An Approach to Automatic Image Description
E. Michaelsen, M. Arens, L. J. Doktorski, P. Ding
FGAN-FOM, Gutleuthausstrasse 1, 76275 Ettlingen, Germany
U. Stilla
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Technical University of Munich, Arcisstr. 21, 80280 Munich, Germany
Keywords: Image understanding, pattern recognition, structural and syntactical approach, production systems.
Abstract: Knowledge-based image recognition and description systems have to balance soundness versus efficiency.
For mining purposes in particular a theory of meaning – i.e. formal semantic or ontology – has to be given.
However, efficiency is also most important for practicability. This contribution uses production systems.
The semantics are analysed by means of confluence. Productions are used in an accumulating way instead
of reductive. The interpretation scheme given allows breaking reasoning at any time with an approximate
interpretation as result. Two example systems using this interpreter are discussed.
Image mining – if not performed with simple
features such as colour histograms – needs meaning,
i.e. semantics. In contrast to other recognition tasks
on pictorial data not only a class label is to be
assigned to an image. Instead, pictures need to be
described in a structural way and the nodes of this
structure need to revere to concepts about facts,
objects, etc. of the world. Thus automatic reasoning
is prerequisite to real image mining.
One classical syntactic way of automatic
generation and reduction of meaningful structure is
given through formal languages. A moderately sized
system of production rules can analyse huge input
data sets and reduce them to meaningful structures
(reduction trees). However, such systems though
being fast on strings tend to lead to unpredictable
computational effort on images or image sequences.
A common way to meet efficiency constraints
and still derive the structure of the input image is to
restrict the search space during production
application by means of an assessment measure for
the utility of single productions with respect to the
desired goal.
This contribution explores the possibility of
using production systems in an approximate way:
given assessment measures for the objects and
productions, the question arises to which point
production rules have to be applied to a given input
image in order to meet efficiency constraints and
still derive the meaning of that image.
Semantic networks have been proposed for
automatic image or video content analysis by
Niemann (1989) and his school. This work has led to
the creation of the ERNEST system (Sagerer, 1982).
The latter presumably ventured the deepest
investigation concerning the semantics. The
meaning possibilities for the productions used in our
work (e.g. in sections 3.2 and 4) have been
investigated by Sagerer with much more rigor as
admissible meanings of links in semantic nets. His
work culminated in proven soundness from the logic
level down to the epistemological level.
Matsuyama & Hwang (1990) constructed a
production system named SIGMA featuring
sophisticated control mechanisms – e.g. including
meta rules. Examples are given from automatic
Michaelsen E., Arens M., J. Doktorski L., Ding P. and Stilla U. (2007).
MEANING AND EFFICIENCY IN THE GESTALT-SYSTEM - An Approach to Automatic Image Description.
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, pages 188-193
DOI: 10.5220/0002070601880193
understanding of aerial images. Work on and with
the similar SCHEMA system of Hanson and
Riseman (Draper et al., 1998) has been pursued for
decades by many researchers. Though being
conceptually closely related to our scheme these
systems were not intended to work efficiently albeit
still approximately correct on large data sets.
Recently, the field of image and image sequence
understanding has gained renewed attention under
the term Cognitive Vision as discussed, e.g., in the
Dagstuhl workshop (Christensen & Nagel, 2006).
In section 3.1 a brief overview on confluence in
transition operations on configurations of objects is
given. This is not a sufficient condition for sound
semantics, but it is a necessary one. Explicitly listing
admissible transitions is practically impossible.
Instead production systems are used. These are
introduced in section 3.2. Only productions of two
specific normal forms are permitted which also helps
to keep track of the meaning. Possible standard
interpretations are listed. In Section 3.3 an
interpreter system is given that can perform efficient
inference based on a given production system.
Usually, complete search is not feasible. So the
system has to be capable of providing approximate
solutions. Large parts of the theory are still missing
which is discussed in section 5.
3.1 Confluence on Sets of Objects
Let S denote a finite set of classes such as {line,
longline, angle, …,building}. Similar to object
oriented programming, each such class has a number
of methods containing at least one method
(constructor) that can construct objects of that class.
Usually, a method to present or draw the object is
compulsory, too.
A class is called primitive – and such is any
object of that class – if none of its constructors uses
information from any other object. Primitive objects
in the context of computer vision are usually
constructed by operations working directly on the
input data, e.g., by segmentation of images or image
An object
o of one of the classes is denoted as a
pair (s,d) in the following, where s is a class name
and d is a structure of numerical attributes
containing the specific features of that object.
A configuration is a finite set C of objects. It
represents a state of semantic analysis. The set of all
possible configurations is called . A transition
→∈ is a binary relation on and defines
transition chains of the form
Such a transition is called confluent iff
If the transition is confluent and terminating –
i.e. all transition chains have finite length – this
guarantees that for any (start-)configuration
C a
unique final configuration
exists and can be
reached after a finite number of transition steps.
Without these properties, a transition cannot have
semantic meaning. The final configuration C
of a
confluent and terminating transition contains all its
possible meaning. For further reading on confluent
systems we refer to (Janzen, 1988).
3.2 Productions
For practical applications transitions are given by
productions. We restrict the formulation of
productions to the two forms given below. A
p can be defined as
:( , )
oo r
, ),(
dso =
where Ssss
The other possible formulation of a production
p is
given by
: ( ,..., )
oo r
dsoni =
where Sss
, .
In both cases,
π is a constraint formulated on the
attributes of the objects
o ,… involved on the left
hand side of the production and r denotes some
(resulting) object of a class within S, which is
created using the constructor method
ϕ. Note that in
(3), the two left hand side objects can be of different
class, whereas the arbitrary number of left hand side
objects in (4) all must be of the same class. It
follows, too, that r cannot be an object of a primitive
class in either case.
The meaning of productions of the form defined
in (3) can be threefold:
1) the two left hand side objects are parts of the
object r such as the two
longline objects in
CCCCC =⎯→ ...:
:,, Ω
⎯→⎯→ )(
MEANING AND EFFICIENCY IN THE GESTALT-SYSTEM - An Approach to Automatic Image Description
production p
are the two legs of the object angle
(see section 4.1),
2) one of the left hand side objects is interpreted
as being an object r provided that the other object is
given as context – such as in production p
longline object close to an object spot leads to the
assumption of an object
row with one element and
3) the two left hand side objects are
concretizations of the object r. An example is the
construction of a 3D-object from two 2D-view
objects. Such productions have been used in (Stilla
& Michaelsen, 1997). In this case
π resembles an
epipolar constraint and
ϕ implements a triangulation.
Concretization relies critically on external
knowledge, e.g., about the conditions while taking
the pictures – such as in the stereo case the internal
and external camera parameters.
The role of productions of the form defined in
(4) is that of combining evidence from multiple
measurements into a single hypothesis. Examples
are given by productions p
, p
, p
, p
, p
, p
Often the required linear and metric structure can
only be given in a local tangential linear space,
π is based on, e.g., Euclidean distance and ϕ
performs averaging or other forms of least squares
optimizations. Such an example is given in p
, p
Instead of averaging over the attribute values of the
direct predecessors it is often more exact to perform
the minimization on the attribute values of the
primitive predecessors. Sometimes these kinds of
productions resemble Hough-techniques or other
accumulator based methods – such as in p
A Production p can modify a given configuration
C in two different ways: a Reduction replaces left
hand side objects with the inferred right hand side
object within the configuration C:
{ ,..., } { }
DC o o r= U\
oo ,...,
denote the left hand side objects of
the production p and r being the right hand side
object of p. Accumulation instead leaves the left
hand side objects in C and just adds the right hand
side object to that configuration:
with {}DC r= U .
The term ‘reduction’ has as antagonist ‘generation’.
Both directions can be used in a syntactic manner
either to parse configurations or to construct them –
i.e. for pattern recognition and for computer
graphics. Most structural recognition approaches –
such as the production systems SIGMA or
SCHEMA or contemporary work with PROLOG
rules or the semantic net methods – can be mapped
to reducing transitions. However, examples can be
given that have two different final reductive
interpretations – the well known picture puzzles.
Therefore confluence is not given in such systems.
There may be more than one final consistent
assignments of meaning, which jeopardizes the
meaning of such production system. Reduction has
obviously good halting properties – because with
each step the configuration is becoming smaller.
With Accumulation only possible hypotheses are
piled up. Decisions are avoided. Due to the
properties of set union transitions defined as
accumulation are confluent (Lütjen 2001). However,
this only gains sound meaning if the interpretation
rests on probability calculus. For each object
o a
special attribute is required that gives an assessment
for its probability. This assessment must be sound
with respect to the expectations of a statistical
model. So instead of speaking of objects it makes
more sense to speak of hypotheses or cues here.
There is uncertainty in this way of dealing with a
production system, but it leads to a unique final
interpretation where, e.g., the two different
meanings of a picture puzzle can coexist with their
probability attributes summing up to at most one.
