In this paper, we described an enhanced lossless
single-resolution connectivity encoding algorithm
that is based on the algorithm of EdgeBreaker
(Rossignac, 1999) and uses the same data structure
of (Rossignac, Safonova and Szymczak, 2002). The
enhanced algorithm allowed the decoding procedure
to run in linear time complexity and the triangles to
be generated in the same order they were encoded. It
eliminates the computational overhead consumed by
stack operation and the recursive procedure of
traversing. The new enhancement led to the
elimination of both S and E cases and introducing
new symbols G and F which results in changing the
encoding string used to the CLRGF string. The
achieved result was encouraging as it improved the
late achieved results into 1.8t and 3.57v bits for
representing the mesh connectivity. This
enhancement can be further applied to meshes with
boundary, holes and non-manifold meshes. The
future work is to extend the algorithm to non-
triangular meshes.
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