Interaction Log in a Virtual Crime Scene Investigation Learning Environment
Angela Brennecke, Stefan Schlechtweg and Thomas Strothotte
Department of Simulation and Graphics, Otto-von-Guericke University of Magdeburg, Germany
Virtual Learning Environments, Interaction Log, Visualisation.
In this paper we present a concept for visualising an interaction log in a virtual crime scene investigation
learning environment called OPENCRIMESCENE. The interaction log shall be used for reviewing the user’s
behaviour after having examined the virtual crime scene. Furthermore, it shall serve as a valuable discussion
background when it comes to self or teacher’s control. As initial point the log visualisation therefore has to
present an instant overview of user activity combined with significant user interactions. In order to keep track
of the causal relations and the sequence of events we here focus on visualising time by combining different
significant character positions in one image. This paper primarily aims at giving an overview of our system
and introduces the review log as well as its first visualisation form.
Due to the technological progress in Computer
Graphics in recent years, 3D environments offer the
possibility to lift various processes from real life
onto a virtual level. This ranges from simple 3D
model viewers to complex 3D learning environments
or computer games. Because of latest improve-
ments in 3D game engine’s development even non-
programmers can realise their own 3D virtual envi-
ronment. However, mapping real life procedures onto
a virtual level still is quite a challenge. This is also
because character animation usually cannot keep up
with real life motion.
The OPENCRIMESCENE project is a research
project on developing a 3D learning environment for
virtual crime scene investigation. It is conducted in
collaboration between the local University of the Po-
lice and our Computer Graphics Group. The project
primarily focusses on the realisation of procedures for
securing a crime scene. In this context we also pursue
realistic modelling of traces like finger- or shoeprints
as well as tools to secure those traces. The virtual
crime scene is implemented using the 3D game en-
gine Delta3D
and is currently in a prototypical state.
The OPENCRIMESCENE system is divided into
three parts: First, the authoring mode where the
teacher can set up a virtual crime scene, arrange
traces, and prepare for, e. g., a virtual examination.
Second, a practice mode in which the student can re-
capitulate what he or she has learned in practical ex-
perience. This will also serve as examination mode.
Third, we want the system to see over the virtual
crime scene and allow for analysing the student’s be-
haviour in a review mode.
Seen from the learning environment point of view
the central question is: How can real life procedures
of crime scene investigation be turned into virtual in-
teraction techniques which can be logged for review-
ing the learning development of the student? The fo-
cus therefore does not only lie on the realistic simula-
tion of the crime scene investigation but also on the
visualisation of the virtual interactions themselves.
Hence, we want to make it possible to actually see
what the student has done in a visual log – the OPEN-
CRIMESCENE review log.
Brennecke A., Schlechtweg S. and Strothotte T. (2007).
OPENCRIMESCENE REVIEW LOG - Interaction Log in a Virtual Crime Scene Investigation Learning Environment.
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications - AS/IE, pages 185-190
DOI: 10.5220/0002079501850190
In this paper we introduce our concept for this log.
It aims at giving an instant overview of the student’s
behaviour when securing the crime scene. Therefore,
significant interactions have to be captured. These are
then to be displayed by different visualisation forms.
Starting from the logs global view there will also be
the possibility to take a closer look at certain events
either by scene replays or more detailed logs.
Our first visualisation form that is presented here
combines significant character positions in one image.
We concentrate on encoding action over time by ap-
plying different rendering techniques. Even though
we focussed on small scenes with only one viewing
angle, we receive a first impression of user movement
and behaviour.
One main advantage of a virtual learning environ-
ment is that even complex scenarios like, e.g. a crime
scene, can be represented virtually and, thus, be expe-
rienced even by multiple users whenever they want.
Additionally, users can benefit from the fact that in-
teractions within a virtual environmentcan be logged.
Thus, they can step back and take over a more ob-
jective perspective on how his or her behaviour has
been. Such an interaction log can also be helpful for
teacher’s control, not only in terms of a virtual exam-
ination but also for discussion.
The fact that virtual environments support syn-
chronous as well as asynchronous communication is
crucial when it comes to learning and understanding.
Here, we focus on asynchronous communication first
in the form of the visual review log. We have two rea-
sons for that: First, we want the system to be quickly
useable and have therefore postponed the realisation
of multi-user access. Second, we believe that virtual
environments cannot reproduce crime scene investi-
gation procedures in such a detail that would hold for
real life techniques. Hence, an afterwards discussion
is still essential with the review log as initial point.
What is required for such an interaction log?
Speaking in terms of crime scene investigation, the
securing of traces is one of the major tasks to be ful-
filled. There are certain rules a police student has
to internalise. How to enter the crime scene without
damaging existing traces? How to secure the traces
with the correct tools, for instance only certain pow-
ders are best for securing fingerprints? Besides, there
are crucial regions to look for traces first, e. g. finger-
prints will rather be found at doorknobs than on the
floor, and so on.
As a result the review log has to visualise impor-
tant interactions, user awareness as well as false or
missing actions and behaviours. However, at the cur-
rent stage of implementation we cannot decide auto-
matically for significance of interactions and user be-
haviour. We rather take a look at how to combine dif-
ferent character positions in one image in a pleasing
way. Hence, as a starting point for the review log we
simply track the character’s position and posture over
time. The combination in one image leads to a first
impression of an instant user behaviour overview.
3D virtual environments have become a major appli-
cation area for research. They not only offer graph-
ically pleasing visualisations for complex scenarios
but also the possibility to explore them in single or
in multi-user mode.
Beside collaborative work and entertainment,
learning is one of the most explored application ar-
eas of virtual environments (Mondjar-Andreu et al.,
2006). Several different approaches towards de-
signing such environments have been introduced,
e.g. (de Antonio et al., 2005; Bouras et al., 2002;
de Oliveira et al., 2000). Likewise, the application
variety ranges from virtual hairstyling (Ward et al.,
2006) to maths classes (Elliott and Bruckman, 2002)
and many more.
Although most environments allow for syn-
chronous online as well as asynchronous offline ex-
perience, realising collaboration is still a challenging
task. As a result, innovative system frameworks of-
ten remain prototypes, e. g. (Lombardi and Lombardi,
2005). Thus, we focus on asynchronous communica-
tion first. This will be achievedby logging relevant in-
teraction sequences in order to communicate student
behaviour for review.
Current works on recording, summarising and vi-
sualising relevant user interaction are few. Neverthe-
less replay functionality is a required and common
feature in most computer games and virtual environ-
ments, e. g. (Wagner, 2004; Logan et al., 2002). The
challenge, however, is to decide for importance with-
out losing causal relationships.
(Halper and Masuch, 2003) addressed the problem
of summarising only significant game events. Their
approach was to analyse game state variables and to
visualise these as a series of according game snap-
shots afterwards. Although the attempt is promising,
further improvements could be incorporated, e. g.,
different views of the scene to allow for a better con-
nection of game event relationships. (Friedman et al.,
2004) generate movie summaries from virtual envi-
GRAPP 2007 - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications
ronment logs. They put emphasis on causal relations
to support story understanding.
In contrast, the works of (Chittaro and Ieronutti,
2004; Hoobler et al., 2004) concentrate on overall
user activities by highlighting user navigation paths.
Furthermore, Hoobler et al. also encode action over
time by colouring whole game environment areas.
Yet, the resulting overview images often take into ac-
count current activities only.
(Fielding et al., 2006) use reporter, editor and pre-
senter agents to log, filter and visualise important
events in a game environment. Their approach’s nov-
elty lies in the embodied reporter agents which try to
balance players and spectator’s needs. Yet, no pre-
senter agent has been realised entirely.
