separated from the (partially completed) object and
include arrows (or similar) to indicate how (the
action) the parts are to be attached. The authors note
that people generally prefer that instructions
partition the steps of an assembly over multiple
diagrams. However, it is most common for a single
diagram to illustrate some minimal number of steps,
partly to reduce the total number of diagrams –
reducing the production and printing cost.
2.1 3D Graphics
As noted, instructions are most commonly produced
for print distribution and as such the accompanying
diagrams are 2-dimensional. Given the widespread
availability of computers with significant 3D
graphics capabilities, it is natural to consider the
replacement of static 2-dimensional diagrams with
animated and/or interactive 3-dimensional models as
the visual component in the presentation of
instructions for assembly tasks. Kashiwazaki (2005)
discusses potential advantages of 3D 'contents' as
compared to 2D 'contents' in the teaching of
assembly/disassembly procedures. Likewise the
Virtual Manuals™ application produced by
ParallelGraphics (Virtual Manuals). However, in
both cases only anecdotal evidence is provided as to
their effectiveness.
We note that as soon as we change to this latter
paradigm, many of the issues and restrictions
imposed by 2D representations vanish. For example,
it is no longer necessary to consider an optimal
viewpoint. Further, there is no longer a good reason
to illustrate multiple assembly steps simultaneously
(i.e. within a single diagram). It seems intuitively
obvious that illustrating one step at a time would
present the smallest cognitive load on the user,
enabling them to focus on the specific task,
increasing their ability to correctly complete the
assembly as rapidly as possible. A few papers have
appeared addressing some of these issues. Nousch
(1999) describes a software package named
BEAVER which allows users to design furniture and
automatically create instructions for its assembly,
however no data is provided as to the effectiveness
of the generated assembly instructions. A study
comparing the relative effectiveness of augmented
virtual-reality technology (AR), traditional CAI and
printed assembly instructions in the assembly of a
Duplo block model found an 82% reduction in errors
(Tang 2003).
A significant advantage of printed instructions is
in their mobility. A user can take the instructions to
the task, something not generally possible with AR
or desktop systems. However, presenting
instructions using 3D graphics on mobile devices
would seem combine the best of both worlds. While
the constant changes in technology make the
definition of ‘mobile device’ a moving target, for the
purposes of this paper the term mobile device will
imply a handheld computing device possessing a
display screen and input mechanism. This includes
cell phones and PDAs and in particular excludes
traditional desktop computers. In a study by
Zimmerman (2003) a virtual-reality presentation
using VRML was developed to illustrate the
construction of an origami figure. The study
compared the effectiveness of the presentation on a
traditional desktop computer to that on a PDA and
found little difference between the two platforms in
terms of errors in construction.
2.2 Object Complexity
We suggest that once we restrict the visual
representation to the depiction of a single step of the
assembly, the complexity of the task is largely
determined by the inherent complexity of the object
being assembled. Qualitative data from a prior study
(Zimmerman 2003) suggested 3D interactive
graphics were only differentially useful in situations
where the object was sufficiently complex. This
leads us to consider the question: what are the
characteristics that define complexity? For this
context specifically: what types of objects are
complex enough so that the use of interactive 3D
graphics enhances a user's ability to complete the
assembly with fewer errors and more rapidly as
compared to other traditional representations? We
posit the following list of potential characteristics:
• Number of parts
• Amount of symmetry
• Number of distinct part types
• Relative orientation (in 3D space) of parts
• Proximity of parts relative to one another.
• Volume of space which parts occupy
The issues discussed above have led us to
investigate the use of interactive 3D graphics on
mobile devices in the presentation of instructions for
an assembly task. This study is discussed in the next
Our study was motivated by the following two
GRAPP 2007 - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications