three locations 1, 2 and 3, see Figure 4. The arrows
indicate the optical axes of the cameras. The index
numbers indicate the model locations and
corresponding cameras’ positions and poses. In each
position every upward triangle surface is visible to at
least one stereo pair; the algorithm proves that a set
of two pairs is sufficient to cover three triangle
surfaces. When the model moves from position 1 to
position 2, the stereo pair positions (0,200) and
(0,250) change to (0,0) and (0,50) respectively. The
elevation angle is increased as the model moves
further away from the camera. At the same time,
another stereo pair located at (600,0) and (650,0)
moves to (800,100) and (800,150) respectively, the
elevation angle is decreased as the model moves
closer to it. The azimuth
and elevation
stereo pair may vary by camera individually. Both
two stereo pairs follow the model when the model
changes from position 2 to position 3, see Figure 4.
The proposed approach is useful in determining the
optimal number of cameras and their corresponding
positions and poses to observe human body and
activities space in stereo view. The stereo pair has
the flexibility to adjust cameras’ poses and positions
individually. Multi camera planning and control for
surveillance and tracking in supermarkets, museums
and the home environment, and especially in
situations which require stereo data to reconstruct
3D, are possible fields of application.
To model the target object as a tetrahedron
gives a convenient way to extract the orientation of
each surface and guarantee a good observability.
Modelling camera’s FoV using spherical coordinates
simplifies the model and constraints, which speeds
up computations. Formulating the stereo pairs with
greedy algorithm using stereo constraints is a simple
way to get all possible stereo pairs and then
minimize the amount of stereo pairs by means of the
stereo view ILP model.
It is possible to extend this algorithm to
dynamic cameras to track humans. In order to follow
target objects movement, the camera movement
distance constraints can be applied (Chen et
al., 2007). The human activities space also can be
extended to a large space modelled by multiple
tetrahedrons. The space can be covered without
changes of cameras’ positions and poses. Future
work may focus on dynamic occlusions and tracking
multiple dynamic objects by using multiple dynamic
stereo pairs.
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