tion angles between images reduce the overlapping region of the images, thus reducing
the number of corresponding features. In order to overcome these issues, rotationally
invariant matching function can be employed such as, e.g., SIFT features extractor [19].
On the other hand, in a real application a proper visual sampling rate during robot move-
ment would avoid large displacements between two poses.
6 Conclusions and Ongoing Activity
In this paper we presented a novel method to estimate the odometry of a mobile robot
through a single uncalibrated fixed camera. Assuming that the robot is moving on a
planar floor, images of the floor texture is taken. Salient points are extracted from the
image and are used to estimate the transformation between the ground plane before
a displacement and the ground plane after the displacement. The proposed technique
also estimate the homography between the ground plane and the image plane, which
allows to determine the 2D structure of the observed features. An estimation method
of both transformations was described. Preliminary experimental activities that vali-
date the method for small and large rotational displacements are also presented and
Ongoing works are aimed at improving the estimate method in order to provide
reliable estimate in presence of large rotational displacements. Other experimental ac-
tivities will be conducted in order to better stress the method in different situations. We
are also planning to implement a real time version of the proposed method on a real ap-
plication in order to use the odometric estimate for localization tasks in a mobile robots.
Other possible future research direction are the employment of catadioptric cameras in
order to exploit their large field; however, using catadioptric cameras the transforma-
tions are not homography, unless central catadioptric cameras are used, which are, on
the other hand, difficult to set up.
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