as well as at the reference position with vertices
n n+ 1 n+ 1 n
m m m+ 1 m+ 1
The vertices x
and y
are then inversely trans-
formed to align with the target grid. The source pixel
value is weighted with the area of the polygon inter-
section between source and target pixels (see Fig.1).
This method has the advantage that it can be adapted
accurately for any kind of spatial transformation, al-
though it may require adding more vertices to support
non-linear transformations.
Using this technique, 25 frames provided by
the NASA Pathfinder mission were stacked (Peter
Cheeseman and Bob Kanefsky and Richard Kraft and
John Stutz and Robin Hanson, 1996). The frames
were aligned using localised features (Jianbo Shi
and Carlo Tomasi, 1994), with trivial outlier rejec-
tion. A high-resolution grid was specified after which
the polygon intersections were calculated using the
Liang-Barsky algorithm (You-Dong Liang and Brian
A. Barsky, 1983). The results are shown in Fig. 2.
Note that this is not a super-resolution algorithm (al-
though the interpolation can certainly be combined
with such a statistical estimation process), but simply
increased resolution stacking.
Registration algorithms can be divided into two broad
classes: those that operate in the spatial and fre-
quency (i.e. Fourier) domains, respectively. In the
spatial domain, there are sparse methods including
local descriptors, that depend on some form of fea-
ture extraction, and dense methods that operate di-
rectly on image values such as optical flow and corre-
lation. The two classes generally differ in that the spa-
tial methods are localised, whereas the frequency do-
main methods (Reddy and Chatterji, 1996; Hanzhou
Liu and Baolong Guo and Zongzhe Feng, 2006; Has-
san Faroosh (Shekarforoush) and Josiane B. Zerubia,
2002; Harold S Stone and Stephen A Martucci and
Michael T Orchard and Ee-chien Chang, 2001) op-
erate globally. Attempts have been made to bridge
this gap, by using wavelet and other transforms to
locate information-carrying energy (George Lazardis
and Maria Petrou, 2006). These have been met with
varying success.
Each registration method has its own particu-
lar advantages and disadvantages. Fourier methods,
for example, are fast but inaccurate, suffer from re-
sampling and occlusion effects (Siavash Zokai and
George Wolberg, 2005, p. 1425), and only operate
globally. Iterative registration, on the other hand, is
highly accurate but extremely slow, and prone to mis-
registration due to local minima in the minimisation
These problems led to the development of meth-
ods based on localised interest points (Carlo Tomasi
and Takeo Kanade, 1991; Jianbo Shi and Carlo
Tomasi, 1994; Tommasini et al., 1998; Tony Linde-
berg, 1998), such as the scale-invariant feature trans-
form (SIFT) (Lowe, 2003), the fast Speeded Up Ro-
bust Features (SURF) (Herbert Bay and Tinne Tuyte-
laars and Luc Van Gool, 2006) and others (K. Miko-
lajczyk and C. Schmid, 2002). All these methods de-
pend on unique localised features, which are available
in many images. There are, however, cases where it is
very difficult to distinguish one feature from another
without examining its spatial context.
As an example, we will use frames recorded by a
CCD mounted on a telescope pointing at a deep-space
object. It is very difficult to find features to track in
these images, because the stars (all potential features)
are virtually identical and rotationally invariant. Since
local features fail, and global methods are slow and
unreliable, we would like to find an algorithm that can
bridge the gap.
We will proceed to show that the log-polar trans-
form (LPT) is an ideal candidate. While previously
its use has been limited due to its high computational
cost, we develop ways of reducing those costs and
making the LPT behave more like local features.
The log-polar transform (LPT) spatially warps an im-
age onto new axes, angle (θ) and log-distance (L).
Pixel coordinates (x,y) are written in terms of their
offset from the centre, (x
), as
¯x = x− x
¯y = y− y
For each pixel, the angle is defined by
θ =
¯x 6= 0
0 ¯x = 0
with a distance of
L = log
+ ¯y
The base, b, which determines the width of the trans-
form output, is chosen to be
b = e
= d