nents, i.e., eyes, nose, and mouth, using multiscale fil-
ters. They perform eyes detection using a neural net-
work classifier. (Cristinacce et al., 2004) developed
a multi-stage approach to detect features on a human
face, including the eyes. After applying a face detec-
tor to find the approximate location of the face in the
image, they extract and combine features using Pair-
wise Reinforcement of Feature Responses (PRFR) al-
gorithm. The estimated features are then refined using
a version of the Active Appearance Model (AMM)
search which is based on edge and corner features.
In this study, a human eye localization method in
images and video is proposed with the assumption
that a human face region in a given still image or
video frame is already detected by means of a face de-
tector. This method is basically based on the idea that
eyes can be detected and localized from edges of a
typical human face. In fact, a caricaturist draws a face
image in a few strokes by drawing the major edges,
such as eyes, nose, mouth, etc., of the face. Most
wavelet domain image classification methods are also
based on this fact because significant wavelet coeffi-
cients are closely related with edges (Mallat, 1989;
Cetin and Ansari, 1994; Garcia and Tziritas, 1999).
The proposed algorithm works with edge projec-
tions of given face images. After an approximate hor-
izontal level detection, each eye is first localized hor-
izontally using horizontal projections of associated
edge regions. Then, horizontal edge profiles are cal-
culated on the estimated horizontal levels. Eye can-
didate points are determined by pairing up the local
maximum point locations in the horizontal profiles
with the associated horizontal levels. After obtain-
ing the eye candidate points, verification is carried out
by a support vector machine based classifier. The lo-
cations of eyes are finally estimated according to the
most probable point for each eye separately.
This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 de-
scribes our eye localization algorithm where each step
is briefly explained for the techniques used in the im-
plementation. In Section 3, experimental results of
the proposed algorithm are presented and the detec-
tion performanceis comparedwith currently available
eye localization methods. Conclusions are given in
Section 4.
In this paper, a human eye localization scheme for
faces with frontal pose and upright orientation is de-
veloped. After detecting a human face in a given color
image or video frame using edge projections method
proposed by (Turkan et al., 2006), the face region is
decomposed into its wavelet domain sub-images. The
detail information within local facial areas, e.g., eyes,
nose, and mouth, is obtained in low-high, high-low,
and high-high sub-images of the face pattern. A brief
review of the face detection algorithm is described in
Section 2.1, and the wavelet domain processing is pre-
sented in Section 2.2. After analyzing horizontal pro-
jections and profiles of horizontal-crop and vertical-
crop edge images, the candidate points for each eye
are detected as explained in Section 2.3. All the can-
didate points are then classified using a support vec-
tor machine based classifier. Finally, the locations of
each eye are estimated according to the most probable
ones among the candidate points.
2.1 Face Detection Algorithm
After determining all possible face candidate regions
using color information in a given still image or video
frame, a single-stage 2-D rectangular wavelet trans-
form of each region is computed. In this way, wavelet
domain sub-images are obtained. The low-high and
high-low sub-images contain horizontal and vertical
edges of the region, respectively. The high-high sub-
image may contain almost all the edges, if the face
candidate region is sharp enough. It is clear that
the detail information within local facial areas, e.g.,
edges due to eyes, nose, and mouth, show noticeable
discrimination ability for face detection problem of
frontal view faces. (Turkan et al., 2006) take advan-
tage of this fact by characterizing these sub-images
using their projections and obtain 1-D projection fea-
ture vectors corresponding to edge images of face or
face-like regions. Horizontal projection H[.], and ver-
tical projectionV[.] are simply computed by summing
pixel values, d[., .], in a row and column, respectively:
H[y] =
|d[x, y]| (1)
V[x] =
|d[x, y]| (2)
where d[x, y] is the sum of the absolute values of the
three high-band sub-images.
Furthermore, Haar filter-like projections are com-
puted as in (Viola and Jones, 2001) approach as ad-
ditional feature vectors which are obtained from dif-
ferences of two sub-regions in the candidate region.
The final feature vector for a face candidate region is
obtained by concatenating all the horizontal, vertical,
and filter-like projections. These feature vectors are
then classified using a support vector machine (SVM)
based classifier into face or non-face classes.