Marios Anthimopoulos, Basilis Gatos and Ioannis Pratikakis
Computational Intelligence Laboratory, Institute of Informatics and Telecommunications
National Center for Scientific Research "Demokritos", GR-153 10 Agia Paraskevi, Athens, Greece
Keywords: Text detection, video frames, artificial text, edge-based.
Abstract: This paper proposes an algorithm for detecting artificial text in video frames using edge information. First,
an edge map is created using the Canny edge detector. Then, morphological dilation and opening are used in
order to connect the vertical edges and eliminate false alarms. Bounding boxes are determined for every
non-zero valued connected component, consisting the initial candidate text areas. Finally, an edge projection
analysis is applied, refining the result and splitting text areas in text lines. The whole algorithm is applied in
different resolutions to ensure text detection with size variability. Experimental results prove that the
method is highly effective and efficient for artificial text detection.
Nowadays the size of the available digital video
content is increasing rapidly. This fact leads to an
urgent need for fast and effective algorithms for
information retrieval from multimedia content for
applications in video indexing, editing or even video
compression. Text in video and images proves to be
a source of high-level semantics closely related to
the concept of the video. Moreover, artificial text
can provide us with even more powerful information
for television captured video indexing since this kind
of text is added in order to describe the content of
the video or give additional information related to it.
The procedure of retrieving text from video is
usually called “Video OCR” and consists of 3 basic
stages: text detection, text segmentation and
recognition. Text detection is a crucial step towards
the completion of the recognition process. The aim
of this paper is to give an algorithm for the spatial
detection of artificial text in video frames. The
algorithm intends to produce one bounding box for
every text line of the frame. Artificial text presents
some features and characteristics in order to be
readable from humans, like high intensity vertical
edge strokes, colour homogeneity, contrast between
text and background, horizontal alignment, various
geometrical constraints etc. The above features and
constraints are usually used by the text detection
systems for distinguishing text areas from non-text
areas. On the other hand, there are many challenges
that have to be faced like, text embedded in complex
backgrounds, with unknown color, size, font or low
resolution text. Many researchers have proposed
methods based on different architectures, feature
sets, and classifiers. These methods generally can be
classified into two categories: Bottom-up methods
and Top-down methods.
Bottom-up methods segment images into
“character” regions and group them into words.
Lienhart et al. (Lienhart, 1995) regard text regions as
connected components with the same or similar
color and size, and apply motion analysis to enhance
the text extraction results for a video sequence. The
input image is segmented using a split-and-merge
algorithm. Finally, a geometric analysis, including
the width, height, and aspect ratio, is used to filter
out any non-text components. Sobottka et al.
(Sobottka, 1999) use a region growing method in
order to detect homogeneous regions. Beginning
with a start region, pixels are merged if they belong
to the same cluster. Then the regions are grouped to
form text lines assuming that text lines consist of
more than three regions having a small horizontal
distance and a large vertical overlap to each other.
Top-down methods firstly detect text regions in
images and then split them in text lines. These
methods are also divided into two sub-categories:
Heuristic methods and Machine learning methods.
Heuristic methods use heuristic filters in order to
detect text. Malobabic et al.(
Malobabic, 2004) and Xi
(Xi, 2001) et al. propose edge based methods for
detecting text regions. An edge map is calculated
followed by smoothing filters, morphological
operations and geometrical constraints. However the
Anthimopoulos M., Gatos B. and Pratikakis I. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications - IU/MTSV, pages 161-166
use of Sobel operator cannot preserve successfully
the contours of the characters. Zhong et al. (Zhong,
2000) use the DCT coefficients of compressed jpeg
or mpeg files in order to distinguish the texture of
textual regions from non-textual regions. Sato et al.
(Sato, 1998) apply a 3x3 horizontal differential filter
to the entire image with appropriate binary
thresholding. If a bounding region which is detected
by the horizontal differential filtering technique
satisfies size, fill factor and horizontal-vertical
aspect ratio constraints, it is selected for recognition
as a text region. Du et al. (Du, 2003) propose a
methodology that uses MPCM (Multistage Pulse
Code Modulation) to locate potential text regions in
colour video images and then applies a sequence of
spatial filters to remove noisy regions, merges text
regions, produces boxes and finally eliminates the
text boxes that produce no OCR output. Crandall et
al. (Crandall, 2003) use the DCT coefficients to
detect text areas. Then connected component
analysis is performed in them followed by an
iterative greedy algorithm which refines the skew,
position and size of the initial bounding boxes.
Machine learning methods use trained, machine
learning techniques in order to detect text. Li et al.
(Li, 2000) propose a method based on neural
networks trained on wavelet features. The NN
classifies the pixels of a sliding window of 16x16
pixels. Wolf et al. (Wolf, 2004) use an SVM trained
on derivative and geometrical features. Yan et al.
(Yan, 2003) use a Back Propagation Artificial
Neural Network trained on Gabor edge features. Ye
et al. (Ye, 2005) use SVM and wavelets. Wu et al.
(Wu, 2005) propose a system of two co-trained
SVM’s on edge and color features. Lienhart et al.
(Lienhart, 2002) propose a method based on neural
network classification using gradient features. Chen
et al. (Chen, 2001) use several heuristics based on
edges to detect text and then refine the results using
a Bayesian Classifier trained on features based on
geometry and projection analysis. Clark et al. (Clark,
2000) presents five statistical measures for training a
NN. Chen et al. (Chen, 2003) use features like
Greyscale spatial derivatives, distance maps,
constant gradient variance and DCT coefficients fed
to an SVM classifier.
The structure of the remaining of our paper is as
follows: Section 2 describes the proposed algorithm
and its different stages, section 3 presents the
evaluation method and the experimental results and
section 4 provides a conclusion.
The proposed algorithm (Figure. 2) exploits the fact
that text lines produce strong vertical edges
horizontally aligned and follow specific shape
restrictions. Using edges as the prominent feature of
our system gives us the opportunity to detect
characters with different fonts and colours since
every character present strong edges, despite its font
or color, in order to be readable. An example of
artificial text in a video frame is given in Figure1.
Figure 1: Example of artificial text.
Figure 2: Flowchart of the proposed text detection
2.1 Text Area Detection
As a first step of our methodology we produce the
edge map of the video frame image. Several
methodologies are used in the literature for
computing the edge map of an image (Gonzalez,
1992). For our algorithm we use Canny (Canny,
1986) edge detector applied in greyscale images.
Canny uses Sobel masks in order to find the edge
magnitude of the image, in gray scale, and then uses
non-Maxima suppression and hysteresis
VISAPP 2007 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
thresholding. With these two post-processing
operations Canny edge detector manage to remove
non-maxima pixels, preserving the connectivity of
the contours. Ideally the created edge map is a
binarized image with the pixels of contours set to
one (white) and the background equal to zero (black)
(Figure 3a).
After computing the Canny edge map, a dilation
by an element 5x21 is performed to connect the
character contours of every text line (Figure.3b).
Experiments showed that a cross-shaped element has
better results. Then a morphological opening is used,
removing the noise and smoothing the shape of the
candidate text areas (Figure.3c). The element used
here is also cross-shaped with size 11x45. Every
component created by the previous dilation with
height less than 11 or width less than 45 is
suppressed. This means that every edge which could
not connect to a component larger than the element
of the dilation will be lost.
Unfortunately this operation may suppress the
edges of text lines with height less than 12 pixels.
However, this is not so devastating since characters
of this size are either way not recognized in the final
stage of the Video OCR system. Now every
component represents a candidate text area. Finally a
connected component analysis helps us to compute
the initial bounding boxes of the candidate text areas
2.2 Text Line Detection
The previous stage has a high detection rate but
relatively low precision. This means that most of the
text lines are included in the initial text boxes while
at the same time some text boxes may include more
than one text line as well as noise. This noise usually
comes from objects with high intensity edges that
connect to the text lines during the dilation process.
This low precision also comes from detected
bounding boxes which do not contain text but
objects with high vertical edge density. To increase
the precision and reject the false alarms we use a
method based on horizontal and vertical projections.
Firstly, the horizontal edge projection of every
box is computed and lines with projection values
below a threshold are discarded. In this way boxes
with more than one text line are divided and some
lines with noise are also discarded (Figure. 4).
Besides, boxes which do not contain text are usually
split in a number of boxes with very small height
and discarded by a next stage due to geometrical
Figure. 3: Text area detection. (a) Edge map, (b) Dilation,
(c) Opening, (d) CC analysis, Initial bounding boxes.
A box is discarded if:
Height is lower than a threshold (set to 12),
Height is greater than a threshold (set to 48),
Ratio width/ height is lower than a threshold
(set to 1.5).
Then, a similar procedure with vertical
projection follows (Figure. 5). This method would
actually break every text line in words or even in
characters. However, this is not an intention of the
algorithm so finally the vertically divided parts are
reconnected if the distance between them is less than
a threshold which depends on the height of the
candidate text line (set to 1.5*height). In this way, a
bounding box will split only if the distance between
two words is larger than the threshold which means
that actually belong to different text lines or if a part
of the candidate text line contain only noise. The
whole procedure with horizontal and vertical
projections is repeated three times in order to
segment even the most complicated text areas and
results to the final bounding boxes (Figure. 6).
Figure 4: Example of horizontal projection.
Figure 5: Example of vertical projection.
Figure 6: Bounding boxes after projection analysis.
2.3 Multiresolution Analysis
Using edge features in order to detect text gives to
the method independence from text color and
different fonts. However, this method clearly
depends on the size of the characters. The size of the
elements for the morphological operations and the
geometrical constraints give to the algorithm the
ability to detect text in a specific range of character
sizes. With the values described above the algorithm
is capable of detecting accurately characters with
height from 12 to 48 pixels. To overcome this
problem we adopt a multiresolution approach. The
algorithm described above is applied to the image in
different resolutions and finally the results are fused
to the initial resolution.
This fusion might be quite difficult if we
consider that the same text might be detected in
different resolutions so bounding boxes will overlap.
To avoid that, the algorithm suppresses the edges of
the already recognised characters in a resolution
before the edge map is passed to the next resolution.
For every resolution, except for the initial a blurring
filter is applied so the edges of the background
become weaker compared to the edges of the text
which still remain strong. This filter is not applied to
the first resolution because it would destroy the
contrast of the small characters that already suffer
the blurring caused by video compression. Taking
into account that artificial text in videos usually does
not contain very large characters and from the
experience of related experiments we chose to use
two resolutions for this approach: the initial, and the
one with a scale factor of 0.6. In this way the system
can detect characters with height up to 80 pixels
which was considered to be satisfying.
(c) (d)
Figure. 7: Multiresolution analysis. (a) Fine resolution, (b)
Result at fine resolution, (c) Coarse resolution, (d) Result
at coarse resolution.
Designing evaluation methods for text detection is
an aspect that has not be studied extensively. Very
few related works have been published, moreover
this works propose evaluation strategies with very
complicated implementations or demand great effort
for the generation of the ground truth (Hua, 2003),
(Manohar, 2006). In this work we used as evaluation
VISAPP 2007 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
indicators the recall and precision rates on a pixel
base. For the computation of these rates we need to
calculate the number of the pixels for the ground
truth bounding boxes, for the bounding boxes of the
detection method and for their intersection. As final
measure we use the F-measure, which is the
harmonic mean of recall and precision. However this
method proved to have several drawbacks which
have to be faced.
The first is that there is not an optimal way to
draw the ground truth bounding boxes. This means
that two boxes may be accurate enough for bounding
a text line although they may not include exactly the
same pixels. To overcome this problem one can
segment the text pixels from the background pixels
and then demand the presence of text pixels in the
output bounding box. However, this would make the
detection evaluation depend on the performance of
text segmentation which is surely not desirable. In
this work, we follow a more simple strategy to solve
this problem. The ground truth bounding boxes are
drawn in a way that the margins between the text
pixels and the edge of the box are equal for all text
lines. Moreover, as last stage of the detection
algorithm all bounding boxes grow by 8 pixels in
width and height, providing a satisfying
approximation of the ground truth.
Another drawback is the fact that this method
actually measures the percentage of detected pixels.
However the goal of the detection algorithm is not to
detect maximal amount of pixels but the maximal
number of characters. In other words, a text line
must have influence to the final evaluation measure
proportional to the number of containing characters
and not to the number of its pixels. Unfortunately,
the number of characters in a box cannot be defined
by the algorithm but it can be approximated by the
ratio width/height of the bounding box, if we assume
that this ratio is invariable for every character and
the spaces between different words in a text line is
proportional to its height. In this way, the recall and
precision rates are given by the equations (1), (2).
is the height of the i
ground truth
bounding box,
EG is its number of pixels,
EGD is
the number of pixels of the intersection that belong
to i
ground truth bounding box,
hd is the height of
the i
detection bounding box,
ED is its number of
EDG is the number of pixels of the
intersection that belong to i
detection bounding
box, N is the number of ground truth bounding
boxes and M is the number of detected bounding
is the height of the i
ground truth
bounding box,
EG is its number of pixels,
EGD is
the number of pixels of the intersection that belong
to i
ground truth bounding box,
hd is the height of
the i
detection bounding box,
ED is its number of
EDG is the number of pixels of the
intersection that belong to i
detection bounding
box, N is the number of ground truth bounding
boxes and M is the number of detected bounding
As an overall measure we use the weighted
harmonic mean of precision and recall also referred
as the F-measure (3).
By using this evaluation method we try to
approximate the rates of character detection through
pixel detection rates.
For testing the algorithm’s performance, 3 sets of
video frames (720x480) have been used, captured
from TRECVID 2005 and 2006 (http://www- For the results of
Table 1, a Pentium 4, 3.2 GHz processor has been
The results of set2 proved to be worse than the
others. This is probably because this set contains
images with very large fonts and also some scene
Table 1: Results of the algorithm.
Set1 Set2 Set3
Number of images 95 83 61
Number of ground
truth boxes
384 272 241
Recall 90.89% 83.4% 91.34%
Precision 83.52% 88.87% 91.06%
F-measure 87.05% 86.04% 91.19%
Time (secs) 37 31 21
Experimental results showed that very large fonts
cannot be detected using only the edge information
of the image because the edge texture of a large font
has many similarities with the texture of background
objects. Set3 contains artificial text with small fonts
and Set1 contains text in many different sizes as well
as some scene text.
In this paper, we present an edge-based algorithm
for artificial text detection in video frames. The
proposed methodology exploits the fact that text
lines produce strong vertical edges horizontally
aligned and follow specific shape restrictions.
Although the algorithm is designed to detect
horizontal artificial text, scene text can also be
detected in some cases. Experimental results
advocate very good performance in a variety of
different video frames. The method is vulnerable in
very complex backgrounds. In our future work, we
plan to exploit the color homogeneity of text.
This research is carried out within the framework of
the European project BOEMIE
( The research in this work
has received research funding from the EU-IST
Sixth Framework Programme.
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VISAPP 2007 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications