– a one-dimensional fuzzy worldmark summarizing the content of the FLM;
– object, designed to store the label associated to the recognized object;
– time, reserved to the storage of information regarding the utility of the case of
As indicated above, the first field is dedicated to the representation of the FLM. Specifi-
cally, in order to guarantee the applicability of the current approach to real-time control,
a simplification has been introduced: the bi-dimensional fuzzy map of Fig. 1 is replaced
with a one-dimensional fuzzy signal, named worldmark. The worldmark is computed
by determining, for each direction around the robot, the value of the cell with the high-
est matching score to the set of empty cells, or, in other words, the cell for which the
risk of belonging to a possible obstacle is minimum (see Fig. 2). Therefore the “new
case” that appears in Fig. 2 consists of a vector of N elements (typically N=360) with
values in the interval [0,1].
Before launching into the detailed description of the representation modalities of
the aforementioned three fields, we believe it useful to provide a general overview of
the entire algorithm. The domain expert’s possibility to intervene in the decision task is
possible both in the initial training phase of the system as well as during the verification
phase for the retrieved solutions. Another aspect worthy of attention is the one related to
the adoption of a double similarity test. It is manifest that as the pertinence of the case
library increases, so does the probability of retrieving a candidate with a good value
of similarity to the case under examination and, therefore, that the associated solution
to will prove to be valid even in a contingent situation. On the other hand, a rather
voluminous library presents the two following inconveniences:
– more time necessary for the retrieval of the required information;
– a depletion in terms of available space.
In order to avoid, at least partially, this state of affairs, the proposed architecture uses
two different tests, respectively, named reliability test and identity test. The former pro-
vides indications on the possibility of successfully apply the solution of the retrieved
case to the new situation, the latter controls the insertion of the new case into the sys-
tem memory. The reason for the introduction of the identity test parameter is owed to
circumstances where it is useless to include a new case, “quite” similar to a case stored
in the library in the system memory. The reliability test is performed by comparing the
current similarity metric value s
with the reliability threshold S
, while the identity
test is performed by comparing the same value s
with an identity threshold S
. In
Tables 2 and 3 the threshold values determined by a heuristic procedure are reported
together with the percentage of coincidence between the responses given by the system
and those furnished by a domain expert. Specifically, for the setup of S
and S
, the
available memory space, the amount of resources necessary to keep in memory the pair
<representation of signal, represented object> and the statistics of the similarity index
were considered.
Keeping in mind an “intelligent” management of the resources available to the sys-
tem, a third test has been introduced. The idea that has, concretely, lead to its introduc-
tion, stems from the need to keep track, for all cases stored in memory, of the frequency
of their appearance and the effectiveness of the solution associated to them. The record