Table 1: Mean accuracies and 95% confidence intervals of the logistic regression method trained separately (first row) and
following our shared logistic approach (second row). When more than 4 verification tasks are simultaneously trained, the
error rates of the shared approach become lower.
1 2 3 4 5
Logistic 68.1± 8.2 65.5± 6.4 69.5± 5.3 68.2± 4.2 69.8± 3.9
Shared Logistic 59.4± 4.2 64.2± 5.4 67.9± 5.2 71.3± 5.2
6 7 8 9 10
Logistic 68.2± 3.6 68.6± 3.3 70.4± 3.3 69.8± 3.0 70.4± 2.9
Shared Logistic 72.8± 4.2 76.4± 3.1 78.2± 2.8 82.5± 2.4 84.6± 2.3
the improvement is more significant when the number
of jointly trained verification tasks increases, being a
15% higher in the case of 10 simultaneous verifica-
The probabilistic modelling presented in this pa-
per suggests new lines of future research. In our
first formulation, the sharing knowledge property is
imposed by constraining the parameter space of the
classifiers along the multiple tasks. Other approaches
could be followed, such as a more complex modelling
based on a hidden model that generates the parameter
Moreover, the addition of extra related tasks from
different domains could be studied. For example, a
gender or ethnicity recognition problem. The enlarge-
ment of the task pool should benefit the amount of
shared information between the related tasks, miti-
gating the effects of the small sample size problem
in face verification.
This work is supported by MEC grant TIN2006-
15308-C02-01, Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnologia,
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