ment of quality of the images reconstructed with pro-
posed method is demonstrated using dependency in-
The platform on which this method is imple-
mented is Robovie-M by VStone with a Renesas CPU
at 40Mhz and a RAM of 256k–Word of 16–bit. The
digital camera used is a CMOS camera (an OV3620
by Omnivision). Acquiring the 240×240 Bayer pat-
tern with a QVGA resolution and interpolating it
with the Periodic Reconstruction Interpolation, en-
ables the robot to allocate memory space for three im-
ages to be used for image processing operations that
cannot be done in place. We reached a performance
of 2 fps on the 40Mhz CPU that has also to control 22
motors during image processing time.
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proposed method to omnidirectional images. We are
evaluating an extension of Periodic Reconstruction
Interpolation to other patterns, for example to pat-
tern implemented in STMicroelectronics cameras, ob-
tained skipping also two rows with the same ratio.
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