fusion rate was a constant in his model, which is not
realistic when ink is deposited on the highly absorbent
rice paper.
A paper model consisting of three layers was in-
troduced by Curtis et al. (Curtis et al., 1997). They
use a cellular automaton to simulate fluid flow and
pigment dispersion and the layering to simulate vari-
ous watercolor effects, such as edge-darking, granula-
tion, back runs, separation of pigments, and glazing.
Their approach did not include the permeability ef-
fect, which means that the subtle ink patterns of Chi-
nese calligraphy and painting can not be simulated by
their model. Lee (Lee, 2001) improved Kunii’s (Ku-
nii et al., 1995) model by using a two perpendicular
directions model that includes a texture structure and
sinusoidal variations to simulate rice paper. In this
paper model, the paper is divided into square regions
called ”papels”. They developed the sinusoidal wave
schema for representing the flow of ink through a fiber
mesh. However, the fiber mesh model used in the pa-
per is quite different from the fiber structure in real pa-
per and the wave algorithm for the diffusion process
is different from the real physical diffusion process.
This means that the model only simulates processes
of this kind which do not conform closely to the phys-
ical processes for ink flow in paper. Based on Lee’s
(Lee, 2001) fiber mesh structure and layer structure
for each paper cell, Yu et al. (Yu et al., 2003) pre-
sented a local equilibrium model (LEM) which sim-
ulated the movement of water and ink on and in pa-
per. Their modified layer model simulated overlapped
strokes successfully. However, without the physical
process based simulation, the simulation of the ink
diffusion phenomenon was not realistic. Xiaofeng
(Xiaofeng Mi, 2004) used different droplet models
to simulate the tangent area between brush and pa-
per and based on these models they developed a vir-
tual brush model which is inspired by calligraphy and
painting experience. Their models were able to create
realistic looking results in real time.
Huang et al. (Huang et al., 2003) presented a
method which can simulate a variety of tones on dif-
ferent types of paper. Both a regular fiber mesh whose
fibers are uniformly aligned and an irregularly dis-
tributed fiber mesh consisting of randomly positioned
fibers were simulated in this paper. The diffusion of
brush strokes can be easily controlled, according to
experimental data and users can specify parameters
to get the desired effects. Van et al. (T. V. Laer-
hoven, 2004) developed a layered paper model which
divides the paper into a grid of small subpapers. Each
layer is implemented as a two-dimensional grid of
cells that exchange certain amounts of water with ink.
It updates all cell values according to their neighbor-
ing cell values in the same layer, and possibly in a
layer above and below. They have to distribute the
system by breaking up the whole grid in smaller sub-
grids that are simulated on separate processing units.
The results are sent back to the parent application and
combined with the results of other subpapers to pro-
duce the final image. Tsai et al. (Tsai et al., 2005)
discussed diffusion rendering of ink painting and fo-
cussed on synthesizing artistic effects of ink-refusal
and stroke-trace-reservation. This was the first paper
to take the quantity of glue in the paper as one im-
portant parameters of the structure of paper in the ink
diffusion simulation.
Chu and Tai (Chu and Tai, 2005) presented a fluid
flow model based on the lattice Boltzmann equation
(LBE) (Succi, 2001) for simulating percolation in ab-
sorbent paper. Instead of starting with a macroscopic
description of the fluid, the LBE modeled the physics
of fluid particles at a macroscopic level. They adapted
the basic LBE method to incorporate various features
needed for the special case of percolation. The pa-
per thickness patterns obtained by scanning the paper
against a dark background were stored aa a texture
Chinese ink is a mixture of soot and glue which is
ground together with water to get black liquid ink.
The soot is composed of carbon particles which are
easily dissolved in water. The dimension of a carbon
particle is in the range of 10-150 nm, thus it can seep
into the paper easily and produce the extraordinary
rendering effects of the Chinese calligraphy.
Rice paper is often used in Chinese calligraphy. It
is highly absorbent because of the special materials
used and the very thin fiber structures. To reduce its
absorbency, the paper can be soaked with alum water.
The higher the density of the alum water, the lower
the absorbency of the paper will be. So the rendering
effect is mainly determined by paper absorbency and
fiber structure.
The simulation of Chinese calligraphy includes
three parts:
1) Paper model: The paper consists of a mesh with
randomly distributed fibers. To model this fiber
structure, the paper is divided into small square
cells. Each cell has four neighbors which are con-
nected with fibers and each cell of the paper is
simulated as a network flow model with a node
and four edges. Each edge represents a bundle of
capillaries and the node acts as a reservoir which
stores the water flowing into it. The water will
GRAPP 2007 - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications