with a blue background. The enlarged details in the
red square are relatively reasonable, while those in the
green square are missing in the composite image.
The performance of these matting algorithms de-
pends on the positions and the quantity of the user
inputs. In particular, when a user draws only a few
strokes, the performance can deteriorate drastically.
An example of the calculation time is as follows.
Using a 2.66 GHz CPU with 3 GB RAM, an image
size of 341×455 pixels (the stuffed rabbit in Figure 3)
requires about 23 sec for the classification by SVM
and about 17 sec for the subsequent estimation by
BP and sampling without specific programming op-
This paper has proposed the improvement of the cost
function for image matting. A key contribution is the
use of neighboring information in terms of higher di-
mensional vectors, instead of considering the infor-
mation in a single pixel. In addition, we enhanced the
discrimination between foreground and background
with SVM. We obtained high-quality matting results
even when a foreground object and background had
similar colors.
Our future work includes further improvements
to the cost function and estimation process for fore-
ground and background colors, in order to obtain
more desirable results. Setting the parameter values
also influences matting results. In this study, we man-
ually set optimal values for λ
and λ
, which may
not be implemented in practice. Statistical inference
methods, such as the maximum of marginal likelihood
(Tanaka, 2002) could be used for this parameter esti-
mation. Another problem is the optimal setting of the
parameters σ and a
in the SVM formulation. Cross
validation method is one promising solution for this
composite image
Figure 4: An example of composite images with blue back-
ground. It can be seen that some details in the original im-
age are missing in the composite image.
The study was supported by the advanced surveil-
lance technology project of MEXT. The authors thank
T. Kurita and N. Ichimura for their helpful discus-
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