analysis with the techniques used to solve
application problems.
The structure of the paper is as follows:
1. What for
2. How
The Tool - Descriptive Approach
3. State of the Art:
Plurality and Fusion
Multialgorithmic Classifiers
Multimodel Representations
4. What to Do or What to be Done. Basic Steps:
Step 1. Mathematical Settings of an Image
Recognition Problem
Step 2. Image Models
Step 3. Multimodel Representation of Images
Step 4. Image Equivalence
Step 5. Image Metrics
Step 6. Descriptive Image Algebras
5. Conclusion
Image Reduction to a Recognizable Form
The image analysis and recognition techniques and
tools are destined for solving of the following basic
classes of applied image analysis problems:
1. Image matching for classification with an image,
a set of images and a series of images.
2. Searching an image for some
itive of arbitrary or prescribed type/form.
3. Clusterization of an image set.
4. Image segmentation (for homogeneous regions,
groups of objects, selection of features).
5. Automatic selection of image primitives, specific
objects, feature objects, logical and spatial
6. Image reduction to a recognizable form.
7. Reconstruction and Restoration of missed frames
in an image series and of images by fragments,
primitives, generative procedures and context.
8. Image analysis problem decomposition and
The most important – critical points of an
applied image analysis problem solving are as
CPI. Precise setting of a problem (Step 1).
CPII. Correct and “computable” representation
of raw and processed data for each algorithm
at each stage of processing (Step 2, Step 5).
CPIII. Automated selection of an algorithm
(Step 1, Step 3, Step 6):
− CPIII-1. Decomposition of the solution process
for main stages (Step 1, Step 6);
− CPIII-2. Indication of the points of potential
improvement of the solution (“branching
points”) (Step 1, Step 6);
− CPIII-3. Collection and application of problem
solving experience (Step 3, Knowledge Base);
− CPIII-4. Selection for each problem solution
stage of basic algorithms, basic operations and
basic models (operands) (Step 6);
− CPIII-5. Classification of the basic elements
(Step 3, thesaurus).
CPIV. Performance evaluation at each step of
processing and of the solution (Step 2, Step 4,
Step 6).
− CPIV-1. Analysis, estimation and utilization of
the raw data specificity (Step 2);
− CPIV-2. Diversification of mathematical tools
used for performance evaluation (Step 6);
− CPIV-3. Reduction of raw data to the real
requirements of the selected algorithms (Step
The further development of the Descriptive
Approach should provide necessary means for
implementing of these steps. After each Critical
Points in the brackets are indicated the
corresponding “next steps” (the description of the
steps see below).
So, the success of image mining in a whole is
connected with overcoming of the Critical Points in
a following way:
automated design, test and adaptation of
techniques and algorithms for image
recognition, estimation and understanding
automated selection of techniques and
algorithms for image recognition, estimation
and understanding (CPIII);
automated testing of the raw data quality and
suitability for solving the image recognition
problem (CPII);
standard technological schemes for image
recognition, estimation, understanding and
retrieval (CPI).
3 HOW?
Mathematical fundamentals for image processing
and image analysis procedures are constructed in the
framework of the Descriptive Approach to Image
Analysis, which provides:
specialization of Zhuravlev’s Algebra for an
image recognition case (CP1);
VISAPP 2007 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications