories from news video. The idea is to
detect anchor shots. The first anchor shot detector
dates back to 1995. It was proposed in (Zhang et al.,
1995) suggesting to classify shots basing on the
anchorperson shot model .As part of Informedia
project (Informedia Project, 2006), authors in (Yang
et al., 2005) use high level information (speech, text
transcript, and facial information) to classify persons
appearing in the news program into three types:
anchor, reporter, or person involving in a news
News story segmentation is also well studied in
the TRECVID workshops (TRECVID 2004, 2003),
in news story segmentation sessions. As part of
TRECVID 2004, we can refer to the work proposed
in (Hoashi et al., 2004) in which authors proposed
SVM-based story segmentation method using low-
level audio-video features. In our work, we used the
approach proposed in (Zhai et al., 2005) in which
the news program is segmented by detecting and
classifying bodies to find group of anchor shots. It is
based on the assumption that the anchor’s wears are
the same through out the entire program.
3.1 Problem Description
Summarizing a video consists in providing an other
version which contains pertinent and important
items needful for quick content browsing. In fact,
our approach aims at accelerating the browsing
operation by producing pictorial summaries helpful
to judge if the news video is interesting or not. In the
web context, it indicates to persons who are
connected to online archives, if a given news video
is interesting and if it may be downloaded or not.
3.2 Classical Solutions for Key-frames
Many works have been proposed in the field of
video pictorial summary. As it is defined in (Ma,
Zhang, 2005) a pictorial summary must respond to
three criteria. First, the summary must be structured
to give to the viewer a clear image of the entire
video. Second, the summary must be well filtered.
Finally, the summary must have a suitable
visualization form. Authors in (Taniguchi et al.,
1997) have summarized video using a 2-D packing
of “panoramas” which are large images formed by
compositing video pans. In this work, key-frames
were extracted from every shot and used for a 2-D
representation of the video content. Because frame
sizes were not adjusted for better packing, much
white space can be seen in the summary results.
Besides, no effective filtering mechanism was
defined. Authors in (Uchihachi et al., 1999) have
proposed to summarize video by a set of key-frames
with different sizes. The selection of key-frames is
based on eliminating uninteresting and redundant
shots. Selected key-frames are sized according to the
importance of the shots from which they were
extracted. In this pictorial summary the time order is
not conserved due to the arrangement of pictures
with different sizes.
Later, in (Ma, Zhang, 2005) authors have proposed a
pictorial summary, called video snapshot. In this
approach the summary is evaluated for 4 criteria. It
must be visually pleasurable, representative,
informative and distinctive. A weighting scheme is
proposed to evaluate every summary. However this
approach suggests a real filtering mechanism but it
uses only low level features (color, saturation …).
VISAPP 2007 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Indeed, no high level objects (text, faces …) are
used in this mechanism.
3.3 Genetic Solution
The major contribution of this paper is the
integration of low and high level features in the
selection process using genetic algorithms. Indeed,
there are several advantages of genetic algorithms.
First, they are able to support heterogeneous criteria
in the evaluation. Second, genetic algorithms are
naturally suited for doing incremental selection,
which may be applied to streaming media as video.
Genetic algorithms are a part of evolutionary
computing (Goldberg, 1989) which is a rapidly
growing area of artificial intelligence. A genetic
algorithm begins with a set of solutions (represented
by chromosomes) called population. The best
solutions from one population are taken and used to
form a new population. This is motivated by a hope,
that the new population will be better than the old
one. In fact, the selection operator is intended to
improve the average quality of the population by
giving individuals of higher quality a higher
probability to be copied into the next generation.
In this paper, we aim to summarize a given story
using genetic algorithm. We suggest generating
randomly a set of summaries (initial population).
Then, we run the genetic algorithm (crossing,
mutation, selection, crossing…) many times on this
population with the hope to ameliorate the quality of
summaries population. At every iteration, we
evaluate the population through a function called
fitness. Evaluating a given summary means evaluate
the quality of selected shots. For this reason, we are
based on three assumptions.
First, long shots are important in news broadcast.
Generally the duration of a story is between 3 and 6
minutes, which is not an important duration. So, the
producer of the news program must attribute to
every shot the suitable duration. So, long shots are
certainly important and contain important
information. Secondly, shots containing text are also
crucial because text is an informative object. It’s
often embedded in news video and it is a useful data
for content description. For broadcast news video,
text information may come in the format of caption
text at the bottom of video frames. It is used to
introduce the stories (War in Iraq, Darfour conflict)
or to present a celebrity or an interviewed person
(Kofi Anan, chicken trader, Microsoft CEO).Finally,
to insure a maximum of color variability and a
maximum of color coverage, the selected shots must
be different in color space.
3.3.1 Summary Size
The summary size is computed through a summary
rate which is a manually fixed parameter to indicate
the number of selected shots. If we raise the
summary rate, the number of selected shots will be
greater and then the summary size will be larger and
so the browsing speed will decrease. The number of
selected shots is computed as follows:
For example, if the summary rate is 20% and the
story is composed of 15 shots then the number of
selected shots will be equal to 3.
3.3.2 Binary Encoding
We have chosen to encode our chromosomes
(summaries) with binary encoding because of its
popularity and its relative simplicity. In binary
encoding, every chromosome is a string of bits (0,
1). In our genetic solution, the bits of a given
chromosome are the shots of the story. We use 1’s to
denote selected shots (Figure 2).
3.3.3 Evaluation Function
Let PS be a pictorial summary composed of m
selected shots. PS= {S
, 1
i m}.
Figure 2: The encoding of the genetic algorithm. The shots which are present in the summary are encoded by 1. The
remaining shots are encoded by 0.
Ns=N*R (1)
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
A chromosome
We evaluate the chromosome C representing this
summary as follows:
AvgHist(C) is the average color distance between
slected shots. AvgHist is computed as follows:
() ( (, ))/(( 1)/2)
AvgHist C Hist S S m m
The distance between two shots A and B is defined
as the complementary of the histograms intersection
of A and B:
AvgText and AvgDuration are respectively
normalized average of text score and normalized
average of duration of selected shots.
= max {Text (Si), S
=max {Duration (Si), S
More the shots are different in the color space more
AvgHist is increasing. In fact, AvgHist is related to
Hist which is increasing when the compared shots
are more different. It’s obvious that more selected
shots contain text (respectively have long durations)
more AvgText (respectively AvgDuration) is
The proposed Genetic Algorithm tries to find a
compromise between the three heterogeneous
criteria. That’s why all the criteria are normalized
and unpondered in the fitness function.
3.3.4 Computation of Parameters
Our genetic solution is based on three parameters:
text, duration and color. To quantify these
parameters for every shot we define 3 measures. The
first is the text score of the shot, the second is its
duration and the third is its color histogram. The
duration of a shot can be easily computed. Color and
Text parameters are computed for the middle frame
of the shot. To compute the color parameter of a
given shot we compute the histogram of its middle
The computation of the text parameter is more
complicated. In our approach we work only with
artificial text, it appears generally as a transcription
at the foot of the frame. To compute the text
parameter, we select the middle frame of the shot,
then we divide it into 3 equal parts and like in
(Chen, Zhang, 2001) we apply a horizontal and a
vertical Sobel filter on the third part of the frame to
obtain two edge maps of the text. We compute the
number of edge pixels (white pixels) and we divide
it by the total number of pixels of the third part. The
obtained value is the text parameter (Figure 3). We
have avoided in the computing of text parameters
the classic problems of text extraction which may
reduce the efficiency of our approach. We have been
based on the fact that frames containing text
captions are certainly containing more edge pixels in
their third part than the others. So, their scores will
be greater.
(a)Text score=0.0936 (b)Text score=0.04
Figure 3: Shot text scoring. The text score of a frame
containing text (a) is greater than a frame not containing
text (b).
3.3.5 Genetic Operations
The genetic mechanism works by randomly
selecting pairs of individual chromosomes to
reproduce for the next generation.
a) The crossover operation
The crossover consists in exchanging a part of the
genetic material of the two parents to construct two
new chromosomes. This technique is used to explore
the space of solutions with the proposition of new
chromosomes to ameliorate the fitness function. In
our genetic algorithm the crossover operation is
classic but not completely random. In fact, like their
parents, the produced children must respect the
summary rate. For this reason, the crossing site must
be carefully chosen (Figure 4).
b) The Mutation operation After a crossover is
performed, mutation takes place. Mutation is
intended to prevent the falling of all solutions in the
population into a local optimum. In our genetic
solution, mutation must also respect the summary
rate. For this reason, mutation operation must affect
two genes of the chromosome. Besides, these genes
must be different (‘0’ and ‘1’) (Figure 5).
VISAPP 2007 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
4.1 Dataset and Test Bed
To validate our approach, we choose to work with
French channels “TF1” and “France2” as general
channels and the English Channel “BBC” as news
broadcast channel. We have recorded 20 hours of
news from “TF1” and “France2” (night and midday
news) and 10 hours from “BBC”. Our system was
implemented with matlab and tested on a PC with
2.66 GHZ and 1GB RAM. An example of a story
summarization is illustrated by Figure 6
4.2 Users Evaluation
Our system aims at producing summaries helping
users to judge if the news sequence is interesting or
not. In this section, we will try to prove if we are
successful in achieving our goal. We have invited 10
test users to search through our dataset 4 topics
speaking about: “Avian flu”, “Aids”, “Iraqi war” and
Israeli-Palestinian conflict”.
Table 1 shows the results of this test. We notice that
the best rates of precision and recall correspond to
topics like “Iraqi war” or “Israeli-Palestinian
conflict” and in general topics related to wars and
conflicts. In fact these topics are related to special
key objects as tanks, victims, damage, bombing,
soldier, etc. The majority of stories speaking about
these topics are showing at least one of these
objects. In this type of topic, textual information
comes to enhance
the comprehension of the summary by giving
indications about places (Iraq, Palestine, Darfour,
Afghanistan) or persons and leaderships (Olmert,
Arafat, Abbas, Nouri Meliki, Ben Laden).
However, topics like “Avian flu” or “Aids” are not
related to special objects. Indeed, we may have a
story speaking about aids which is not showing aids
patients because it may speak only about finding
funds to fight against this epidemic. In that case,
textual information is important for the summary
viewer to understand the story context. Names of the
interviewed persons may play a key role for the
comprehension of the context.
In this paper, we have presented a novel multimodal
approach to generating pictorial summaries of news
stories. Generated summaries help viewers to
browse rapidly video archives by showing only
informative frames. We have integrated easily low
level features and high level features through a
genetic algorithm. One of the advantages of the use
of genetic algorithms is their extensibility. Indeed,
we plan in the immediate future to add other low
level features (motion, audio features) and other
high level features (faces) to improve the quality of
the summary.
The encouraging results obtained for news broadcast
corpus, motivate us to think of extending the use of
genetic algorithms to summarize other corpus. In
fact, we have begun to investigate adapting the
architecture of our genetic algorithm (encoding and
fitness) to films and documentary videos.
Figure 4: The crossover operation. We must carefully select the crossover site to respect the summary rate.
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
0 1
Figure 5: The mutation operation. To respect the summary rate, the mutation must affect two different bits.
0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
0 0 1 1 0
0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
0 1
0 0 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0
0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Table 1: Evaluation results for four topics on our dataset.
Figure 6: An example of a news story summarized by our genetic algorithm.
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Topics Manual relevant
Mean of true
detected stories
Mean of false
detected stories
Recall (%) Precision (%)
Avian flu 8 6.7 1.4 83.75% 82.71%
Aids 5 3.6 1.3 72% 73.46%
Iraqi war 17 14.7 1.6 86.47% 90.18%
Israeli-Palestinian conflict 13 12.1 1.6 93.07% 88.32%
VISAPP 2007 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications