An automatic approach for left ventricle anatomical
landmarks extraction has been implemented. The
classification approach does not require any prior
knowledge about the ventriculograms and not require
some preprocessing of the input data.
A quantitative validation stage is implemented.
The estimated landmarks from the detection approach
show a good match with the landmarks located by
specialist. This application would be a useful tool for
detecting the left ventricle landmark in conventional
Left Anterior Oblique (LAO) 60
Further research involves incorporationof the pro-
posed classifier to an approach for left ventricle con-
tour detection using deformable models.
The authors would like to thank the CDCHT from
Universidad de Los Andes–T´achira and Investigation
Dean’s Office of Universidad Nacional Experimental
del T´achira. Authors would also like to thank the Cen-
tro M´edico Caracas in Caracas, Venezuela for provi-
ding the human ventriculographic databases.
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