Jarrod Trevathan, Alan McCabe and Wayne Read
School of Maths, Physics and Information Technology
James Cook University
Online auction fraud, extrema avoidence, prediction, software bidding agent, artificial intelligence.
This paper presents a software bidding agent that inserts fake bids on the seller’s behalf to inflate an auction’s
price. This behaviour is referred to as shill bidding. Shill bidding is strictly prohibited by online auctioneers,
as it defrauds unsuspecting buyers by forcing them to pay more for the item. The malicious bidding agent
was constructed to aid in developing shill detection techniques. We have previously documented a simple
shill bidding agent that incrementally increases the auction price until it reaches the desired profit target, or it
becomes too risky to continue bidding. This paper presents an adaptive shill bidding agent which when used
over a series of auctions with substitutable items, can revise its strategy based on bidding behaviour in past
auctions. The adaptive agent applies a novel prediction technique referred to as the Extremum Consistency
(EC) algorithm, to determine the optimal price to aspire for. The EC algorithm has successfully been used
in handwritten signature verification for determining the maximum and minimum values in an input stream.
The agent’s ability to inflate the price has been tested in a simulated marketplace and experimental results are
Agent based negotiation is now an integral part of on-
line auctions and online share trading. An ever in-
creasing number of transactions are being performed
by automated bidding agents. However, limited at-
tention has been paid to the security implications of
using bidding agents, or the damage such agents can
inflict when operating in an undesirable or fraudulent
manner. Similar to a virus or worm, a malicious bid-
ding agent can behave with an intent to do an auc-
tion harm. This might be in the form of inflating the
auction’s price with fake bids (i.e., shilling), attacking
the cryptographic protocols of a “secure” auction sys-
tem, or launching a denial of service attack against the
Auctioneer. In an extreme example, terrorists might
unleash a malicious agent to trade in, and hinder the
world’s stock exchanges, in an attempt to undermine
the financial system. Alternately, they may attempt
to obtain funds through fraudulent activities in auc-
tions. Therefore the threat posed by malicious bid-
ding agents to electronic commerce is very serious.
The Research Auction Server (RAS)
at James
Cook University, is an online server for conducting
research into security issues regarding online auctions
(see (Trevathan and Read, 2006)). We are developing
methods to detect shill bidding behaviour. Both real
and simulated auctions are performed to test the effec-
tiveness of the detection methods. To aid in testing,
we developed a software bidding agent which bids in
a manner consistent with a shill. All bidding agents
created thus far operate in a controlled and near per-
fect environment. In contrast, human agents can be
devious, which is reflected in real-world markets. As
it is not permitted to use malicious agents on com-
mercial online auctions, or in academic agent compe-
titions (see (Wellman and Wurman, 2003)), we have
created an agent interface for RAS. RAS allows the
agents to be tested in a controlled (and legal) manner.
Note that we do not condone the use of these agents in
any manner outside the scope of this research. By de-
veloping malicious bidding agents as in this paper, we
hope to better understand the characteristics of such
agents, and how to protect against the damage they
We have previously documented a software bid-
ding agent that follows a simple shill bidding strategy
(see (Trevathan and Read, 2007)). The agent incre-
mentally increases the price during an auction, forc-
ing legitimate bidders to submit higher bids in order
to win an item. The agent ceases bidding when the
Trevathan J., McCabe A. and Read W. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on e-Business, pages 5-14
DOI: 10.5220/0002110600050014
desired profit from shilling has been attained, or in
the case that it is too risky to continue bidding with-
out winning the auction (e.g., during slow bidding or
near the auction’s end). Experimental results showed
that the agent was able to inflate an auction’s average
price by up to 25%, depending the level of risk the
agent was prepared to have.
This paper presents an adaptive shill bidding
agent. When used over a series of auctions with sub-
stitutable items, the adaptive agent is able to revise
its strategy based on bidding behaviour in past auc-
tions. The adaptive agent applies a novel prediction
technique referred to as the Extremum Consistency
(EC) algorithm, to determine the optimal price to as-
pire to. The EC algorithm has successfully been used
in handwritten signature verification for determining
an input stream’s maximum and minimum values in
real-time (see (McCabe and Trevathan, 2006)). The
agent’s ability to inflate the price has been tested in
a simulated marketplace and experimental results are
presented. We show that the EC algorithm is supe-
rior to other valley and peak detection algorithms in
an auctioning application.
This paper is organised as follows: Section 2
presents a simple shill bidding agent that shills in a
single auction. Section 3 presents an adaptive shill
bidding agent that uses the past history of auctions to
predict and revise its strategy. Section 4 evaluates the
adaptive agent’s performance in terms of its ability to
manipulate the auction in a manner that benefits the
seller. Section 5 provides some concluding remarks.
This section presents a simple shill bidding agent that
uses bogus bids to inflate an auction’s price. This sec-
tion provides an insight into general shill behaviour.
We briefly describe the agent’s goals, how it interacts
in the auction, and its strategic directives governing
shilling (see (Trevathan and Read, 2007) for a full de-
The main goal for shilling is to artificially inflate
the price for the seller beyond what legitimate bidders
would otherwise require to win the item. The seller’s
pay-off is the difference between the final price and
the uninflated price. A shill’s goal is to lose each auc-
tion. A shill is not constrained by a budget, but rather
a profit margin. If the shill wins, the item is resold
in a subsequent auction. However, there is a limit on
how many times this can be done. For each auction
a shill wins, the seller incurs auction listing fees and
is required to invest more time. Continual wins erode
the profit from shilling on the item.
The shill faces a dilemma for each bid they sub-
mit. Increasing a bid could marginally increase the
seller’s revenue. However, raising the price might
also result in failure if it is not outbid before the auc-
tion terminates. The shill must decide whether to
‘take the deal’, or attempt to increase the pay-off.
On the contrary, a bidder’s goal is to win. A bidder
has a finite budget and is after the lowest price possi-
ble. Increasing a bid for a legitimate bidder decreases
the money saved, but increases the likelihood of win-
ning. The following outlines typical shill behaviour
and characteristics:
A shill tends to bid exclusively in auctions only
held by one (or a few) particular seller(s).
A shill generally has a high bid frequency. An
aggressive shill will continually outbid legitimate
bids to inflate the final price. A shill typically will
bid until the seller’s expected pay-off for shilling
has been reached. Or until the shill risks winning
the auction (e.g., near the termination time or dur-
ing slow bidding).
A shill has few or no winnings for the auctions
participated in.
It is advantageous for a shill to bid within a small
time period after a legitimate bid. Generally a
shill wants to give legitimate bidders as much time
as possible to submit a new bid before the closing
time of the auction.
A shill usually bids the minimum amount required
to outbid a legitimate bidder. If the shill bids an
amount that is much higher than the current high-
est bid, it is unlikely that a legitimate bidder will
submit any more bids and the shill will win the
A shill’s goal is to try and stimulate bidding. As a
result, a shill will tend to bid more near the begin-
ning of an auction. This means a shill can influ-
ence the entire auction process compared to a sub-
set of it. Furthermore, bidding towards the end of
an auction is risky as the shill could accidentally
2.1 The Auction Process and the
Agent’s Interaction
This paper restricts its attention to online English auc-
tions resembling those commonly used online. How-
ever, many of the principles can be extended to Con-
tinuous Double Auctions which are used in online
share trading applications.
ICE-B 2007 - International Conference on e-Business
In order to participate in an auction, a bidder must
register. They are provided with a unique bidder id,
, which they use to submit bids. During the ini-
tialisation stage, the Auctioneer sets up the auction
and advertises it (i.e., item description, starting time,
etc). An auction is given a unique number, a
, for
identification purposes. In the bidding stage, a bidder
computes his/her bid and submits it to the Auctioneer.
The agent can place a bid in auction a
, for price p
by invoking the submit bid(a
, p
) function.
The Auctioneer must supply intermediate infor-
mation to the agent pertinent to the auction’s current
state. The agent can request a price quote for a par-
ticular auction by invoking the obtain price quote(a
function. This includes the start, end and current
time for the auction, and the starting bid (if one ex-
ists). It is assumed that the agent has access to the
entire bid history up to the current time in the auc-
tion. The history can be considered as an ordered
H = {h
}, |H | = n, that contains price
quote triples h
= (time, price,b
), where 1 i n.
The last element is the latest price quote for the auc-
tion (i.e., h
is the current highest bid).
Finally, during the winner determination stage,
the Auctioneer chooses the winner according to the
auction rules (e.g., who has the highest bid, whether
the reserve has been met, etc.).
2.2 Operation of the Simple Shill
Bidding Agent
The agent’s goal is to maximise the profit from
shilling, while avoiding winning the auction. A shill
that wins the auction is deemed to have failed. The
shill agent bids according a strategy defined by a set
of directives depending on the current auction state.
Each directive plugs into the agent interface which
dictates its bidding behaviour. The directives are as
- Only bid the minimum amount required. As
part of the price quote, the Auctioneer also provides
the minimum amount required to out bid the highest
bid. This is usually calculated as a percentage of
the current high bid, or determined according to
a scalable amount depending on the value of the
current high bid. D
(p) is a function that takes the
current price, p, and returns the minimum amount the
shill should bid.
- Bid quickly after a rival bid. The agent
must bid immediately in order to influence the other
bidders for the maximum time.
- Don’t bid too close to the end of an auction.
If the shill bids too close to the end of an auction,
it risks winning. To avoid this, the agent has a risk
limit, θ. The agent is prohibited from bidding if the
auction is more than θ% complete. This is referred
to as the shill time limit. Larger values of θ increase
the risk that a shill might win an auction. D
(θ) is a
function that takes the risk limit θ, and returns true or
false regarding whether the agent should continue to
- Bid until the target price has been reached.
(α) is a function that takes the current price p,
the shill’s target price α, and returns true or false
regarding whether the agent should continue to bid.
The agent will only bid when the current price p, is
less than or equal to α.
- Only bid when the current bidding volume is
high. The agent should preferably bid more towards
the beginning of an auction and slow down towards
the shill time limit, unless the bidding activity is
high. That is, the volume of bidding must increase
throughout the auction for the shill to maintain the
same frequency of bidding. The agent uses the bid
H , to analyse the current bid volume and
decide whether to submit a bid. The agent observes
the previous number of bids for a time interval. If the
number of bids for the period is below a threshold,
then the agent does not submit a bid. When no bids
have been submitted for an auction, the shill agent
will attempt to stimulate bidding by submitting the
first bid. This is a common practice in auctions. It
is intended that psychologically the presence of an
initial bid raises the item’s worth, as competitors see
that it is in demand. D
(µ) is a function that takes
the risk limit µ, and returns true or false regarding
whether the agent should continue to bid.
The following pseudocode illustrates the agent’s
shill agent(
obtain price quote(
if (
submit bid(
while (
The agent initially requests a price quote. If no
bids have been submitted, then D
returns true and
the agent submits a bid for the amount returned by
. The agent then repeatedly requests price quotes
to ensure that it is able to bid quickly if there is a
rival bid (i.e., D
). When a rival bid is submitted,
the agent will bid only if the remaining directives D
and D
are satisfied. The agent executes in this
manner (i.e., requesting and evaluating price quotes),
until either D
or D
becomes false.
In the case where there are multiple auctions for sub-
stitutable items (i.e., all items are the same), a shill
agent can learn information that may help it be more
successful over time. For example, if the final price
for a series of auctions is constantly above the shill
target price, then the agent can revise its target price
upward. Alternately if the shill fails by not meeting
its target, then it can revise the target price down. We
refer to this as an adaptive shill bidding agent.
The adaptive agent is based on the simple shill
agent and follows the same strategy. However, the
adaptive agent supplies the simple agent with differ-
ing risk values based on previous experience. This
allows the simple shill agent to alter its strategy for
each auction. This section describes the adaptive shill
bidding agent’s lifecycle, as well as the underlying
prediction and revision techniques.
3.1 Approach
The adaptive shill agent operates in four phases:
preparation, planning, execution and revision. Each
of these stages are described in turn.
In the preparation phase, the agent is given a set
of target auctions in which it will participate. The
user provides the agent with the reserve price r, and a
risk factor φ, 0 φ 1, which will dictate how much
profit the shill can aspire to obtain. The agent is also
supplied with bidding histories from similar past auc-
tions. The prediction method uses the bidding his-
tories to build a function, that given a bidding price,
returns the probability that the price will win.
In the planning phase, the bidding agent sets the
target price α, equal to the corresponding price with a
probability indicated by the risk factor φ, according to
the historical winning bid distribution. If α < r, then
the agent requests the user to lower r and/or increase
φ. It is assumed that all auctions are held by one seller
at the same auction house. If two auctions overlap
(i.e., execute simultaneously), concurrently executing
agents do not affect each other’s operation.
In the execution phase, the adaptive agent executes
the bidding plan by successively placing bids in each
of the selected auctions (via the simple agent). The
adaptive agent executes in a particular auction until
the simple agent terminates (i.e., it reaches α or the
time limit).
In the revision phase, the predictive bid function
is updated with the auction’s results depending on the
agent’s performance. Let φ
be the revised agent’s risk
factor, where r φ
φ. φ
is raised or lowered de-
pending on the shill’s success. The agent selects the
next auction from the set of target auctions and re-
enters the execution phase with α corresponding to
3.2 Prediction Methods
The adaptive agent constructs a probability function
from the bidding histories of past auctions. In an En-
glish auction, the final price reflects the valuation of
the second highest bidder. That is, the winner does
not disclose the true highest amount they were will-
ing to pay. Contrast this with First Price Sealed Bid
(FPSB) and Vickrey auctions. In these auctions, bids
are sealed so that a bidder does not know the value
of anyone else’s bid. The winner is the bidder with
the highest bid. A FPSB auction requires the winner
to pay an amount equal to the highest bid, whereas in
a Vickrey auction, the winner pays an amount equal
to the second highest bid. Constructing a probability
function from a FPSB auction would yield an accu-
rate depiction of the bidders’ true valuation of an item.
However, the Vickrey auction’s probability function is
the same as an English auction, in that only the win-
ner’s second highest valuation is possibly known.
Extrapolation techniques have been proposed to
approximate the winner’s true valuation from a set
of past English auctions (see (Dumas et al, 2002)).
However, this information is not required by the shill
agent. The shill’s goal is to force the bidder into bid-
ding their true valuation. Knowledge of the second
highest price is satisfactory, as the shill can assume
that by bidding somewhere within the range of the
second highest price, that the buyer will be forced into
inflating their bid nearer to his/her true valuation. It is
too risky for the shill to try bid up to, or at the bidder’s
true valuation. Bidding at the second highest price is
a much safer strategy, and should capture the majority
of the desired profit from shilling.
(Dumas et al, 2002) propose two methods that a
bidding agent can use to construct a probability func-
tion. The first uses a histogram of the final auction
prices, to be the function that maps a real number x,
to the number of past auctions whose final price was
exactly x. The final price of an auction a with no bids
and zero reserve price, is then modeled as a random
variable f p
, whose probability distribution, written
P( f p
= x), is equal to the histogram of final prices,
scaled down so that its total mass is 1. The probability
of winning an auction with a bid of z assuming no re-
ICE-B 2007 - International Conference on e-Business
serve price, is given by the cumulative version of this
distribution, that is P( f p
z) =
P( f p
= x),
for an appropriate discretisation of the interval [0,z].
For example, if the sequence of observed final prices
is [20, 18, 23], the cumulative distribution at the be-
ginning of an auction is:
(z) = P( f p
z) =
1 for z 23
0.66 for 20 z < 23
0.33 for 18 z < 20
0 for z < 18
In the case of an auction a with quote q > 0 (which
is determined by the reserve price and the public bids)
the probability of winning with a bid of z is:
(z) = P( f p
z| f p
P( f p
z f p
P( f p
P( f p
P( f p
In particular, p
(x) = 0 if z < q.
(Dumas et al, 2002) identify two drawbacks with
the histogram method. First, the computation of the
value of the cumulative distribution at a given point,
depends on the size of the set of past auctions. Given
that the shill agent heavily uses this function, this can
create an overhead for large sets of past auctions. Sec-
ond, the histogram method is inapplicable if the cur-
rent quote of an auction is greater than the final price
of all the past auctions, since the denominator of the
above formula is then equal to zero. Intuitively, the
histogram method is unable to extrapolate the proba-
bility of winning in an auction if the current quote has
never been observed in the past.
The normal method addresses these two draw-
backs, although it is not applicable in all cases. As-
suming that the number of past auctions is large
enough (more than 50), if the final prices of these auc-
tions follow a normal distribution with mean µ and
standard deviation σ, then the random variable f p
can be given a normal distribution N(µ,σ). The prob-
ability of winning with a bid z in an auction a with no
bids and zero reserve price, is then given by the value
at z of the corresponding cumulative normal distribu-
(z) = P( f p
z) =
If the current quote q of an auction a is greater than
zero, the probability of winning this auction with a
bid of z is:
(z) = P( f p
z| f p
P( f p
z f p
P( f p
The complexity of these algorithms is only depen-
dent on the required precision, not on the size of the
dataset from which µ and σ are derived. Hence the
normal method can scale up to large sets of past auc-
tions. The normal method is able to compute a prob-
ability of winning an auction with a given bid, even if
the value of the current quote in that auction is greater
than all the final prices of past auctions. The do-
main of the normal distribution is the whole set of real
numbers, unlike discrete distributions such as those
derived from histograms. (Dumas et al, 2002) per-
formed an analysis of datasets from eBay and Yahoo
and showed that the final prices of a set of auctions
for a given item are likely to follow a normal distribu-
tion. This is due to a given item having a more or less
well-known value, around which most of the auctions
should finish.
Figure 1 A illustrates how the adaptive agent per-
forms on an example auction dataset using the afore-
mentioned approach. The auction data is ordered ac-
cording to time. A histogram is given showing the bid
frequency. From this a cumulative probability distri-
bution is derived. The adaptive agent is initially sup-
plied with the risk parameter φ, 0 φ 1. The price
corresponding to φ in the cumulative distribution is
the maximum price the agent is willing to bid. α can
be set to any price in the probability range up to φ. In
this example, the agent’s risk factor φ is 0.75, there-
fore the agent can set α up to $6.85.
If the history of past auctions covers a large pe-
riod of time, data aging must be taken into account.
The normal method can be adapted to consider time-
weighted averages and standard deviations of prices.
In this way, recent observations are given more impor-
tance than older ones. Figure 1 B illustrates a time-
weighted curve. In this example, the average time
for a price observation is multiplied by its cumulative
distribution and cumulatively summed. This value
is then normalised against the maximum and mini-
mum observations to give the time weighted cumula-
tive distribution. The agent’s risk factor φ remains the
same 0.75, but α increases to $8.48.
However, a time-weighted approach alone may
not give the best results. Permanent price increases do
occur over time due to inflation and other economic
factors. As a result, past bids are no longer valid.
Furthermore, temporary extreme price skews can
also affect the process thus resulting in erroneous
predictions. To address these problems, we propose
that a valley/peak detection algorithm be used in
determining the optimum target price.
Figure 1: Example illustrating how the adaptive agent basically plans and revises its strategy.
Figure 2: Example maximum situations encountered in an
auction dataset.
Finding the true maximum/minimum price in
The adaptive agent uses a novel approach for de-
termining the correct price to set α in the presence
of data aging and extreme price skews. This is re-
ferred to as the Extremum Consistency (EC) algo-
rithm (see (McCabe and Trevathan, 2006)). The EC
Algorithm is used to find the true maxima or minima
in a noisy input stream. The algorithm was initially
developed for use in Handwritten Signature Verifi-
cation. The problem arose when trying to detect a
signature’s turning points, and changes in other dy-
namic characteristics such as velocity and pressure in
real-time. Noise is common in this environment due
to hardware inaccuracies, which makes choosing the
correct extrema difficult. The EC algorithm is able to
avoid false extrema based on a tolerance parameter.
The adaptive agent uses the EC algorithm to deter-
mine the true maximum and minimum winning prices
over a series of auctions. This allows the agent to
set α according to the risk between these two ex-
tremes. As auction closing prices tend to oscillate
around about a trend line, the agent needs the abil-
Figure 3: Example showing a local maximum and a true
ity to distinguish meaningless price fluctuations from
true extrema. The agent can update α between auc-
tions when a new maximum or minimum is encoun-
tered (in real-time). For example, when the price in-
creases over time due to inflation.
Figure 2 presents several examples of maximum
situations encountered in auction datasets. Figure 2 A
clearly has a single valid maximum. However B and
C are most likely due to noise and should be ignored.
D contains only a single valid maximum, where the
dip between the two peaks is probably also due to
noise (i.e., insignificant price fluctuations). The EC
algorithm’s goals in the auction application are:
1. Ignore meaningless price skews (noise).
2. Find the true maximum and minimum price in
The EC algorithm takes a different approach to other
ICE-B 2007 - International Conference on e-Business
Figure 4: A finite state machine expressing the
rithm for finding the “width” of, or number of “steps” in,
the initial upslope of a peak. The movements between ver-
tices (states) are defined by the comparison between points
in the input stream and the comparisons are included on
the edges in the diagram. Additionally there are actions to
be performed when some vertices are reached - these are
also included in the diagram. Note that in this table, h[i]
refers to the i
element in the list of stream values h. Once
parameter exceeds the
, the al-
gorithm enters the dead state D and we have the width of
the slope in the
parameter. The width of the downs-
lope is similarly calculable, with the inversion of various
state transition conditions and the width of the valley itself
is then the minimum of the downslope width and upslope
width. Likewise, the width of peaks can be found with min-
imal modifications to the algorithm.
techniques such as hill climbing or convolution, in
that it examines the width (or consistency) of an ex-
tremum rather than just its depth or height. This al-
lows it to compensate for noise. In an auctioning ap-
plication, noise to due to abnormal observations in the
dataset such as an extreme price skew. Extreme price
skews can occur for various economic factors. For ex-
ample, supply of an item dramatically drops, whereas
demand remains the same. This can occur when crops
are destroyed by a storm, or war breaks out in the
Middle East which restricts oil supply. Furthermore,
an extreme price skew may occur when confidence in
a particular item is momentarily low, such as an ex-
tortion threat to poison chocolate bars.
Figure 3 illustrates a dataset which contains two
maximums, only one of which is valid. A local incor-
rect maximum is at Time = 2. In this case the peak
itself is actually very short and using the maximum
or mean slope size would make the peak appear er-
roneously large the use of the minimum slope size
is much more accurate. By placing a threshold on
the width, this peak will ideally be ignored and that
at Time = 7 would be taken as the more appropriate
maximum. Figure 4 illustrates how the EC algorithm
In shill application, the EC algorithm is used to
determine which values should be included in the
probability distribution. Initially, the known maxi-
mum and minimum are set equal to the first item in
the dataset. Two instances of the EC algorithm are
run concurrently. The first is referred to as EC
and is tasked with searching for the latest maximum.
Likewise EC Min searches for the latest minimum.
Once one of these algorithms terminates, this value
is used as the current extremum and then the cor-
responding EC algorithm is executed. This process
continues until the end of the dataset. For example,
at the start of a dataset, if EC
Min terminates first,
then EC
Max is prematurely terminated, its results
discarded, and then run from the newly found mini-
mum until a new max is found. Once the new max
is found, EC
Min is executed starting from the new
max. EC
Max and EC Min alternate in this manner
throughout the dataset.
Figure 5 illustrates the process of how the agent
uses extrema to aid its predictions. In this exam-
ple, the EC algorithm with a tolerance parameter of
3, reveals that there are three minima ($1, $5, $5)
and three maxima ($8, $10, $8). The probability dis-
tribution only includes the values between a maxi-
mum/minimum pair. As the extremum are updated
in real-time, this yields four different distributions for
this example. We refer each maximum/minimum pair
as an epoch. Once a new extremum has been deter-
mined, the agent uses the most recent epoch and ig-
nores all other past values. Each new value encoun-
tered in the yet undetermined epoch is also incorpo-
rated into the current epoch’s probability distribution.
On discovery of the next extremum, the epoch cur-
rently in use is discarded and the newly discovered
epoch used.
The tolerance parameter is altered according to the
outlook. A small tolerance is used for short term pre-
dictions and high tolerance for long term predictions.
In the ongoing example, increasing the tolerance re-
sults in the minimum and maximum being determined
as $1 and $10 respectively.
3.3 Revision Strategies
In the revision phase, the agent assesses its perfor-
mance and revises its strategy. If the agent is success-
ful in that it did not win the auction and achieved its
target, the value of the winning bid h
, is incorporated
into the current epoch. φ
is revised upwards by a fac-
Figure 5: Example illustrating how the EC algorithm influences the agent’s probability function. Epochs are created between
max/min pairs in the time series chart (top). Prices further in past are discarded. The agent uses the price corresponding to φ
for the current epoch in use.
tor ε, where φ
+ ε φ.
If the agent has failed by winning the auction,
then φ
is revised downward by a factor ε, where
r φ
ε. When the shill fails in this manner, the
second highest bid (i.e., h
), is added to the current
epoch and the shill’s winning price is discarded. If
the agent did not win, and failed to achieve its target,
remains the same. The value of the winning bid h
is still incorporated into the current epoch.
Determining the agent’s risk profile
A riskier shill can achieve more profit, but at the
increased likelihood of winning an auction. Direc-
tives D
and D
determine whether the agent should
bid based on the current auction time and bid volume.
The agent can also revise other risk factors in re-
sponse to historical bidding patterns. θ can be in-
creased if bidding in previous auctions has tended to
occur closer to the end of an auction. Likewise, µ can
be increased if the bid frequency in previous auctions
is low.
This section describes the performance of the adaptive
shill bidding agent. Claims regarding the simple shill
agent can be found in (Trevathan and Read, 2007).
The adaptive agent is implemented on RAS and has
been tested with other types of bidding agents in a
simulated auction market. The adaptive shill agent
is assessed on its ability to inflate an auction’s final
price. A shill bidding agent is considered successful
if the final price equals or exceeds the shill’s target
price. The shill agent is considered unsuccessful if it
won the auction, or failed to reach the target price.
4.1 Elements of the Experimental Setup
Seed data a dataset was obtained from a series of
simulated auctions. This was used as a “seed” to
initialise the shill agent (i.e., provide it with an initial
Zero Intelligence (ZI) Bidder This bidding agent
is designed to simulate an ordinary bidder in an
auction. It is assigned a random amount which it tries
to submit as a proxy bid at a random time throughout
the auction. A ZI bidder’s limit price is generated
randomly based on the a trend factor. Specifically,
a predetermined trend was programmed which
randomly assigns the agent’s limit price between
a given maximum and minimum. The extremum
were increased and decreased over time to give the
appearance of natural price trends (compared to
ICE-B 2007 - International Conference on e-Business
completely random prices).
Shill Bidder This is an implementation of the
adaptive shill bidding agent proposed in this paper.
The shill agent has a reserve price r, and a profit risk
factor φ. The agent’s target price α, is determined
according to the current epoch, and its strategy is
adjusted using the aforementioned revision technique.
Auction A software simulated auction. The auction
has a start and end time. The bidding agents can sub-
mit bids during this time, where the auction outcome
depends on the auctions of the agents. All auctions
are English auctions with proxy bidding.
4.2 Claims, Experiments, and Results
Claim 1 The adaptive shill agent achieved a higher
success rate than the simple shill agent. To validate
this claim, we pitted the adaptive agent against
the simple agent using the same dataset and risk
parameters. On average (for the specific dataset),
the adaptive agent achieved an 82% success rate,
whereas the simple agent achieved a 43% success
rate. The amount of profit acquired by the adaptive
agent was 36% greater than the simple agent. This
seems to indicate that it is worthwhile employing the
adaptive agent.
Claim 2 A riskier agent achieved a higher average
final price than an agent following a safer strategy.
The agent was run on the same dataset with increas-
ing values of φ. The riskier agent was able to achieve
a 15% increase in the average final price compared
to a risk-adverse agent. However, this came at the
expense of an increased failure rate due to winning.
Claim 3 EC produced better results than simple gra-
dient descent, thresholding and convolution. To im-
prove the agent’s profit, two alternate algorithms were
implemented: simple removal of small valleys or
peaks (called “thresholding”) and basic convolution
of the data prior to gradient-descent/hill-climbing.
Thresholding involved determining the distance be-
tween the peak’s location and the preceding valley’s
location (that is, the depth of a valley or height of a
peak). If this distance was below a specified threshold
then that peak was ignored and the traversal continued
in the same direction.
Examples of situations where thresholding was
successful can be seen in Figure 2 B and C. However,
the agent’s overall performance (in terms of profit
acquired) was quite poor. The reason it seems, is
that a peak’s height alone, while obviously containing
Table 1: Profit acquired by shilling.
Technique Avg Final Price
Simple Hill Climbing $ 4.80
Thresholding $ 5.11
Convolution and Hill Climbing $ 6.20
$ 6.90
useful information, is not the best validity indicator
(at least in this environment), but rather the consis-
tency/duration is more important.
Convolution is a method for “smoothing out” or
“averaging” one-off “bumps” or random noise while
attempting to preserve those extrema which are truly
indicative of the price trend direction. The basic
idea behind convolution is that a window of some
finite length is scanned across the stream of val-
ues (Hirschman et al, 2005). The output price is the
weighted sum of the input prices within the window
where the weights can be adjusted to perform vari-
ous filtering tasks - when smoothing is performed the
weights are generally all equal. After the input stream
was convoluted the hill-climbing/gradient-descent ap-
proach was used to obtain the extrema.
Table 1 summarises the error rates of the imple-
mented approaches used by the adaptive shill agent.
algorithm clearly achieves more significant re-
algorithm’s main advantage over convo-
lution is execution speed. In a real-time application
such a continuous double auction, execution speed
can become a serious issue. In order to perform con-
volution an entire extra layer of computation is re-
quired, as convolution of the raw data must be done
prior to obtaining the extrema, whereas with the
algorithm the checking is done at the same time as
the search for extrema. Additionally, convolution can
become quite expensive using a large window or with
a large raw data size.
Empirical experimentation with the adaptive shill
bidding agent has found that convolution causes an
average slowdown of 20-25% (depending on system
parameters). The number of extra calculations
required in the
algorithm compared to naive
hill-climbing is almost negligible with the slowdown
of the shill agent experimentally found to be less than
Claim 4 The adaptive agent’s prediction method can
be reasonably applied to share market prediction.
The prediction method was run on a data obtained
from the Australian Stock Exchange. As previously
mentioned, shares are traded in an auction type re-
ferred to as a Continuous Double Auction. A Con-
tinuous Double Auction has many buyers and sell-
ers continually trading a commodity. Rather than
shilling, the prediction method was used to deter-
mine maximum and minimum cycles in the closing
prices for several listed companies. While the predic-
tion method can not exactly determine when a new
extremum will be encountered, it definitely can tell
when an extremum has occurred and which direction
the current price is moving. In this case, we pro-
grammed the agent to purchase shares immediately
after a minimum had been determined, and sell these
once the corresponding maximum had been found.
We also reversed this process. Depending on the its
risk, for most datasets the agent was able to make a
profit (i.e., finish with a greater value than initially
provided). It is interesting to note that the latter ap-
proach (i.e., purchasing shares after the maximum
and selling upon determining the minimum) produced
better results.
This paper presents an adaptive shill bidding agent.
When used over a series of auctions with substitutable
items, the adaptive agent is able to revise its strat-
egy based on bidding behaviour in past auctions. The
adaptive agent applies a novel prediction technique
referred to as the Extremum Consistency (EC) algo-
rithm, to determine the optimal price to aspire for.
The EC algorithm has successfully been used in hand-
written signature verification for determining an input
stream’s maximum and minimum values in real-time.
The agent’s ability to inflate the price has been tested
in a simulated marketplace and experimental results
are presented. We show the superiority of the EC
algorithm over other valley and peak detection algo-
In future work it would be useful to investigate
agents that attack security protocols or launch denial
of service attacks against the Auctioneer. Further-
more, we plan to devise a shill bidding agent that
profiles other bidders based on their bidder id. The
agent alters its strategy in response to the bidder’s an-
ticipated strategy based on previous observations. Fi-
nally, similar problems to shilling occur in Continu-
ous Double Auctions such as “ramping the market”.
It would be intuitive to investigate agents that conduct
this kind of fraud.
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ICE-B 2007 - International Conference on e-Business