Ángel Serrano, Cristina Conde, Isaac Martín de Diego, Enrique Cabello
Face Recognition & Artificial Vision Group, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Camino del Molino, s/n, Fuenlabrada (Madrid), E-28943, Spain
Li Bai, Linlin Shen
School of Computer Science & IT, University of Nottingham, Jubilee Campus, Nottingham, NG8 1BB, United Kingdom
Keywords: Biometrics, face verification, face database, Gabor wavelet, principal component analysis, support vector
machine, data fusion.
Abstract: Here we present a novel fusion technique for support vector machine (SVM) scores, obtained after a
dimension reduction with a principal component analysis algorithm (PCA) for Gabor features applied to
face verification. A total of 40 wavelets (5 frequencies, 8 orientations) have been convolved with public
domain FRAV2D face database (109 subjects), with 4 frontal images with neutral expression per person for
the SVM training and 4 different kinds of tests, each with 4 images per person, considering frontal views
with neutral expression, gestures, occlusions and changes of illumination. Each set of wavelet-convolved
images is considered in parallel or independently for the PCA and the SVM classification. A final fusion is
performed taking into account all the SVM scores for the 40 wavelets. The proposed algorithm improves the
Equal Error Rate for the occlusion experiment compared to a Downsampled Gabor PCA method and obtains
similar EERs in the other experiments with fewer coefficients after the PCA dimension reduction stage.
Face biometrics is receiving more and more
attention, mainly because it is user-friendly and
privacy-respectful and it does not require a direct
collaboration from the users, unlike fingerprint or
iris recognition.
Different approaches for face recognition have
been applied in the last years. On the one hand,
holistic methods use information of the face as a
whole, such as principal component analysis (PCA)
(Turk & Pentland, 1991), linear discriminant
analysis (LDA) (Belhumeur et al., 1997),
independent component analysis (ICA) (Bartlett et
al., 2002), etc.
On the other one, feature-based methods use
information from specific locations of the face (eyes,
nose, mouth, for example) or distance and angle
measurements between facial features. Some of
these methods make use of Gabor wavelets
(Daugman, 1985), such as dynamic link architecture
(Lades et al., 1993) or elastic bunch graph matching
(Wiskott et al., 1997).
Gabor wavelets have received much interest as
they resemble the sensibility of the eye cells in
mammals, seen as a complex plane wave with a
Gaussian envelope. Most researchers follow the
standard definition used by Wiskott et al. (1997),
with 5 frequencies and 8 orientations (Figure 1):
yxr ,
is taken as a fixed value of
, the wave vector is defined as
sin,coskk =
with module equal to
+ 2) / 2)
and orientation
/8 radians.
The range of parameters
is 0
7 and
4, respectively. Therefore
determines the
wavelet frequency and
defines its orientation.
Some previous works have combined Gabor
wavelets with PCA and/or LDA (see Shen & Bai,
Serrano Á., Conde C., Martín de Diego I., Cabello E., Bai L. and Shen L. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications - IU/MTSV, pages 149-154
2006, for a complete review on Gabor wavelets
applied to face recognition). For example, Chung et
al. (1999) use the Gabor wavelet responses over a
set of 12 fiducial points as input to a PCA algorithm,
yielding a vector of 480 components per person.
They claim to improve the recognition rate up to a
19% with this method compared to a raw PCA.
Liu et al. (2002) vectorize the Gabor responses
over the FERET database (Phillips et al., 2000) and
then apply a downsampling by a factor of 64. Their
Gabor-based enhanced Fisher linear discriminant
model outperforms Gabor PCA or Gabor fisherfaces,
although they perform a downsampling to obtain a
low-dimensional feature representation of the
Zhang et al. (2004) suggest taking into account
raw gray level images and their Gabor features in a
multi-layered fusion method comprising PCA and
LDA in the representation level, while using the sum
and the product rules in the confidence level. They
obtain better results for data fusion in the
representation compared to confidence level, so they
state that the fusion should be performed as early as
possible in the recognition process.
In Fan et al. (2004), the fusion of Gabor wavelets
convolutions after a downsampling process is
explored with a null space-based LDA method
(NLDA). The combination is made by considering
the responses to all the wavelets of the same
orientation and different rules of fusion, such as
product, sum, maximum or minimum. Their best
face recognition with Gabor+NLDA is 96.86% using
a sum combination and after filtering the Gabor
responses and keeping only the 75% of the pixels.
As a comparison, their raw NLDA method obtains
only a recognition rate of 92.26%.
On the other hand, in Qin et al. (2005) the
responses of Gabor wavelets over a set of key points
in a face picture are fed into an SVM classifier
(Vapnik, 1995). These responses are concatenated
into a high dimensional feature vector (of size
34355), which is then downsampled by a factor of
64. They obtain the best recognition accuracy with a
linear kernel for gender classification using the
FERET database and with a RBF kernel for face
recognition using AT&T database.
In all previous works, the huge dimensionality
that occurs when applying Gabor wavelets has been
tackled (1) downsampling the size of the images
(Zhang et al., 2004), (2) considering the Gabor
responses over a reduced number of points (Chung
et al., 1999), or (3) downsampling the convolution
results (Liu et al., 2002, Fan et al., 2004). Strategies
(2) and (3) have also been applied together (Qin et
al., 2005). These methods suffer from a loss of
information because of this downsampling. We
propose a novel method that combines non-
downsampled Gabor features with a PCA and an
SVM for face verification.
The following paper is organized as follows: In
Section 2 we describe the face database used in this
work, FRAV2D. Section 3 explains the method
proposed in this paper, the so-called parallel Gabor
PCA, and revises other standard algorithms. The
results and their discussion can be read in Section 4.
Finally the conclusions are to be found in Section 5.
Figure 1: Real part of the set of 40 Gabor wavelets ordered
by frequency (ν) and orientation (μ).
We used the public domain FRAV2D face database,
which comprises 109 people, mainly 18 to 40 years
old (FRAV2D, 2004). There are 32 images per
person, which is not usual in other databases. It was
obtained during a year’s time with volunteers
(students and lecturers) at the Universidad Rey Juan
Carlos of Madrid (Spain). Each image is a 240×340
colour picture obtained with a CCD video-camera.
The face of the subject occupies most of the image.
The images were obtained under many different
acquisition conditions, changing only one parameter
between two shots to measure the effect of every
factor in the verification process. The distribution of
images is like this (Figure 2): 12 frontal views with
neutral expression (diffuse illumination), 4 images
with a 15º turn to the right, 4 images with a 30º turn
to the right, 4 images with face gestures (smiles,
winks, expression of surprise, etc.), 4 images with
occluded face features, and finally, 4 frontal views
with neutral expression (zenithal illumination).
VISAPP 2007 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Figure 2: Examples of images from FRAV2D database
(from left to right, top to bottom: neutral expression with
diffuse illumination, gestures, occlusion and neutral
expression with zenithal illumination).
By means of a manual process, the position of
the eyes was found in every image in order to
normalize the face in size and tilt. Then the
corrected images were cropped to a 128×128 size
and converted into grey scale, with the eyes
occupying the same positions in all of them. For the
images with occlusions, only the right eye is visible.
In this case, the image was cropped so that this eye
is located at the same position as in the other images,
but no correction in size and tilt was applied. In
every case, a histogram equalization was performed
to correct variations in illumination.
As can be seen in Table 1, we have divided the
database into two disjoint groups, one for training
(gallery set) and the other one for tests (test set). On
the one hand, as a training set we have considered
four random frontal images with neutral expression
for every person. On the other one, we have
performed several test sets, yielding a total of four
experiments, which allows us to study the influence
of the different types of images of the database. Test
1 takes images with neutral expression, which are
different to those considered in the gallery set. Test
2 comprises images with gestures, such as smiles,
open mouths, winks, etc. Test 3 tackles images with
occlusions, while test 4 considers images with
changes of illumination. In every test, four images
per person were taken into account.
As follows, we describe the method proposed in
this paper (parallel Gabor PCA) and three baseline
algorithms (PCA, feature-based Gabor PCA and
downsampled Gabor PCA), used for comparison.
Table 1: Specification of our experiments.
3.1 Parallel Gabor PCA
We propose applying a PCA after the convolution of
40 Gabor wavelets with the images in the database,
similarly to Liu et al. (2002), Shen et al. (2004), Fan
et al. (2004) and Qin et al. (2005). The main
difference is that we do not perform a fusion of
downsampled Gabor features before a PCA, as these
authors do. On the contrary, we suggest carrying out
in parallel a PCA and an SVM classification for each
wavelet frequency and orientation, followed by a
final fusion of SVM scores.
As we take into account 40 Gabor wavelets, in
all we have 40 PCAs, each of them is performed
over the 128×128 wavelet-convolved images turned
into vectors of size 16384×1. Therefore no
downsampling is applied to the convolutions, so no
loss of information is produced.
Specifically, for each of the 40 Gabor wavelets
with orientation μ and frequency ν, we have
followed these steps, divided into training phase and
test phase (Figure 3):
1. The training phase begins with the convolution
of the wavelet with all the images in the gallery
2. Then we perform a dimension reduction
process with a PCA after turning the
convolutions into column vectors. The
projection matrix generated with the
eigenvectors corresponding to the highest
eigenvalues is applied to the results of the
convolutions, so the projection coefficients for
each image are computed. The number of
coefficients is the “dimensionality”.
3. For each person in the gallery, a different SVM
classifier is trained using these projection
coefficients. In every case, the images of that
person are considered as genuine cases, while
everybody else’s images are considered as
impostors. A face model for each person is
4. The test phase starts with the convolution of the
wavelet with all the images in the test database.
Then the results are projected onto the PCA
Images/person in
gallery set
Images/person in test
4 (neutral
2 4 (gestures)
3 4 (occlusions)
4 (neutral
4 (illumination)
framework using the projection matrix
computed in step 2.
5. Finally we classify the projection
coefficients of the test images with the SVM
for every person using the corresponding
face model. As a result every SVM produces
a set of scores.
Figure 3: A schematic view of our algorithm. The black
arrows correspond to the sequence for the training phase,
where the gallery database is used to train the SVMs and
generate the face model for every person. The grey arrows
belong to the test phase, where the test database is used to
perform the SVM classification and the fusion of scores.
With all the SVM scores obtained for each of the 40
wavelets, a fusion process was carried out by
computing an element-wise mean average of the
scores. An overall receiver operating characteristic
curve (ROC) was computed with the fused data,
which allowed us to calculate the equal-error rate
(EER) at which the false rejection rate equals the
false acceptation rate. The lower this EER is, the
more reliable the verification process will be.
3.2 PCA
The first baseline method considered was a PCA
with the usual algorithm (Turk & Pentland, 1991),
followed by an SVM classifier (Vapnik, 1995).
The gallery set was projected onto the reduced
PCA framework, where the number of projection
coefficients is the “dimensionality”. After training
an SVM for every person, the test set was also
projected onto the PCA framework. The SVMs
produced a set of scores that allowed computing an
overall ROC curve and the corresponding EER.
3.3 Feature-based Gabor PCA
Following Chung et al. (1999), we also considered
the convolution of the images with a set of 40 Gabor
wavelets evaluated at 14 manually-selected fiducial
points located at the face features. A column vector
of 560 components was created for each person. For
the images in the occlusion set, only 8 fiducial
points could be selected, as the other ones were
hidden by the subject’s hand. All the column vectors
were fed to a standard PCA. After the dimension
reduction, an SVM classifier was trained for each
person, as in the previous sections.
Figure 4: Image with the 14 fiducial points considered for
an image with all the face features visible (left). For
images with occlusions, only 8 points were taken into
account (right).
3.4 Downsampled Gabor PCA
Instead of keeping only the Gabor responses over a
set of fiducial points, as a third baseline method we
also considered all the pixels in the image in the
same way as Liu et al. (2002), Shen et al. (2004),
Fan et al. (2004) and Qin et al. (2005), among
others. The results of the 40 convolutions over the
128×128 images were fused to generate an
augmented vector of size 655360×1. Because of this
huge size, a downsampling by a factor of 16 was
performed, so that the feature vectors were reduced
to 40960 components. These vectors were used for a
PCA dimension reduction and an SVM
classification, as in the previous sections.
Table 2: Best EER (%) and optimal dimensionality (in
brackets) for every method and experiment.
1 1.83 (60) 0.46 (140)
0.23 (50)
1.78 (190)
VISAPP 2007 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Figure 5: EER as a function of dimensionality for
experiment 1 (frontal views with neutral expression).
Figure 6: EER as a function of dimensionality for
experiment 2 (images with gestures).
For every experiment in Table 1 and the four
methods considered in Section 3, we computed the
ROC curve and the corresponding EER for a set of
dimensionalities ranging between 10 and 200
coefficients (Figures 5 – 8). Table 2 summarizes the
results and shows the best EER and the
dimensionality for which it was obtained for every
experiment and method.
On the one hand, for experiment 1 (frontal
images with neutral expression) both the
downsampled Gabor PCA and the parallel Gabor
PCA obtain the best EER (0.23%), although the
latter needs fewer coefficients than the former in the
PCA phase (200 vs. 50). The worst results are
obtained for a standard PCA, which can only
achieve an EER of 1.83% with a dimensionality of
Figure 7: EER as a function of dimensionality for
experiment 3 (images with occlusions).
Figure 8: EER as a function of dimensionality for
experiment 4 (images with changes of illumination).
In experiment 2 (images with gestures), an EER
of 5.50% is obtained with the downsampled Gabor
PCA (160 coefficients), although the EER for
parallel Gabor PCA is only slightly worse (5.96%),
but can be obtained with a lower dimensionality. In
this case the worst EER corresponds to the feature-
based Gabor PCA (11.93%) with 190 coefficients.
In experiment 3 (images with occlusions),
parallel Gabor PCA outperforms the other methods
with an EER of 22.40% (180 coefficients). As a
comparison, the worst EER corresponds to the
standard PCA (34.00%), also with a dimensionality
of 180.
Finally in experiment 4 (images with changes of
illumination), the downsampled Gabor PCA and the
parallel Gabor PCA obtain the best results with
EERs of 0.42% and 0.46%, respectively, but again
the latter needs fewer coefficients (140 vs. 180). The
highest EER corresponds to PCA (3.70%) with a
dimensionality of 180.
Figures 5 – 8 also show that for parallel Gabor
PCA the EER drops drastically as the dimensionality
increases and it stabilizes quickly to its lowest value,
always for few coefficients. Moreover, although the
downsampled Gabor PCA obtains better EERs in
certain experiments compared to our method, this
one achieves similar EERs with fewer coefficients.
Unlike Zhang et al. (2005), our results also show
that the data fusion can be performed at the score
level instead of the feature representation level.
Finally, as a drawback to the proposed algorithm,
the bigger computational load has to be taken into
account. The PCA computation and the SVM
training and classification have to be repeated 40
times, each for every Gabor wavelet. As a future
work, it would be interesting to implement this
algorithm in a parallel architecture in order to tackle
each wavelet concurrently.
A novel method for face verification based on the
fusion of SVM scores has been proposed. The
experiments have been performed with the public
domain FRAV2D database (109 subjects), with
frontal views images with neutral expression,
gestures, occlusions and changes of illumination.
Four algorithms were compared: standard PCA,
feature-based Gabor PCA, downsampled Gabor
PCA and parallel Gabor PCA (proposed here). Our
method has obtained the best EER in experiments 1
(neutral expression) and 3 (occlusions), while the
downsampled Gabor PCA achieves the best results
in the others. In these cases, the parallel Gabor PCA
obtains similar EERs with a lower dimensionality.
This work has been carried out by financial support
of the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid (Spain),
under the program of mobility for teaching staff.
Special thanks have to be given to Ian Dryden, from
the School of Mathematical Sciences of the
University of Nottingham (United Kingdom), for his
warm help and interesting discussions.
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