Although not focussing on summarising events,
(Grammenos et al., 2006) have studied user activity
in virtual environments in depth. They introduce the
Virtual Prints as a concept to track user navigation,
trace user interaction and leave marks to communi-
cate to other users. Thus, beside game state variables
also virtual prints could be used to make assumptions
on the significance of user interactions.
Finally, speaking of virtual crime scene investi-
gation itself most research activities focus on static
photo-realistic crime scene reconstruction (Se and Ja-
siobedzki, 2005; Gibson and Howard, 2000; Howard
et al., 2000). There is only the CRIME SCENE CRE-
ATOR by (Davies et al., 2004) which addresses simi-
lar issues as we do. Although the system is also in-
tended for crime scene reconstruction only animated
characters can be added to the created scenes. These
can then act out simple crimes. Moreover, variable
camera views make it possible to interactively view
the scenes from different angles. The project’s main
focus is to support investigators by allowing for a
fast and efficient evaluation of crime scenes and se-
quences of events. In contrast to our system, how-
ever, neither interactive crime scene investigation nor
teaching purposes are considered.
As stated above, logging the student’s behaviour
in the learning environment is the basis for asyn-
chronously communicating how the crime scene in-
vestigation has taken place and which actions the stu-
dent has done. However, our system is currently at
a development stage which does not allow for auto-
matic event logging yet. As a consequence we record
significant events manually in order to concentrate on
the log’s visualisation.
Having examined the works from section 3 the vi-
sualisation of activities in games or virtual environ-
ments can generally be divided into two groups, taken
animated replays aside. First, important events are
presented in a series of snapshots, and second, regions
with strong user presence are being highlighted. We
call the former an event-based or local visualisation
form putting emphasis on single events and the latter
a course-based or global visualisation form represent-
ing overall activities.
In the OPENCRIMESCENE system we want to
achieve a visualisation form which combines both.
We need an overview of global user activity as well as
the depiction of significant local interactions in order
to receive an instant user behaviour summary. As a
starting point we decide to use a set of snapshots from
the character in the virtual world and combine the
character’s positions over time in one image. To facil-
itate the combination process further we use one static
camera to record the character movement. Moreover
we assume that only non-overlapping positions have
been found.
4.1 Visualising Time
Simply combining certain character positions does
not make any assumptions about the global process of
crime scene investigation. Therefore, we need to en-
code time. As we only use one static camera position
the only thing changing in the virtual environment is
the virtual character. Hence, a possible solution to
encode time would be to change the character’s ren-
dering in various ways.
Transparency: Probably the most natural way to
encode time is to make the character more transpar-
ent as time passes. Hence, in the first stages in a crime
scene investigation, the character is visualised highly
transparentand the later an action is depicted the more
opaque the character becomes, see Figure 1.
This visualisation is controlled by a linear func-
tion that maps the time to the level of transparency,
however, this function needs to be designed in such a
way that the transparency value of the first position to
be visualised is not 100% in order to ensure the visi-
bility of all positions.
Furthermore, it is important to make all posi-
tions distinguishable, therefore, the sole use of trans-
parency is only possible, if two points in time are not
too close together, see Figure 2.
However, if the character positions are distin-
guishable but user movement has been fast, trans-
parency is also limited in indicating time differences,
as shown in Figure 3. In those cases, additional visual
clues have to be used. One solution is to employ any
OPENCRIMESCENE REVIEW LOG - Interaction Log in a Virtual Crime Scene Investigation Learning Environment
Figure 1: Encoding position over time by different trans-
parency values.
Figure 2: Transparency limits due to an accumulation of
close character positions, see positions 1 and 2.
Figure 3: Transparency limits due to fast user movement.
The sequence of positions 1 and 4 is hardly recognisable
whereas positions 2 and 3 can be well distinguished.
user-defined mapping function to individually define
transparency values for the single positions.
Colours: Another way of encoding time is to use
colours on a colour scale and to map points in time to
which the respective character position belongs to the
chosen colour values. To do so, the image of the char-
acter is first de-saturated to achieve a grey value ver-
sion and then re-coloured in the respective colour. If
the starting point of this re-colouring is a more or less
transparent version of the character image, the trans-
parency clue can be enhanced. Otherwise the used
colour scale is the only way in which time is visu-
alised. This is somewhat problematic, since colour
scales that are built on the basis of changing hues are
barely useable when it comes to the visualisation of
ordinal values (as time is in our case). Therefore,
colour scales that are built on one specific hue with
changing intensity are a better tool when no trans-
parency is employed.
Silhouettes: One major concern when superimpos-
ing multiple positions of the character in the same
image is that the character might not be optimally
visible in a rather cluttered image showing multiple
characters and the objects being present at the crime
scene. Drawing the silhouettes of the character makes
it stand out against the background of the crime scene
and, hence, better visible, see Figure 4. The visual de-
Figure 4: Using silhouettes to further enhance the charac-
ter’s visibility.
sign of these silhouettes can be adapted to the visual-
isation of the character, i. e., their colour can be set to
fit the colour of the character. On the other hand, the
silhouette style can also be used to map different val-
ues, like importance or duration of time, see Figure 5.
However, the priority in the visualisation is always to
be set in such a way that the order of events becomes
clearly visible.
4.2 Combining the Techniques
The rendering techniques presented above show dif-
ferent renderings to encode time. We believe that
transparency is the main indicator for time-sensitivity
in this scenario. Yet, transparency is limited when
GRAPP 2007 - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications
Figure 5: Using coloured silhouettes to additionally encode
time. For instance, fast user movement is indicated by the
blue silhouettes.
it comes to visualising events which are very close
in time. Silhouettes could additionally be applied ei-
ther to better differentiate between close positions or
to directly encode time-lags. However, the latter does
not hold for short changes in time. Figure 6 shows
a combination of both techniques with an additional
legend relating transparency and silhouette colours to
the actual time values. This seems to be an adequate
visualisation for a small number of significant events.
Figure 6: Combining the enhancement techniques in one
Our first visual review log shows how to combine dif-
ferent snapshots of character positions in one image.
Furthermore, mapping rendering style parameters to
time values seems to be an appropriate method to
track the order of user activity. In this first scenario
transparency seems to be the strongest indicator for
time-lags whereas silhouettes increase the perception
of the single character positions. Yet, the presented
visualisation form concentrates on showing temporal
relationships and significant character positions in a
small scene only without taking into account dif-
ferent camera angles, problems of cluttered images
and the like. We nevertheless receive a first impres-
sion of how to combine a local and a global visualisa-
tion form and of how an instant user behaviour sum-
mary may look like.
Having introduced OPENCRIMESCENE as well as the
review log concept with a first visualisation form we
now would like to address some of our ideas for future
research. A first task will be to implement methods
for automatic event logging and visualisation. Among
others, this will also imply the integration of multiple
camera views into the scene in order to decide for the
event’s best view.
Besides, we will need to further investigate the
field of information visualisation, e. g. (Ware, 2000).
The event’s size or the silhouette’s thickness might
be better indicators for action over time than colour
and transparency are. Colour could instead be used
for grouping related interactions. A user study will
therefore be essential to examine the rendering styles’
Above, we would like to realise additional vi-
sualisation forms, e.g. comic-like logs. Combin-
ing the works of (Halper and Masuch, 2003) and
(Friedman et al., 2004) may serve as a starting point
here. For this purpose rendering techniques like non-
photorealistic or multi-perspective rendering shall be
explored, e. g. (Strothotte and Schlechtweg, 2002;
Glassner, 2000). The former to convey more and dif-
ferent information and the latter to describe causal re-
We would like to thank our colleagues from the Uni-
versity of the Police for their support and knowledge
sharing. Marie-Luise Mueller for her works on the
review log’s first visualisation form (Mueller, 2006).
All pictures shown here are taken courtesy of hers.
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GRAPP 2007 - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications