Figure 5: Initial 3-D reconstruction.
Figure 6: Expanding the 3-D reconstruction.
Figure 7: Final 3-D reconstructed scene.
contribution of this work is the description of ba-
sic algorithms for calibration, registration and recon-
struction using TOF cameras (in combination with
CCD cameras). These algorithms are not explic-
itly limited to medical applications, but constitute a
proof of concept considering the applicability of this
technology in minimally invasive surgery and espe-
cially NOTES
, i.e. NOTES procedures utilizing a
MUSTOF endoscope. Future investigations will ad-
dress extensions and modifications of the proposed al-
gorithms to ensure an optimal performanceif the TOF
camera acquires its data via an endoscope optic. Fur-
thermore, the achievable accuracy of the 3-D recon-
struction will be investigated: currently, an evaluation
of the accuracyof a TOF camera has only very limited
relevance for a MUSTOF endoscope as the character-
istics of the used optical system (standard lense vs.
endoscope optic) vary significantly.
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NOTES3D: ENDOSCOPES LEARN TO SEE 3-D - Basic Algorithms for a Novel Endoscope