3.3 A Production System Interpreter
Listing all admissible productions for a given
configuration C and a set of productions P is not
feasible in most cases. Instead hypotheses are
formed for each object
oC. Such a hypothesis has
the form of a triple h= (h
, h
, h
) where 0
1 is
an assessment of
o, h
is an index or pointer
allowing access to
o and h
{nil} denotes an
index or pointer to a production (initially set to nil).
Based on this notation, the following interpretation
cycle can be formulated:
1) The hypotheses are ordered according to the
assessment h
in a queue. The best n hypotheses are
chosen. For each of these 2) is performed.
2a) If h
= nil then all those pP are chosen,
which contain an object of the same class as h
= o
on their left hand side. h is then replaced by clones
of it with the corresponding indices h
, where the
assessment of those newly introduced hypotheses
may be altered according to different importance of
different productions.
h is then called triggering
object of h.
VISAPP 2007 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
2b) Else there is h
= p with a corresponding
right hand side object r. With this object there is a
construction method ϕ which takes the triggering
h as fixed. It queries the configuration C for
the missing parts of the left hand side of the
production h
which fulfil the constraint π. Thus, the
construction method ϕ may result in none, one or
even many possible objects r. For all of these
objects, new initial hypotheses are added to the
queue. Thus – while the number of objects in C is
always rising – the number of hypotheses in the
queue may rise or fall.
3) While the queue is not empty, one may
continue with step 1) or stop and return the current
configuration as result. This result will be identical
to the final unique solution, if the queue is empty.
Otherwise, the current configuration will only
resemble an approximate solution.
Lütjen (1986) published this interpreter 20 years
ago. Since then, work in this field has shown that the
success of the production system in terms of
reaching a meaningful configuration close to the
unique solution heavily depends on proper
assessment criteria. However, these are needed
anyway in the accumulating association scheme to
have a meaning at all – as discussed in section 3.2.
Moreover, the assessments have to be related to
probabilities. There has been work on this issue as
well (Michaelsen & Stilla, 2002).
There have been different implementation
projects – assembler-based VMS code supporting
special hardware, UNIX-based KBV derivates (an
offspring of the SCHEMA working group), and
simple machine independent MATLAB code.
Currently a new object oriented implementation
using Microsoft
.NET and C# is under way. For this
endeavour we use the acronym
Grouping Evidence System for Treatment of
Alternatives in Layered Task Solvers) which has
been mainly motivated by the example given in
section 4.1.
In order to show the scope of applicability of the
theory and system outlined in Section 3 we briefly
describe two quite different example systems. The
first example consists of a production system for the
detection of buildings in SAR-images. The second
system was designed to determine the mutual
geometry of image pairs, which is needed, e.g., for
image-based navigation of unmanned aerial
4.1 Building Recognition in SAR
This production system has been constructed to
recognize man-made structures such as buildings in
high resolution SAR images and has been published
in (Michaelsen et al., 2006a). It consists of the
following seven productions:
1, 4
: (line,...,line) longline
: (pixel,...,pixel) spot
: (longline,longline) angle
: (angle,angle) symmetry
inter t
p ⎯⎯⎯
mmetry,...,symmetry) cluster
: (longline,spot) row
:(row,spot) row
is the standard example for the normal form
given in (3). For a triggering object
longline search
areas around the end points of that line are
constructed and queried for other objects
ending there which must have a different orientation.
angle inherit most attributes from the
predecessors, however, one new location is
computed by intersecting the two constituting lines.
is the standard example for the normal form
given in (4). For a triggering object
pixel a search
area around it is constructed and searched for other
pixel. The resulting object spot is positioned
by averaging and thus has sub-pixel accuracy.
Note that this system contains a cyclic part-of
structure – production p
. A row can be a part of a
larger row. Such recursive structure is common for
string rewriting grammars. It allows generation or
reduction trees of arbitrary depth, and thus the
definition of an infinite language by finite means.
Here the production p
was the straight forward
way to capture the appearance of bright spots
arranged in long straight rows of equal spacing
where building facades are seen in high-resolution
SAR images.
captures another important property of
buildings – they tend to have some symmetric
structure. Often this is a non-local property – so that
building parts quite far apart from each other still
give the same symmetry axis. This is an important
cue for man-made architecture. The clustering of
symmetry axis by production p
requires an
MEANING AND EFFICIENCY IN THE GESTALT-SYSTEM - An Approach to Automatic Image Description
appropriate setting of the coordinate system in which
the axis equation attributes and the metric for it are
given. Locality has to be balanced against
It is obvious that
pixel and line are the primitive
classes of this system. While
line objects can be
extracted using filter operations designed for
enhancement of contours or line-like image
pixel objects are found using a bright spot
filter based on inequality operations. The decision
whether such an object is present in a given image
location is based on the filtered image and a
4.2 Search for Mutual Image Geometry
This production system for estimating the mutual
geometry of an image pair has been published in
(Michaelsen et al. 2006b). The internal camera
parameters are assumed to be known. It consists of
the following six productions:
: (corresp,corresp) pair
: (pair,...,pair) similarity
: (pair,pair) quad
: (quad,...,quad) homography
scale rot
orresp,quad) quint
: (quint,...,quint) ematrix
Nister point
Nister point
would be a standard example if the relation
adjacency were not negated. For high accuracy of a
similarity transform estimate the two objects
corresp should be far apart from each other. If the
expected number of objects fulfilling the relation
adjacency with respect to the triggering object is one
out of n the expectation for the opposite is n-1 out of
n. The same holds for productions p
and p
production system implements a combinatorial
enumeration. If run to the final confluent
interpretation it will have constructed
) objects
quint where n is the number of primitive objects.
This is usually not feasible. The process has to be
terminated before - with an only approximate
solution. From experience this solution is good
enough and often better than a RASNAC solution
obtained with comparable effort.
Productions p
to p
contain state-of-the-art
computer vision geometry – namely the
inhomogeneous solution for a planar homography
from four point correspondences, singular value
decomposition, and the 5 point algorithm for
minimal and non-minimal samples of
correspondences as introduced by Nister (2004).
Note that adjacency in the space of homographies as
well as in the space of essential matrices requires
appropriate metrics – both are 3x3 matrices, but
none is a vector space. Homographies have eight
degrees of freedom, while essential matrices have
five. Note also that Nister’s algorithm solves a
polynomial of order ten – giving between zero and
ten solutions. Thus, production p
usually produces
more than one new object.
It is obvious that
corresp is the only primitive
class of this system. Such a pointwise
correspondence cue between image structures in an
image pair can be acquired by many different
methods – including various trackers and simple
other production systems. Correspondence only
makes sense at image locations where no aperture
problem occurs which is usually tested by squared
averaged gradient filters. A particular image
correspondence object can always be assessed by the
similarity of the appearance in the frames (i.e. some
correlation), the precision of its localization and a
priori knowledge coming e.g. from a Kalman filter
A proper mathematical theory often consists of the
following parts: 1) Define the space of solutions and
prove the existence of a solution; 2) prove
uniqueness of the solution; 3) give a metric in the
space of solutions; 4) give an algorithm iterating to
the solution and prove convergence; 5) prove bounds
on the distance to the solution at a given iteration.
The theory of ‘piling up meaning’ for pictures or
videos outlined in this contribution is very
preliminary yet. There are some results concerning
steps 1) and 2). Most work has been spent on step 4).
Several examples of systems behaving well in
practice were built. However, with step 3) not being
completed we cannot expect that the work on the
applications and on step 4) rests on secure ground –
and step 5) though being very important for
applicability is in far distance.
There is still a severe problem with the meaning
of the accumulative use of productions: As pointed
out in section 3.2. we have to give evidence
attributes with each of our cue objects. They should
in fact be probabilities. This, however, requires
normalization to one. But the objects in a
configuration accumulated so far cannot contain or
reach information from other objects in this set that
VISAPP 2007 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
are not preceding them. Giving up this principle
would jeopardise the efficiency and thus
We have presented two example systems solving
quite different tasks and operating in a different way.
This demonstrates exemplarily that the GESTALT
interpreter is a useful tool for a broad range of
recognition applications. However, it cannot solve
the problems alone.
Preliminary to its application iconic image
processing tools and segmentation procedures for
the primitives are required. It is hard to mend on the
interpretation level what has been missed and
spoiled in the processing chain before.
Moreover, for many tasks, a final or approximate
interpretation configuration is not sufficient as
result. Further processing and decisions are needed
after the interpretation has been terminated. This
may be quite simple, such as giving the best object
ematrix as result in the system presented in section
4.2. Or a little more complicated – such as giving a
threshold for the quality of the objects
ematrix and
in case there is no better one take the best object
homography. Such system may also interact with a
Kalman filter for flight control of an unmanned
aircraft in both directions – getting prior information
from it and handing measurements of epipole and
rotation to it.
The decision system following on top of the
saliency recognition system outlined in section 4.1.
may either be an AI-reasoning system or also a
human interpreter. Both require a sophisticated
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MEANING AND EFFICIENCY IN THE GESTALT-SYSTEM - An Approach to Automatic Image Description