Points selected in 90% or more of the runs are
considered inliers. Visual inspection of the selected
candidate points confirms that all but one of the in-
liers selected corresponded to correct matches. The
remaining one is located in a smooth area where it is
not possible to determine if it is a correct match or
not. The very restrictive distance threshold between
the data points and the model used for outlier rejec-
tion (equal or less than a pixel) explains the relatively
low number of inliers when compared to manual eval-
It should be noted that it takes a much larger num-
ber of iterations to arrive to the final answer in the
original set of points than when fitting the MI regis-
tered set. This suggests a higher proportion of outliers
in the original set than in the registered set.
We have presented an improvement over our previ-
ous landmark extraction method for registration vali-
dation. The previous method made no direct compar-
ison between the registered images to guarantee the
similarity of the candidate points. We have shown
that this can be done by using a local estimate of the
MI criterion as a similarity measure and registering
locally with rigid transformations.
We have also observed that although low com-
plexity similarity criteria like the SSD are good for
matching consecutive frames with small appearance
changes, they are not appropriate to compare images
captured at long time intervals. The failure of the SSD
similarity criterion to align even correctly matched
candidate points confirms that multi modality regis-
tration framework is better suited for this type of im-
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select the final landmarks. Such a constraint is nec-
essary because the MI similarity criterion, as imple-
mented, is not sufficiently discriminative to separate
landmarks from mismatches. Further research in the
use of similarity criteria that takes into account im-
portant visual information such as color and edges to-
gether with a better geometric model of the cervix de-
formation should improve the robustness of the sys-
tem and reduce the number of false negatives (land-
marks classified as mismatches).
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