Xiaofeng Fan, Harvey E. Rhody
Chester F. Carlson Center for Imaging Science, Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY, USA
Eli Saber
Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY, USA
Image Registration, Maximization of Mutual Information.
Maximization of Mutual information (MMI) is a method that is used widely for multi-modal image registra-
tion. However, classical MMI techniques utilize only regional and/or global statistical information and do not
make use of spatial features. Several techniques have been proposed to extend MMI to use spatial informa-
tion, but have proven to be computationally demanding. In this paper, a new approach is proposed to combine
spatial information with MMI by using the Harris Corner Label (HCL) algorithm. We use the HCL based
MMI algorithm to accelerate the computation and improve the registration over noisy images. Our results
indicate that the HCL based registration technique yields superior performance on multimodal imagery when
compared to its classical MMI based counterpart.
The availability of remote sensing imagery from satel-
lites and aircraft using many kinds of imaging sen-
sors has led to the need for robust and efficient multi-
modal registration tools. Some imagery examples in-
clude low and high resolution still/video cameras in
the visual spectrum, multi-spectral cameras using a
variety of infra-red wavelengths, imaging spectrome-
ters and synthetic-aperture radar systems. Maximiza-
tion of Mutual Information MMI (Viola, 1995), ini-
tially introduced by Viola, is an automatic registra-
tion method for multi-modal images that exploits the
underlying inherent information relationships. Com-
pared to cross-correlation, it is insensitive to bright-
ness variations that are inherent across modalities.
However, it is somewhat computationally slow and
sensitive to image noise. The technique described in
this paper will address these shortcomings.
The MMI-based image registration represents an
entropy-based measure that does not require the def-
inition of features such as edges or corners and does
not employ spatial information that would be avail-
able in the form of image features. Researchers have
proposed adaptation of the traditional MMI-based
registration framework to incorporate spatial infor-
mation. Butz et al. (Butz and Thiran, 2001) ap-
plied Mutual Information (MI) to edge measures de-
fined by different edge operators. However, the at-
traction range is narrow thereby increasing the dif-
ficulty of the optimization procedure. Pluim et al.
(Plium et al., 2000) proposed including spatial infor-
mation by multiplying the MI measure with an ex-
ternal local gradient term. Holden et al. (Holden
et al., 2004) registered two images by maximizing the
multi-dimensional MI of the corresponding features.
Gan et al. (Gan and Chung, 2005) utilized the spatial
feature, maximum distance-gradient-magnitude, in a
complicated and computationally extensive four di-
mensional framework for image registration.
In this paper, we introduce a spatial feature-based
technique that uses the Harris Corner Label (HCL)
algorithm to identify high-information pixels and a
wavelet pyramid to support computation at different
scales. We propose to calculate the MI from the
HCL map of the original images instead of their cor-
responding intensity values. The experimental re-
sults demonstrate that our method is both more robust
and efficient than that of traditional MMI registration
techniques for multimodal registration. The remain-
der of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2
provides a brief background on spatial feature infor-