2.1 Procedural Methods
In 1991 Turk (Turk, 1991) generated animal skin pat-
terns with Reaction-Diffusion (RD) mechanisms, in-
troduced by Turing (Turing, 1952). Instead of map-
ping the generated pattern onto a polyhedral or para-
metric model, Turk’s approach simulated the RD sys-
tem on the surface of the model, without the inter-
mediate mapping from texture space to object space.
Fleischer et al. also presented an approach (Fleischer
et al., 1995) for texturing with direct simulation on the
surface of an object. The surface of the object is cov-
ered with cells that are constrained to remain on an
iso-surface computed from the original model. The
whole approach is general, and can in principle gen-
erate many interesting organic-liketextures, including
RD ones. Their results show an organic quality to the
generated textures, but they did not present any results
simulating real-life patterns.
2.2 Direct Texture Synthesis From
The following four approaches are variations on the
basic idea of texture synthesis from samples on arbi-
trary surfaces, and therefore extensions of (Wei and
Levoy, 2000).
Turk presented an approach where the texture syn-
thesis on the surface is achieved through a hierarchy
of points on the surface (Turk, 2001). A user-defined
vector field indicates the orientation of the texture.
The mesh vertices are then sorted in such a way that
visiting the points in order will follow the vector field
and will sweep across the surface from one end to the
other. The color of a particular point is defined by
examining the color of neighboring points and find-
ing the best match to a similar neighborhood in the
given texture sample. Wei and Levoy (Wei and Levoy,
2001) also presented an approach based on search-
ing strategy to solve the texture synthesis problem on
arbitrary surfaces. The difference between this ap-
proach and Turk’s one is that in this work there is no
need to specify a vector field, since it is obtained on
the fly.
In 2002, Soler et al. (Soler et al., 2002) presented
an approach that, instead of searching the whole sur-
face point by point, it progressively covers the tex-
ture surface with texture patches, of several sizes, se-
lected from a single input image. One of the ad-
vantages of this approach is that there is no need of
generation of a intermediary geometry, and the ini-
tial geometry is preserved. In another work in 2002,
Tong et al. (Tong et al., 2002) presented a solution
that enables the synthesis of BTFs (Bidirectional Tex-
ture Functions) (Dana et al., 1999), on arbitrary sur-
faces. This solution performs the synthesis of the
BTF’s samples directly on the surface, avoiding dis-
tortions and discontinuities. The results show that this
approach achieved the main goal of maintaining de-
tails of the mesostructure, represented by the BTF, in
all viewing and lighting directions.
2.3 Feather Modelling
The first published model targeted specifically for
feathers was presented in (Dai et al., 1995). The feath-
ers were modelled as line segments branching from
a main structure. The textures were computed from
simulations of dynamical systems.
The work in (Chen et al., 2002) uses paramet-
ric L-systems for the modelling of the feathers and
texture mapping and customized BTF for the render-
ing. In (Streit and Heidrich, 2002), the feathers are
modeled as a collection of B´ezier curves. The over-
all shape of the individual feathers is achieved by the
user specifying key barbs from which the other barbs
are derived by interpolation. The rendering uses tex-
ture mapping to add color to the barbs. Recently in
Biology (Prum and Williamson, 2002) proposed an
approach addressing pattern formation for feathers.
They used Reaction-Diffusion (RD) mechanisms to
build the pattern of the feathers. The results are inter-
esting, but since their work is not focused in computer
graphics, the visual aspects were not privileged. Fur-
thermore, there is no universal RD system capable of
generating all patterns, and therefore distinct RD sys-
tems are used or even sometimes a new one must be
Our work advances the idea of direct texture syn-
thesis, using a procedural model targeted to visual
patterns of feathers. In this sense we make contribu-
tions on procedural texture generation, feather mod-
eling, and direct texture synthesis.
Since our model derives its inspiration from real
feathers, we briefly review in this section basic infor-
mation on the biology of feathers.
Feathers are a type of branching structure, flexible
and yet strong (Freethy, 1982). They present a main
rigid structure called calamus at the base (with no
branching structures) and the rachis where the main
body of the feather develops (see Figure 2). From the
rachis a variable number of barbs are originated. The
collection of barbs at each side of the feather’s body
is known as vanes. Each barb is built from two sets
GRAPP 2007 - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications