We have extended the definition and applied circular
versions of statistics commonly used for linearly
ordered data; in particular, the sample average,
median, gap, min, max, concentration and range. We
applied their running versions as smoothers and edge
detectors of colour images. As expected, for the
noises tried, the median filter works better visually
than the average. We consider that the edge detector
with best performance is the one given by 1-T(gap).
As in the case of the phase of complex numbers,
undeniable useful, in some cases these statistics
must be left undefined. Two methods to apply
morphological operators to angle valued signals are
presented. These novel tools for colour image
processing are likely to be useful.
Unlike previous versions of colour morphology, we
consider only the hue component, leaving the
components of saturation and value unaltered. Also,
we respect the circular nature of the hue variable
while taking advantage of grey level morphology.
The processing of the hue component alone
illustrates the effect of the tools which are particular
due to the circular nature of the hue variable.
The cases of undefined statistics and
morphological operators are more common,
although on a, say 5x5 window, it is probably hard
to find 25 hues uniformly distributed. We have
chosen to leave the corresponding pixels unaltered
but other choices are possible.
We have given algorithms for the interpolation
of hue valued functions on triangular meshes as well
as on 1D discrete domains. We found an unexpected
lack of algorithms for the lifting of angle functions,
this seems to be a fertile field of research.
The field of color image processing is important
in computer vision tasks such as the detection of
malaria in blood films (Ortiz et al., 2005) and also in
tasks where the aesthetic quality of the processed
image is important such as in commercial colour
photography and in digital document restoration.
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VISAPP 2007 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications