Technology, Diagnostic Features and Experimental Study
I. Gurevich, D. Murashov
Dorodnicyn Computing Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 40, Vavilov str., Moscow, GSP-1, 119991, Russia
O. Salvetti
Institute of Information Science and Technologies, CNR, 1, Via G. Moruzzi, Pisa, 56124, Italy
H. Niemann
University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Informatik 5, Martensstraße 3,91058 Erlangen, Germany
Keywords: Medical image mining, image analysis, information technology for automated diagnostics, morphologic
analysis of the cytological slides.
Abstract: The information technology for automated morphologic analysis of the cytological slides, taken from
patients with the lymphatic system tumours, was developed. The main contributions of the paper are the
technology, the set of features for representation of nuclei images in pattern recognition problems
(automated diagnostics), and experimental study of the technology and the features informativeness. The
main components of the technology are: acquisition of cytological slides, method for segmentation of nuclei
in the cytological slides, synthesis of the feature based nuclei description for subsequent classification,
nuclei image analysis based on pattern recognition and scale-space techniques. The experiments confirmed
efficiency of the developed technology. The discussion of the obtained results is given. The developed
technology is implemented in the software system.
The technology for morphologic analysis of
cytological slides of patient with tumors of the
lymphatic system was developed. The technology is
intended for computer-aided diagnostic which is
based on the properties of tumor cells.
The main contributions of the paper are the
technology, the set of features for representation of
nuclei images in pattern recognition problems
(automated diagnostics), and experimental study of
the technology and the features informativeness.
The main components of the technology are
described and results of experimental testing are
discussed. The task of describing formally the
lymphoid tumour cells is challenging. Even high-
skilled experts could provide different conclusions
on the same specimen. Morphometric approach
allows one to enhance precision of the diagnosis by
utilizing quantitative characteristics of a specimen.
Further advancement could be achieved using
technologies based on the information extracted by
pattern recognition and other modern mathematical
techniques for image analysis.
In this paper the information technology for
automated morphologic analysis of the cytological
slides taken from patients with the lymphatic system
tumors, is presented. The technology includes the set
of methods and techniques developed by the authors
recently (author’s paper). All of the elements of
technology are naturally defined by the technology
of specimen slides acquiring and specimen image
analysis processes.
The main phases of the developed technology are
as follows: 1) design of the archive of tumour cell
images of patients with high- and low-grade
lymphoid tumours, 2) image preprocessing for
removing differences in illumination and colour; 3)
selection and calculation of features reflecting cell
nuclei peculiarities, 4) qualitative and statistical
Gurevich I., Murashov D., Salvetti O. and Niemann H. (2007).
NUCLEI IMAGES ANALYSIS - Technology, Diagnostic Features and Experimental Study.
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, pages 204-210
DOI: 10.5220/0002071002040210
analysis of features and evaluation of its information
weights, 5) composing feature description of a
patient based on the results of nuclei cluster
analysis; 6) classification (diagnostics) of slides.
For the design of the technology the following
problems are solved: a) selection of main features of
the nuclei in cytological slides; b) development of
techniques for nuclei segmentation in slides; c)
statistical analysis of feature description (descriptive
statistics, correlation, factor and cluster analysis); d)
selecting of diagnostic “mathematical” features; e)
experimental testing of efficiency of different
Primary diagnostics of lymphoid tumors is based on
morphological descriptions of cells and relations
between different cell populations. The presence of
large lymphoid cells points to diffuse large cell
lymphoma or high-grade transformation of indolent
lymphoma, while predominance of small
lymphocyte like cells indicates indolent lymphoma.
Quantitative analysis of cells was based on
calculating intensity, textural and structural features
of slides that characterized the size and the shape of
objects. A very important factor for diagnostic is the
visual structure of chromatin in cell nuclei.
Footprints of lymphoid tissues were Romanovski-
Giemsa stained and photographed with digital
camera mounted on Leica DMRB microscope using
PlanApo 100/1.3 objective. The equivalent size of a
pixel was 0,0036 µ2; 24-bit color images were
stored in TIFF format, and analyzed as described
Automated hematological diagnostics using
specimen images deals with evaluation of values of
a set of diagnostically important features which are
used for nuclei classification. The segmentation of
nuclei images is necessary for further nuclei image
analysis, in particular, for calculation of feature
The two-level method for automated
segmentation of nuclei images based on the active
contour model was developed (Murashov, 2005).
The main features of the method are: a) the rough
segmentation is achieved using the blue component
of the image taking into account the properties of the
stain; the precise correction is made using the green
component; b) the modified Gaussian filter based on
the heat equation with heat source or sink is
implemented. The technique is successfully
implemented for segmenting cytological specimen
The problem of diagnostic-oriented feature
description of specimens is very actual for many
years (see, for example (Rodenacker, 1995,
Rodenacker and Bengtsson, 2003), but it didn’t get
final solution till now. In order to select and describe
diagnostically valuable attributes we have created an
archive of pictures of footprints of biopsies from
patients with 4 diagnoses: non-tumor (reactive)
enlargement of lymph nodes (RL), B-cell chronic
lymphatic leukemia (CLL), large cell transformation
of B-cell chronic lymphatic leukemia (TRCLL), de
novo large-cell lymphoma (LS) (Jaffe, 2001).
Two methods are used for composing nuclei
feature description and obtaining diagnostic criteria:
1) selecting a large set of features using image
analysis techniques and extracting minimal feature
set for classification of nuclei with suitable accuracy
(Churakova, Gurevich,, 2003); 2) selecting a
set of features used by experts in visual analysis (the
features are invariant in some degree to slides
quality and parameters of image acquisition process)
(Gurevich, Murashov, 2004).
5.1 The Nuclei Descriptions in the
Form of a Vector of Numerical
The diagnostic features of tumor cells are as follows:
a) nuclei size optical density; b) the shape of nuclei
(round, elliptic, folded), c) presence of
invaginations, d) textural characteristics of the
chromatin (condensed/dispersed, the chromatin
fibril’s diameter, presence of granules of condensed
chromatin and size of these granules), e) presence of
nucleoli. We provided formal equivalents for some
NUCLEI IMAGES ANALYSIS - Technology, Diagnostic Features and Experimental Study
of the above features. Thus, the following 47
features were chosen to describe nuclei morphology
(Churakova, Gurevich,, 2003): an area of
nucleus in pixels, 4 statistical features calculated on
nucleus brightness histogram (average, dispersion,
3rd and 4th central moments); 16 granulometric
features of nucleus; 26 features calculated on the
Fourier-spectrum of nucleus. Further steps included
statistical and factor analysis of features and cluster
analysis of nuclei on appropriate sets of features.
Statistical and qualitative analysis included:
feature correlations, feature distribution, feature
histograms and their moments; feature “robustness”
to variations of nuclei geometry. The analysis
allowed excluding unstable and high-correlated
features. The feature values distribution was
estimated by Shapiro-Wilks W-test. It turned out
that the distributions for majority of features are not
normal once.
After calculation of descriptive nonparametric
statistics (medians and quartiles) it is appeared that
values of some textural features are grouped within
3 separated areas, i.e. the considered nuclei are
divided into 3 types. In case of CLL, cytological
slides contain mainly “mature” nuclei. In slides
corresponding to TRCLL one can find “mature”
nuclei as well as “transformed” nuclei. LS is
characterized by a larger percent of transformed”
nuclei. Since well-known for experts distribution of
“mature” and “transformed” nuclei over diagnosis
coincides with its distribution over obtained types, it
is possible to conclude that these nuclei types
correspond to “mature” and “transformed” nuclei.
Cluster sets were obtained by application of
FOREL algorithm (Zagoruiko, 1999) to different
sets of features. The sets of clusters were evaluated
using different criteria: number and size of clusters
in each set (large clusters contained more than 400
nucleus), total percent of all nuclei belonging to
large clusters, the character of nuclei distribution in
large clusters. In the considered problem a taxonomy
with a few large clusters accumulating the main part
of nuclei is more preferable than a taxonomy with a
lot of small clusters where nuclei distribution over
clusters is uniform.
A new method to create feature description of a
patient was suggested. On the basis of cluster
analysis results a patient is described by a new type
of features - percentage of a patient’s nuclei
belonging to large clusters of the taxonomy.
Experiments showed that good classification results
can be obtained in such feature space.
Factor analysis was conducted for reducing of
the feature space. It was applied to several data sets:
a) all 8702 available nuclei; b) the sample
corresponding to 4 different diagnosis; c) samples
for each patient. Three techniques were used:
principal factor, centroid and maximum-likelihood.
The combination of the Kaizer criterion and the
scree-test was used to determine a number of factors,
while varimax-rotate strategy was used to calculate
factor loadings. Each method yielded the same
number of factors for each data set. The mean factor
loadings were calculated for three data sets. As a
result, the same factors were discovered. Similarity
of factors was confirmed by presence of high factor
loadings on the same features and, accordingly, by
presence of low factor loadings on the rest features.
Then, features with high factor loadings (its absolute
values exceed some threshold) were determined for
each obtained factor.
It is important that selection of the same factors
for data sets corresponding to different diagnoses
gives the corresponding sets of features with high
factor loadings differing substantially. It means that
for different diseases considered in our study there
are different significant features. It also appeared
that there are unique significant features for some
diseases that are not significant for the other
We developed a new diagnostic procedure based
on factor patterns designed for considered deceases.
The pattern represents high-loadings-feature
distribution over factors extracted from the sample
corresponding to certain decease. Such distributions
are different for different deceases. If the factor
pattern of a new patient coincides with the pattern of
a particular decease, we could consider that this
patient has such decease.
The cluster analysis of nuclei was done on the
base of the results of factor analysis. For initial
minimization of the feature space Spearman R-
statistic was used. Further the features with high
loadings were selected from obtained set. It
appeared that the taxonomy structure (amount of
large clusters and their nuclei proportions) is
determined by only 3 features. The values of these
features are concentrated into separated areas. The
rest of features influences only on total amount and
size of clusters, however the nuclei proportions in
large clusters are the same (see Table 1, “+” means
the presence of explicit partition to malignant and
non-malignant groups).
VISAPP 2007 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
5.2 Scale-Space Features
Two basic approaches to analysis of a chromatin
constitution are known (Rodenacker and Bengtsson,
2003): a) structural - the chromatin distribution is
considered as a local arrangement of small objects of
varying intensity and the intensity features of dark
and bright particles are evaluated; b) textural - based
on statistical characteristics of chromatin
arrangement and on analysis of regularities of
chromatin structure. The second method uses gray
level dependency matrices (Weyn,, 1999), co-
occurrence, run-length features, rice-field operators,
watersheds (topological methods) (Rodenacker,
1993, Rodenacker and Bengtsson, 2003, Weyn,, 1999, Young,, 1986), heterogeneity,
clumpiness, margination, radius of particles (Young,, 1986) (the Mayall/Young features), and
invariant features (polynomial invariants).
Two methods for nuclei image analysis are
developed on the basis of the scale-space approach
(Lindeberg, 1994). The approach of Gaussian scale-
space is the most relevant for cell nuclei image
analysis because it provides the invariance with
respect to shift, rotation, scaling, and linear
transformations of intensity. It decreases the
sensitivity of the analysis to microscope focusing.
The first method deals with the analysis of the
nuclei image intensity features (Gurevich and
Murashov, 2004). A diagnostically important
criterion is obtained - a total amount of spatial
extrema in scale-space generated by an image of a
cell nucleus. The main idea of the analysis is based
on the assumption that significant structures in scale-
space are likely corresponding to significant
structures in the image. The chromatin structure in
the nucleus image is represented by a grey-level
relief containing connected bright and dark regions
(peaks and valleys) corresponding to chromatin
filaments, furrows and centers. Each of these regions
contains at least one intensity extremum. The
developed method is based on the topological
properties of iso-intensity manifolds in the
neighborhoods of spatial extrema and allows to
evaluate approximate amount of chromatin particles
represented in the image as grey-level blobs.
The second method is a textural one – an integral
feature characterizing the chromatin pattern is
involved. The quantitative feature is defined using
the second moment matrix which is defined as a
covariance matrix of the stochastic value
characterizing the nuclei image. The steps of the
method are: a) calculation of the module gradient
image for emphasizing the chromatin pattern; b)
selection of the scale parameter σ corresponding to
the most informative image in the scale-space (the
most informative image corresponds to the maximal
feature value, see (Lindeberg, 1994) ); c) calculation
features values via 2d moment matrix
, determinant
, quotient
det /
). The nuclei images of
different patient groups prepared for textural
analysis are shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Nuclei images prepared for textural analysis:
a) CLL; b) RL, c) TRCLL, and d) LS.
Table 1: Cluster analysis of different sets of features.
Set No Features Total amount
of clusters
Amount of
large clusters
(>400 nuclei)
of all
Partition to
malign. and
% of malign.
nuclei in non-
malig. clusters
% of non-
malig. nuclei in
malign. clusters
3 19,22,27 23 5 83,5 + 8,5 33,6
4 1,19,22,27 27 5 84,1 + 8,5 33,2
5 1,2,19,22,27 49 5 77,9 + 3,6 35,8
6 1,2,19,22,27,3,6,10 91 5 79,5 + 3,8 34,1
8 18 features 136 5 82 + 5,7 32,7
NUCLEI IMAGES ANALYSIS - Technology, Diagnostic Features and Experimental Study
The value of scale parameter σ is obtained
experimentally and corresponds to
For the considered class of images σ is equal to
The experimental chart displaying the
distribution of cell nuclei is presented in Figure 2,
where n is the total amount of spatial extrema, s is
an area of a nucleus.
The diagnostic features were tested for: 1)
selection of a textural feature providing the best
classification result; 2) testing efficiency of the
features for diagnosing; 3) testing the diagnostic
importance of the nuclei marked by experts and used
for training classifiers. In the experiments we used
slides from patients with diagnoses CLL, TrCLL,
LS, and RL.
The computing experiment includes two steps.
At the first step classifiers were trained, and the
three tasks pointed out above were carried out.
Training control sample included 829 nuclei taken
from 25 patients, control sample included 832
nuclei. At this step the diagnostically important
nuclei marked by experts in the specimen images
were used for training. The following classifiers
were applied: k-nearest neighbors, support vector
machine (SVM), Fisher liner discriminant,
multilayer perceptron, and committee algorithm
(Zhuravlev, et. al., 2003). For each nuclei image the
features s, n,
were calculated.
The suitable accuracy was obtained by k-nearest
neighbors and SVM classifiers. Committee classifier
increased the reliability of classification. The
classification accuracy in case of 2 nuclei classes
(non-malignant and malignant) exceeds 90%. In case
of 4 different diagnoses the accuracy is comparable
with the accuracy of expert estimates. The results of
the first step show that the selected feature set can be
used for description of nuclei chromatin structure
corresponding to the considered diseases.
At the second step the percentage of the nuclei of
different chromatin structure in the specimen images
was evaluated. At this step the slides taken from new
patients (different from those at step 1) were used.
Unlike the previous step all of the nuclei appeared in
the slides were analyzed. The feature values (s,
n) were calculated and the nuclei were classified
using the algorithms trained at step 1.
The results of the classification presented in
Tables 2 and 3 satisfy the existing morphologic
criteria mentioned in section 2. The disease is
considered as malignant by the experts if the amount
of malignant cells exceeds 20% of the total amount
of cells in specimens taken from patient. The
obtained results (see Tables 2, 3) allow one to make
the following conclusions.
Figure 2: Nuclei distribution in axes s, qμ, and n for 4
groups of diseases.
Table 2: The percentage of nuclei recognized as
“malignant” and “non-malignant” in the specimen images
corresponding to different diseases.
Amount of nuclei (%)
Non-malignant Malignant
CLL 90 10
RL 76,5 23,5
TRCLL 62,3 37,7
LS 54,3 45,7
First, a few types of nuclei characterizing the
diseases under consideration can be outlined (we
deal with “CLL”, “RL”, “TRCLL”, and “LS” types;
“CLL” and “RL” form the “non-malignant” group,
“TRCLL” and “LS” form “malignant” group).
Second, in the slides corresponding to CLL non-
malignant nuclei are prevailing. Third, in the slides
corresponding to TRCLL the majority of malignant
nuclei are classified as TRCLL type. Also, in the
slides corresponding to LS the majority of malignant
nuclei are classified as LS type (see Table 3).
Fourth, in the RL slides nuclei partly (about 20%)
are classified as malignant due to enlarged cells, but
none of the types TRCLL or LS is dominating (see
Table 3). Fifth, the difference in feature values
reflecting the peculiarities of different types of
chromatin structure corresponding to different
diseases will provide the criteria for differential
VISAPP 2007 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Table 3: The percentage of different types of nuclei in the
specimen images corresponding to different diseases.
Amount of nuclei (%)
Diagnose Classifier
82 10 4
SVM 92 4 4
Committee 92 4 4
74,5 11,8
SVM 90,2 2,0 7,8
Committee 90,2 2,0 7,8
47,2 39,6
SVM 62,3 35,8 1,9
Committee 62,3 35,8 1,9
50,8 4,3
SVM 56,5 6,5
Committee 56,5 6,5
* - combined CLL and RL group.
The results of the computational experiments and
estimations of hematologists approve the efficiency
of the developed technology for automated
morphologic analysis of the lymphoid cells. It is
confirmed that the objective differentiation of nuclei
may be used for patients classifying according to the
main classification of lymphatic tumors. The
important problems were solved: a) the automated
technique for segmenting the lymphoid cell nuclei is
developed and implemented; b) a feature set for
nuclei description is formed; c) the procedures for
nuclei classification is developed; d) the method for
estimating the efficiency of the developed
procedures is proposed. The technology is
implemented in the specialized software system.
The next step of the research will be devoted to
adaptation of the developed technology for analysis
of histological slides: 1) the general analysis of
tissue structure (quasi-textural analysis of the slides
obtained under the low magnification of the
microscope); 2) the analysis of single cell images
obtained at maximal resolution.
This work was partially supported by the Russian
Foundation for Basic Research Grants 05-07-08000,
06-01-81009, 06-07-89203, by the project of the
Program of the Presidium of the Russian Academy
of Sciences "Fundamental Problems of Computer
Science and Information Technologies", by INTAS
Grant 04-77-7067, and by Cooperative grant
“Image Analysis and Synthesis: Theoretical
Foundations and Prototypical Applications in
Medical Imaging” within agreement between Italian
National Research Council and Russian Academy of
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VISAPP 2007 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications