Definition and computation of custom metrics is in
the form of a newly proposed algorithm.
The final conclusion is that data traffic
performed by a student within an e-Learning
platform might provide important knowledge about
the student himself and about the platform.
As future work, there are many places where
there may be used different approaches such that
final results to be more effective. One of the most
important aspect regards the employed machine
learning algorithm. Further studies should be
performed by employing other machine learning
algorithms like Fuzzy C-Means. Feature selection is
another important aspect. Currently, domain experts
use their domain knowledge to manually define the
features set and their granularity. Still, choosing
features in an semi-automatic fashion might bring
improvements. In this case semi-automatic means
that a custom application provides its best solution
but the domain expert is the one that has the final
choosing of feature names and values.
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