With regard to visual errors there is a significant
influence of vignetting which is also clearly visible
from the original images (Fig. 2, right). Note that the
image differences resulting from these effects remain
unchanged while compensating for lens distortions as
indicated by the final ratios of 65% and 4% after the
second registration run. This is as expected since
moderate vignetting usually does not affect the reg-
istration process, but merely the final visual appear-
ance of the images. Consequently, individual correc-
tion steps are required, but not carried out in this case.
An objective assessment of 2D image registration
quality is a challenging task. As common measures
for image quality have proven not to be suitable for
the special requirements of errors in image alignment,
a new metric for this is proposed. Promising results
are obtained by exploiting local structural proper-
ties of registered images and preserving this informa-
tion in error pooling by applying voting-based strate-
gies. The indicated registration quality correlates well
with the visual appearance of the images and various
classes of differences can be distinguished. This capa-
bility is of significant importance with regard to sub-
sequent processing steps that aim at an automatic im-
provement of the results, since different error sources
require individual compensation strategies.
While the obtained results outline the high poten-
tial of this approach, perspectives for further refine-
ments were also discovered. Sometimes the distri-
bution of blocks voting for registration errors do not
clearly indicate the underlying error sources. We plan
to tackle this problem by refining the spatial classifi-
cation of the blocks and by taking global patterns into
account. In addition, with regard to local differences
resulting from moving objects or parallax detailed ex-
aminations of extraordinary high intensity differences
will be carried out. Finally, so far the approach relies
on various manually adjusted thresholds. Presumably
these can be chosen appropriately according to actual
image contents, leading to a fully automatic and flex-
ible approach for registration quality assessment.
This work was supported by a fellowship within the
Postdoc-Programme of the German Academic Ex-
change Service (DAAD), and has also been partially
funded through the MOMARNET EU Research and
Training Network project (MRTN-CT-2004-505026),
and by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science
under grant CTM2004-04205.
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