Polygon Based Interpolation and Robust Log-polar Based Registration
Stéfan van der Walt and Ben Herbst
University of Stellenbosch, South Africa
Geometry, interpolation, registration, image-processing, astronomy, log-polar transform.
A polygon-based interpolation algorithm is presented for use in stacking RAW CCD images. The algorithm
improves on linear interpolation in this scenario by closely describing the underlying geometry. 25 frames
are stacked in a comparison. When stacking images, it is required that these images are accurately aligned.
We present a novel implementation of the log-polar transform that overcomes its prohibitively expensive com-
putation, resulting in fast, robust image registration. This is demonstrated by registering and stacking CCD
frames of stars taken by a telescope.
In this paper we describe two techniques which have
proved useful in the construction of resolution refin-
ing algorithms. The first is polygon-based interpola-
tion. When stacking RAW CCD readouts, the frames
are aligned and interpolation is applied to obtain val-
ues on a common grid. Unlike bi-linear interpola-
tion, that can cause blur and is not well suited to the
geometry of the problem, geometric interpolation is
designed to take not only the positions but also the
shape of pixels into account.
The second technique is image registration or
alignment using the log-polar transform (LPT). While
the LPT has been proposed for this purpose before,
the computational cost is prohibitive. We show how
the LPT can beused in a way that requires much fewer
computations, without compromising robustness or
Given an image, or grid of pixel values, we would like
to calculate the value at an arbitrary point in the grid.
Bi-linear interpolation esentially uses a weighted av-
erage of the closest four pixels, based on their dis-
tances from the target position (Press et al., 2003). If
pixels are seen as infinitely small points in space, this
method yields accurate results.
When, however,weconsider that pixelshavefinite
areas, this method is only reasonably accurate when
the target pixel is horizontally and vertically aligned
with the original grid. As soon as rotation or skew
comes into play, linear interpolation no longer resem-
bles the underlying geometry, as is the case when
stacking raw CCD frames. The CCD sensor com-
prises a number of light-sensitivecapacitors, arranged
in a grid. For the purpose of this article we will as-
sume that the shape of these capacitors is square, but
the method described allows for any geometry, also
in the arrangement on the sensor itself (permitted that
there are no holes, as in the case of the colour-masked
Given a target pixel position, (r,s), and a trans-
formed (for example rotated and translated) source
pixel at (m,n) with value W
, we would like to cal-
culate the contribution of the source to the target. We
construct a quadrilateral polygon at the target position
with vertices
s s+ 1 s+ 1 s
r r r+ 1 r+ 1
van der Walt S. and Herbst B. (2007).
METHODS USED IN INCREASED RESOLUTION PROCESSING - Polygon Based Interpolation and Robust Log-polar Based Registration.
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications - IFP/IA, pages 135-140
as well as at the reference position with vertices
n n+ 1 n+ 1 n
m m m+ 1 m+ 1
The vertices x
and y
are then inversely trans-
formed to align with the target grid. The source pixel
value is weighted with the area of the polygon inter-
section between source and target pixels (see Fig.1).
This method has the advantage that it can be adapted
accurately for any kind of spatial transformation, al-
though it may require adding more vertices to support
non-linear transformations.
Using this technique, 25 frames provided by
the NASA Pathfinder mission were stacked (Peter
Cheeseman and Bob Kanefsky and Richard Kraft and
John Stutz and Robin Hanson, 1996). The frames
were aligned using localised features (Jianbo Shi
and Carlo Tomasi, 1994), with trivial outlier rejec-
tion. A high-resolution grid was specified after which
the polygon intersections were calculated using the
Liang-Barsky algorithm (You-Dong Liang and Brian
A. Barsky, 1983). The results are shown in Fig. 2.
Note that this is not a super-resolution algorithm (al-
though the interpolation can certainly be combined
with such a statistical estimation process), but simply
increased resolution stacking.
Registration algorithms can be divided into two broad
classes: those that operate in the spatial and fre-
quency (i.e. Fourier) domains, respectively. In the
spatial domain, there are sparse methods including
local descriptors, that depend on some form of fea-
ture extraction, and dense methods that operate di-
rectly on image values such as optical flow and corre-
lation. The two classes generally differ in that the spa-
tial methods are localised, whereas the frequency do-
main methods (Reddy and Chatterji, 1996; Hanzhou
Liu and Baolong Guo and Zongzhe Feng, 2006; Has-
san Faroosh (Shekarforoush) and Josiane B. Zerubia,
2002; Harold S Stone and Stephen A Martucci and
Michael T Orchard and Ee-chien Chang, 2001) op-
erate globally. Attempts have been made to bridge
this gap, by using wavelet and other transforms to
locate information-carrying energy (George Lazardis
and Maria Petrou, 2006). These have been met with
varying success.
Each registration method has its own particu-
lar advantages and disadvantages. Fourier methods,
for example, are fast but inaccurate, suffer from re-
sampling and occlusion effects (Siavash Zokai and
George Wolberg, 2005, p. 1425), and only operate
globally. Iterative registration, on the other hand, is
highly accurate but extremely slow, and prone to mis-
registration due to local minima in the minimisation
These problems led to the development of meth-
ods based on localised interest points (Carlo Tomasi
and Takeo Kanade, 1991; Jianbo Shi and Carlo
Tomasi, 1994; Tommasini et al., 1998; Tony Linde-
berg, 1998), such as the scale-invariant feature trans-
form (SIFT) (Lowe, 2003), the fast Speeded Up Ro-
bust Features (SURF) (Herbert Bay and Tinne Tuyte-
laars and Luc Van Gool, 2006) and others (K. Miko-
lajczyk and C. Schmid, 2002). All these methods de-
pend on unique localised features, which are available
in many images. There are, however, cases where it is
very difficult to distinguish one feature from another
without examining its spatial context.
As an example, we will use frames recorded by a
CCD mounted on a telescope pointing at a deep-space
object. It is very difficult to find features to track in
these images, because the stars (all potential features)
are virtually identical and rotationally invariant. Since
local features fail, and global methods are slow and
unreliable, we would like to find an algorithm that can
bridge the gap.
We will proceed to show that the log-polar trans-
form (LPT) is an ideal candidate. While previously
its use has been limited due to its high computational
cost, we develop ways of reducing those costs and
making the LPT behave more like local features.
The log-polar transform (LPT) spatially warps an im-
age onto new axes, angle (θ) and log-distance (L).
Pixel coordinates (x,y) are written in terms of their
offset from the centre, (x
), as
¯x = x x
¯y = y y
For each pixel, the angle is defined by
θ =
¯x 6= 0
0 ¯x = 0
with a distance of
L = log
+ ¯y
The base, b, which determines the width of the trans-
form output, is chosen to be
b = e
= d
0.25 1.5
Figure 1: Illustration of the relation between interpolation weight and polygon overlap. A single polygon was transformed
with the given offset and angle to obtain the shown overlap, where blue represents zero and red represents one. Note that,
unlike with linear interpolation, the weights not only depend only on the distances between points.
(a) Sample input frame 1 (b) Polygon-based interpolation
Figure 2: Enhanced resolution obtained by stacking 25 frames, using polygon-based interpolation.
where d is the distance from (x
) to the corner of
the image, and w is the width or height of the input
image, whichever is largest.
When warping images, it is not possible to use the
forward transform. Since we use discrete coordinates
(integer x and y values), more than one input coordi-
nate may map to the same output coordinate. Worse
still, not every output coordinate will be covered.
One solution is to calculate the irregular grid of
coordinates obtained by transforming each input co-
ordinate (without discretising). Then, the input is
warped and resampled (using interpolation) at the re-
quired output positions. An easier and computation-
ally less intensive method is to reverse the process.
For each output coordinate, the transformation is ap-
plied in reverse, to obtain a coordinate in the input
image. Using interpolation, an output value is deter-
mined from the input. This can be done if, ignoring
the effect of discretisation, the transformation func-
tion is a one-to-one correspondence, and all input and
output coordinates are mapped.
Given θ and L , we would now like to find x and y.
First, calculate the distance r from the centre,
r = e
= e
after which x and y can be recovered as
x = rcos(θ) + x
y = rsin(θ) + y
Note the relationship of the input image to the axes of
the LPT: if the input is rotated it results in a shift in
the θ axis, whereas scaling the input is seen as a shift
0 50 100 150 200
Colour input
1.00 3.45 11.89 41.01 141.42
Distance from centre
Angle (θ)
Log polar transform
Figure 3: Illustration of the log-polar transform.
in the L axis. It is this property of the LPT that is used
in registration.
In (Siavash Zokai and George Wolberg, 2005), affine
registration based on the log-polar transform is de-
scribed. Given a reference frame, R(x,y), and a target
frame, B(x,y), we want to find a transformation, T,
such that
R(x,y) = B(T(x,y)).
Assuming that the frames are images taken of the
same object from a long distance, we know that the
transformation must be a similarity, i.e. it is limited to
translation, rotation and scale. If we express a coordi-
nate (x,y) as a homogenous coordinate p = [x,y,1]
we can view the transformation as a matrix multipli-
T(p) = Mp
M =
scos(θ) ssin(θ) t
ssin(θ) scos(θ) t
0 0 1
and R represents rotation, t translation and s scale.
The LPT proceeds as follows:
From the centre of the reference frame, p
, cut a disc with a radius of roughly 20%
of the image width (larger or equal to the size of
the features we wish to track), and obtain its LPT.
For each position in the target frame, p
= [x
cut out a disc of the same size as the reference
disc and obtain its LPT. Correlate the result with
the reference disc, taking care to wrap the angles-
axis. This is easily accomplished using the FFT.
If the normalised correlation is higher than at any
other point thus far, store the position, rotation (θ)
and scale (s).
The s and R components of M can now be determined,
after which the position is related to translation by
t = p
The method outlined above is extremely robust, even
in the presence of high levels of noise, changes in il-
lumination and large differences in scale, rotation and
translation. Unfortunately, its computational com-
plexity proves to be prohibitive: even for a small
image of dimension 200 × 200, roughly 40000 log-
polar transforms and correlations need to be calcu-
lated. Furthermore, unless the target frame overlaps
with the centre of the reference frame, the registration
-1 0 1
Figure 4: Fourier domain representation of the high-
frequency emphasis kernel.
Figure 5: The variance map highlights areas of interest.
To address this problem, we choose more discs in
the reference frame, but severely limit the number of
discs in the target frame, thereby reducing the number
of log-polar transforms and correlations that need to
be calculated. To accomplish this, we need to iden-
tify areas in both the reference and target frames that
are likely to contain useful features. Smooth areas are
less likely to contain such information. An intuitive
measure of smoothness is variance—as is often used
in texture analysis—but this commonly fails. For
example, imagine two images, one being a checker-
board pattern and the other divided in two halves, one
black and one white. The intensities in these images
will have the same variance, while their content and
texture differs. To counter this problem, we first apply
the high-frequency emphasis kernel,
κ =
0 1 0
1 1 1
0 1 0
of which the frequency response is shown in Figure 4,
to each frame. The variance is then calculated over a
moving window, yielding a map indicating potentially
useful features, as shown in Figure5.
(a) Example input frame (b) Result
Figure 6: Stacking is often used in astronomy to limit noise
and gather more light on the camera sensor. Here, 25 obser-
vations are stacked after automatic registration, using the
log-polar algorithm (photographs by Chris Forder of the
Cederberg Observatory).
To locate the position of such features, the map
is divided into smaller blocks, and the peak value in
each block is taken as the position of a disc. We use
16 equally-sized blocks in the reference frame and 40
equally-sized blocks in each of the target frames. Po-
sitions are rejected when the variance falls outside the
range of variances at reference positions. Discs can
also be rejected in terms of other criteria, for exam-
ple on the grounds of being symmetric, since such
discs can yield invalid matches at different angles.
The process outlined earlier is then followed, correlat-
ing discs in the reference and target frames to find the
registration parameters. Note that the number of log-
polar transforms and correlations are reduced from
tens-of-thousands to fewer than 160. All log-polar
transforms use the same set of transformation coor-
dinates, which only need to be calculated once.
Since the variance map has a smoothing effect on
the input, we have to allow for a small error in the po-
sition of maximum correlation. A small search area,
typically 5× 5 pixels, is defined around this point, for
which the registration is repeated to provide a refined
It is suggested in (Siavash Zokai and George Wol-
berg, 2005) that iterative minimisation of the registra-
tion parameters is performed, thereby increasing the
accuracy even further. We have found, however, that
this process often diverges due to the large number of
local minima in the minimisation space.
Figure 6 shows 25 frames from a telescope CCD
registered and stacked.
Linear interpolation is not equally well suited to all
applications. We show that an algorithm that is
closely related to the underlying geometry of an ap-
plication can yield results with higher accuracy.
For most applications in registration, localised in-
terest points provide fast, localised and accurate re-
sults. However, there are cases where these algo-
rithms fail, thus requiring a more robust algorithm.
The log-polar transform provides such an algorithm,
at significant computational cost. Using the meth-
ods described in this paper, the computational cost
of LPT-based registration can be decreased, making
it both practical and effective.
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