In order to avoid this problem, we decided to focus
our approach on the development of texture analysis
before associating the color information because
texture is very rich in information.
The acquisition system must allow to take
photographs at different wheat growth stages with a
good resolution. We use a Canon digital camera (5
Mpixels) which takes images on an 0.5*0.5 m²
homogeneous test area of wheat delimited by a black
matt frame as shown in figure 2. The digital CCD
camera is controlled by a PC laptop and is located
vertically above the field of view at a height of 0.93
Figure 2: In Field image acquisition system.
Taking photographs directly in the field needs to
control the illumination of the scene. Because we
take images under different lighting conditions, due
to variable cloud cover and solar illumination, we
use some screen protection system (not shown in the
figure 2) to limit the light in the area of study.
All the acquired images contain three important
classes: wheat ears, stems and leaves, and soil. Their
extraction can be done using texture and/or color
image analysis techniques. The current approach
proposed in this paper is only based on texture
analysis techniques because texture and color seem
to be independent phenomena that should be treated
separately (Mäenpää and Pietikäinen, 2004) (even if
some recent works (Foucherot et al., 2004) have
shown that the color of an image can slightly modify
the texture) and the information obtained with
texture analysis are available for each wheat growth
3.1 Statistical Methods of Feature
The non-periodicity of the position of the ears in
each image conducted us to use statistical methods
for feature extraction. These methods study the
interaction between a pixel and its neighbours in
term of intensity. In literature, many methods are
proposed but none of them is generally applicable to
all kinds of images and different algorithms are not
equally suitable for a particular application. This can
be proved in figure 4 in which we tested the method
based on Cross-Diagonal Texture Matrix, defined by
Al-Janobi in 2001 and the method based on grey
level differences defined by Weska et al. in 1976 to
discriminate Brodatz textures (Brodatz, 1966) and
wheat ears.
Figure 3: Results of classification with cross-diagonal
texture matrix and grey level differences. (a) and (a’): test
images. (b) and (b’): segmentation with cross-diagonal. (c)
and (c’): segmentation with grey level differences.
The two previous methods do not allow a well
recognition of the wheat ears, which can be due to
the aspect of the textures (local grey scale
variations), texture orientation, non-homogeneous
objects to detect, … For these different reasons, we
decided to study other statistical methods of first and
higher-order. The first order method implemented is
based on the computation of a mono-dimensional
histogram of the intensity (Pratt, 1991) from which 7
features are extracted: Mean, Variance, Energy,
Entropy, Contrast, Skewness, Kurtosis.
Nevertheless, this technique does not consider the
correlation between pixels in the processing. This
drawback is resolved by the study of a bi-
dimensional histogram based on the computation of
the co-occurrence matrix defined by Haralick et al.
in 1973. From this matrix, we extract some Haralick