surface curvature for each vertex of the actual 3D
mesh and decide where to project more points.
This approach was proved to be very efficient,
because the reconstructed 3D surface needs much
less storage space compared to that obtained by
traditional method and does not need a post-process
for decimation. The quality of reconstructed 3D
surface is very satisfactory: compared to the one
issued from traditional method, the 3D surface of the
mask obtained by applying our approach has an
average distance error of less than 0.2 mm. The
whole reconstruction process takes only several
minutes. Compared to the traditional method, our
system is not faster. However, the later time-
consuming mesh simplification procedure can be
avoided since the 3D model obtained is optimized.
Our future work will focus on the improvement
of the system. Special efforts will be made on image
processing, surface curvature estimation and the
generation of new patterns. Once the system
becomes robust, we hope to apply this 3D
reconstruction approach to industrial application,
such as quality control, etc.
The authors gratefully acknowledge the support of
European Social Funds (France), University of
Applied Sciences in Mainz (Germany), and Regional
Council of Burgundy (France).
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VISAPP 2007 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications