Table 1: Multiclass SVM results.
Problem Accuracy
Speed 76.96±0.84
Circular 97.02±0.77
Triangular 95.74±0.99
2006), and ECOC-ONE (Escalera et al., 2006b). Each
of the ECOC strategies are evaluated using different
decoding strategies: Euclidean distance, Laplacian
(Escalera et al., 2006a) and Pessimistic β-Density de-
coding (Escalera et al., 2006a). For the dense random
case, where we have selected n binary classifiers for a
fair comparison with one-versus-all and DECOC de-
signs in terms of a similar number of binary problems.
The classification tests are performed using stratified
ten-fold cross-validation with 95% of the confidence
We have generated three types of experiments,
each one for each of the three different traffic signs
groups. The mean rankings for each classification
strategy using the results of the three presented exper-
iments. The ranking is shown in fig. 4. One can ob-
serve that the best position is obtained by the ECOC-
ONE strategy, followed by one-versus-one, DECOC,
one-versus-all, and finally dense random strategy. It
is important to note that for each ECOC designs, the
Laplacian, and β-Density increase the classification
accuracy of Euclidean decoding for all the cases.
Figure 4: Ranking position for each classification strat-
egy. From left to right: (1)-one-versus-one Euclidean, (2)-
one-versus-one Laplacian, (3)-one-versus-one β-Density,
(4)-one-versus-all Euclidean, (5)-one-versus-all Laplacian,
(6)-one-versus-all β-Density, (7)-dense random Euclidean,
(8)-dense random Laplacian, (9)-dense random β-Density,
(10)-decoc Euclidean, (11)-decoc Laplacian, (12)-decoc
β-Density, (13)-ecoc-one Euclidean, (14)-ecoc-one Lapla-
cian, (15)-ecoc-one β-Density.
To show the robustness of the presented classifica-
tion framework, we compare the results obtained with
the ECOC methods with a built-in multiclass SVM.
The results are shown in table 1. One can observe
that the linear multiclass SVM obtains inferior results
to the ones obtained by one-versus-one and ECOC-
ONE strategies.
In this paper, we presented a classification scheme
that obtains a very high performance for the prob-
lem of traffic sign classification. The system has three
main stages: traffic sign detection, model fitting and
spatial normalization, and sign categorization. The
multiclass classification techniques are evaluated on
real video sequences obtained from a Mobile Map-
ping System. We compared the state-of-the-art and
recently proposed designs for Error Correcting Out-
put Codes, and we combined them with robust de-
coding strategies, showing high robustness and bet-
ter performance than traditional ECOC designs and
the state-of-the-art multiclassifiers. In particular, the
Laplacian and β-Density decoding strategies when
applied to the coding designs improve the system per-
formance. The presented traffic sign recognition sys-
tem obtains robust classification results in front of
high variability of the objects appearance.
This work was supported in part by the projects,
FIS-G03/1085, FIS-PI031488, MI-1509/2005, and
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