Panos Alexopoulos, Kostas Kafentzis
IMC Research, Fokidos 47, Athens, Greece
Xanthi Benetou, Tassos Tagaris
Institute of Communication and Computer Systems, National Technical University of Athens, Athens, Greece
Panos Georgolios
IMC Research, Fokidos 47, Athens, Greece
Keywords: Ontologies, e-Government, Fraud Detection.
Abstract: Fraud detection and prevention systems are based
on various technological paradigms but the two prevailing
approaches are rule-based reasoning and data mining. In this paper we claim that ontologies, an increasingly
popular and widely accepted knowledge representation paradigm, can help both of these approaches be
more efficient as far as fraud detection is concerned and we introduce a methodology for building domain
specific fraud ontologies in the e-government domain. The main characteristic of this methodology is a
generic fraud ontology that serves as a common ontological basis on which the various domain specific
fraud ontologies can be built. The methodology along with the generic fraud ontology consist a powerful
conceptual tool through which knowledge engineers can easily adapt ontology-based fraud detection
systems to virtually any e-government domain.
Fraud is an issue with psychological, economic and
legal ramifications for both the public and private
sector spanning geographic regions. The last
EHFCN (European Healthcare Fraud and Corruption
Network – conference
produced agreement among members on a common
definition of fraud: “Civil fraud is the use or
presentation of false, incorrect or incomplete
statements and/or documents, or the non-disclosure
of information in violation of a legally enforceable
obligation to disclose, having as its effect the
misappropriation or wrongful retention of funds or
property of others, or their misuse of purposes other
than those specified”.
Other definitions of fraud present it as a type of
rrupt conduct and risk for organizations which
cannot be eliminated. In broader terms fraud is the
deliberate and premeditated act perpetrated to
achieve gain on false ground. The effects of fraud
are economic (reduced operational effectiveness),
legal (depriving resources from rightful claimants)
and psychological (damage moral and reduce
confidence in government).
The consequences of e-government fraud are
erous. For example, in the healthcare domain
fraud causes the raise of the cost of health care
benefits for everybody. According to the Deputy
Health Minister of Scotland Lewis Macdonald
( the potential losses to
healthcare across Europe from fraud and corruption
are estimated to be at least 30 billion euros each year
and may be as high as £100 billion. For most
employers, fraud increases the cost of providing
benefits to their employees and, therefore, their
overall cost of doing business. That translates into
higher premiums and out-of-pocket expenses as well
as reduced benefits or coverage. Healthcare fraud,
can also impact the quality of the received care.
When dishonest providers put greed ahead of care,
Alexopoulos P., Kafentzis K., Benetou X., Tagaris T. and Georgolios P. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on e-Business, pages 269-276
DOI: 10.5220/0002112602690276
proper diagnosis and treatment may be ignored and
patients may be put at risk solely to generate higher
dollar claims.
For all these reasons, a number of fraud-fighting
organizations, consortia and networks have been
created. Such a network is the European Healthcare
Fraud and Corruption Network (EHFCN) which
coordinates and advances work to counter healthcare
fraud and corruption across Europe. The different
approaches EHFCN adopts for fighting fraud are
common between the various e-government domains
and include:
The creation of anti-fraud and anti-corruption
culture among service providers, healthcare
suppliers, healthcare payers, healthcare users and
ultimately among citizens.
The use of all possible presentational and
publicity opportunities to act as a deterrent to those
who are minded to engage in e-government fraud or
The use of effective prevention systems so
that when fraudulent or corrupt activities are
attempted, they will fail.
The professional investigation of all cases of
detected or alleged fraud and corruption.
The imposition, where fraud and corruption is
proven, of appropriate sanctions – namely civil,
criminal and/or disciplinary processes. Multiple
sanctions should be used where possible;
The seeking of financial redress in respect of
resources lost to fraud and corruption and the return
of recovered resources to the area of patient care or
services for which they were intended;
The development of a European common
standard of risk measurement (baseline figures),
with annual statistically valid follow up exercises to
measure progress in reducing losses to fraud and
corruption throughout the EU.
The use of detection systems that will
promptly identify occurrences of healthcare fraud
and corruption
Our interest towards fraud detection lies into the
technological aspect of fraud fighting and in
particular in the area of fraud detection systems. In
this area organizations and agencies seek multiple
layers of fraud detection methods and tools ranging
from rule-based systems (Belhadji and Dionne 1997)
to predictive modelling (Zukerman and Albrecht
2000) approaches. We believe that in all these
methods and approaches, ontologies can play a
significant role as they have a lot to offer in terms of
interoperability, expressivity and reasoning.
In this paper we intend to illustrate a
methodology for building domain specific fraud
ontologies that are to be used by various ontology-
based fraud detection systems. This methodology is
accompanied and supported by a generic fraud
ontology which acts as a reference framework and a
basis for building such specialized ontologies.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. The
next section discusses the way ontologies can be
used for detecting fraud. Section 3 illustrates our
proposed methodology for building domain specific
fraud ontologies while section 4 provides an
analytical description of the structure and
architecture of the generic fraud ontology that we
propose. Finally, section 5 highlights the
applicability of our methodology and fraud ontology
to specific case studies that cover a wide range of e-
government domains and section 6 summarizes our
2.1 Technological Approaches in the
Fraud Detection Domain
In general, the IT fraud detection systems in the e-
government domain fall into two main categories:
those that detect fraudulent activities the minute
these take place and those that identify fraud by
discovering suspicious behavioural patterns within
batches of data. The first are usually based on rules
and prediction models while the latter utilize data
mining techniques (
Hand et al, 2001). Rules
practically contain already known fraud patterns and
identify fraudulent activities through comparison to
these patterns.
Similarly, in predictive modelling, historical data
is used to build profiles of fraudulent behaviour in
order to detect future occurrences of the same
behaviour based on the similarity to the existing
However, rule-based systems and predictive
modelling can only defend against known (or
predicted) fraud types. Data mining systems, on the
other hand, utilize large datasets in order to discover
unknown patterns of suspicious or fraudulent
behaviour. Those systems are used in conjunction
with large data warehouses that store information
relevant to the fraud detection domain. Additionally,
data mining systems provide the foundation of
predictive modelling. As data mining reveals
anomalous behaviour patterns, those cases are
ICE-B 2007 - International Conference on e-Business
investigated in greater detail and from those that are
found to be fraudulent, new fraud profiles are built.
2.2 The Importance of Ontologies
Ontologies can play a vital role in both the rule-
based and data mining fraud detection approaches.
Apart from the rules, a really important component
of a rule-based system is its knowledge base. An
important issue in knowledge bases is the knowledge
representation paradigm they adopt as the latter
influences the type and quality of reasoning that can
be made within the knowledge-based system. In the
Knowledge Representation literature there can be
found a number of different knowledge
representation schemas and languages including
first-order logic (Hodges, 2001), defeasible logic
(Nute, 1994), modal logic (Blackburn et al, 2003)
A family of these languages are Description
logics (DL) (Baader et al, 2003) on which in turn
ontologies are based. Ontologies are knowledge
models that represent a domain and are used to
reason about the objects in that domain and the
relations between them (Gruber 1993). Thus, a
knowledge base may use an ontology to specify its
structure (entity types and relationships) and its
classification scheme. In such a case, the ontology,
together with a set of instances of its classes
constitutes the knowledge base.
The use of ontologies and ontology-related
technologies for building knowledge bases for rule-
based systems is considered quite beneficial for two
main reasons:
Ontologies provide an excellent way of
capturing and representing domain knowledge,
mainly due to their expressive power.
A number of well established methodologies,
languages and tools (
Gomez-Perez et al 2004)
developed in the Ontological Engineering area can
make the building of the knowledge base easier,
more accurate and more efficient, especially in the
knowledge acquisition stage which is usually a
bottleneck in the whole ontology development
Ontologies are also very important to the data
mining area as they can be used to select the best
data mining method for a new data set (Tadepalli et
al 2004). When new data is described in terms of the
ontology, one can look for a data set which is most
similar to the new one and for which the best data
mining method is known, this method is then applied
to the new data set. In this way, there is no need for
trying out every known method on the new data set,
but the one (or few) that is most promising can be
directly selected.
2.3 The Importance of Existing
Ontologies and Standards
Creating a knowledge model for a given domain
from scratch is most of the times a very difficult and
time/resource consuming task especially as far as the
knowledge acquisition process is concerned.
Therefore, in any such effort, the existence of
already established and commonly accepted
standards, classification schemes and ontologies
regarding this domain should always be taken in
mind. Of course the degree of existence and
reusability of such standards depends largely on the
given domain.
For example, in the healthcare domain, existing
medical classifications, terminologies and
taxonomies, which we used for the TSAY case study
that we describe in section 5, include the
International Classification of Diseases ICD)
( classifications/icd), the ATC
system ( and the
SNOMED CT system ( The
ICD classification is an international standard
diagnostic classification for all general
epidemiological and many health management
purposes. The Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical
(ATC) system is a system for classification of
medicinal products according to their primary
constituent and to the organ or system on which they
act and their chemical, pharmacological and
therapeutic properties. Finally, SNOMED
(Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine) is a
system of standardized medical terminology
developed by the College of American Pathologists
Apart from such domain specific classifications
like ATC or SNOMED, attempts for building fraud
ontologies for certain domains and fraud types have
also been made. Examples include financial fraud
(Leary et al, 2003) and e-mail based fraud
(Kerremans et al, 2005).
The methodology we propose for building fraud
detection ontologies is based on the suggestion that
fraud is actually an operational risk for an
organization and as such it should be treated through
a risk management process. Risk management (RM)
Crockford, 1986) (Lam, 2003) is the process
whereby public organizations may methodically
address the risk associated to their activities with the
goal of achieving a sustained benefit within each
activity and across their portfolio of activities. The
focus of RM is to identify, measure and treat these
risks in order to reduce their probability of
In a similar fashion, our methodology defines a
process for identifying, measuring and treating fraud
in the context of e-government services. This
process comprises three steps; a) establishment of
the fraud context, b) identification of fraud within
this context and c) transformation of this information
into an ontological model.
Establishment of the fraud context within an
organization involves defining the type of fraud the
organization wishes to fight and identifying the
business processes fraud occurs upon. This is done
through a business process modelling procedure
which records the fraud susceptible business
processes of the organization and their context. On
the other hand, fraud identification involves the
description of potential fraud cases that could occur
within the organization and of corresponding
detection methods. This identification is done in two
ways, namely by acquiring organizational
knowledge regarding fraud from experts and by
utilizing data mining methods in order to extract
unknown fraud patterns.
The final step of the methodology involves
transforming the knowledge derived from the two
previous steps into an ontology so that it can be
utilized by fraud detection systems. This step usually
requires following some formal knowledge
engineering procedure.
Obviously, these three steps should be repeated
for each different domain or case study meaning that
the proposed methodology is an iterative procedure.
In order to minimize the effort required in each
iteration we created a generic fraud ontology which
acts as the basis for building domain specific fraud
The fraud ontology is practically a generic
framework for defining domain and case specific
fraud ontologies which are to be used in ontology-
based fraud detection systems. Among others, this
framework should be easily adaptable and
extendible to different domains and types of fraud.
This was made possible through a multi-layer
architectural design of the fraud ontology which
makes the latter adaptable, extendible and to a
significant degree reusable.
4.1 Fraud Ontology Layered
The overall architecture of the fraud ontology
consists of three independent but interconnected
layers each one defining its own set of ontologies
(see Fig. 1).
Figure 1: Fraud Ontology Layered Architecture.
The bottom layer (or case specific layer) consists
of domain ontologies which model the business
processes of the specific cases that are examined for
fraud, e.g. a specific organization in social security.
The concepts and relations contained in these
ontologies are practically derived from the business
process analysis of the particular case and from the
knowledge of the corresponding domain experts.
The main purpose of the case specific layer is to
provide the basic knowledge on which fraud
detection rules or data mining techniques are going
to be based on. Reusability of existing ontologies is
applicable nut only in the sense of best practices
transfer from one case to another.
The middle layer (or fraud domain layer)
comprises of ontologies which model fraud related
knowledge such as fraud types and fraud detection
processes. The content of these ontologies reflects
the knowledge of fraud domain experts and it is
primarily used as the basic means for expressing the
fraud detection rules that these experts provide.
ICE-B 2007 - International Conference on e-Business
The middle layer could be considered as having
two sublayers, a domain-specific one and a generic
one. The domain-specific sublayer models the fraud
characteristics of the domain at hand, e.g. social
security or public procurement. The generic sublayer
provides more abstract and generic knowledge that
constitute the basis for applying knowledge-based
approaches into virtually any fraud susceptible field.
A small fraction of the generic fraud ontology is
depicted in figure 2. As it can be seen from this
diagram the fraud ontology contains concepts
representing fraud actors, fraud cases etc and
relations linking actors with motivations and cases
with actors.
5.1 The Case of TSAY, a Greek Social
Security Fund
TSAY is the insurance body of all healthcare
professionals in Greece and its main focus
concerning healthcare fraud is detected in the
prescription reimbursement domain. Since TSAY is
a health insurance body organization, one of the
most common services it offers to its members is the
payment of the drugs they consume. This payment
has mainly the form of reimbursement meaning that
a TSAY’s member purchases the drugs s/he needs
from a pharmacist paying only a percentage of the
actual cost and then the pharmacist claims the rest of
the money from TSAY.
Finally, the upper layer, namely the Generic
Upper Ontology, captures generic and domain-
independent knowledge that helps minimize
redundancy and duplication of knowledge within the
overall ontology.
However, it is often the case that the
prescriptions TSAY is asked to reimburse contain
erroneous or deliberately inaccurate data so that
larger sums of money can be claimed or
inappropriate drugs can be prescribed. Or, it is
possible that prescriptions contain data which when
viewed isolated do not indicate fraud but when
considered along with other prescriptions they form
some suspicious pattern of misbehaviour.
The most important of the advantages such a
layered architecture provides, are the following:
Modularity: When a large-scale ontology is
composed out of smaller ontologies then its
development and maintenance are easier and more
Reusability: When the independent parts of
the ontology are well defined and separated then it is
highly possible that these parts can be reused in
other similar applications.
Of course, the cases targeted for detection do not
necessarily constitute fraud from a legal point of
view because it might be that the inaccurate data are
due to human error or that the objectionable
misbehaviour can be explained by reasons that are
not obvious. However, even then, the need for
detection remains strong since fraud in this case can
be considered to be synonymous to waste in the
form of monetary losses from the reimbursement of
inappropriate prescription.
Extensibility: With the layered architecture,
and more specifically with the generic ontologies, it
is far easier to extend the ontology so that it can
cover domains of application other than the existing
Figure 2: Generic Fraud Ontology.
5.1.1 TSAY Fraud Context and Fraud
In the case of TSAY the fraud domain is that of
prescriptions. According to our methodology the
first required step was the establishment of the
fraud context namely the description of the
prescription domain. Thus, a business process
modelling procedure was performed and a
complete business process model of the
prescription domain was developed. The high level
processes contained in that model were:
The issuance of prescription booklets to
TSAY members by the Fund
The issuance of prescriptions by doctors to
patients that own these booklets
The inspection of prescriptions by the
ministry of health.
The filling of members’ prescriptions by the
The reimbursement process of TSAY for
filled prescriptions.
According to the business process analysis,
prescription issuance, inspection and filling occur
outside the organization and TSAY has no control
over the events that take place there. This meant
that these processes could not be a part of TSAY’ s
fraud detection mechanism. On the other hand, the
prescription reimbursement process was
considered perfect for applying fraud detection
methods and rules.
These methods and rules (the TSAY fraud
identity or the second step of the methodology)
were provided by people involved in the
prescription process, namely doctors, pharmacists,
TSAY’s inspectors (patients could also be
The rules identified comprised two main
categories, namely auditorial rules and medical
rules. Auditorial rules try to detect incomplete
prescriptions and invalid or miscalculated data
while medical rules try to detect prescriptions in
which the data are inconsistent from a medical
point of view.
An example of an auditorial rule is when a
prescription contains no diagnosis at all for the
drugs that it prescribes and an example of a
medical rule is when the diagnosis written on the
prescription is not included in the indications of the
prescribed drugs.
5.1.2 TSAY Domain Specific Fraud
Ontology and TSAY Case Specific
Domain Ontology
The third step of applying our methodology was
the actual building of the TSAY specific
ontologies. As described in section 4 these
ontologies are the TSAY domain specific fraud
ontology and the TSAY case specific domain
The first contains the knowledge regarding the
prescription domain and utilizes the business
process model created in the previous steps. The
second models the fraud types and fraud detection
methods and rules for the prescription domain and
utilizes the knowledge derived from the domain
experts. Both are built under the generic upper and
fraud ontologies so that the development effort and
knowledge redundancy are minimized. Figures 3
and 4 present fractions of these two ontologies.
Figure 3 depicts the refinement and
specialization of a generic fraud case to the social
security domain and especially to prescription
related fraud. Several fraud cases identified in step
2 of the methodology are represented as concepts
in the domain ontology.
Figure 4 presents the representation of a
prescription as viewed by TSAY experts. The
different concepts – entities, their characteristics
and their relationships are depicted in the
ontological model. It is clear from the figure that
even this particular part of the TSAY case specific
ontology can be transferred and applied to another
organization that faces a similar increased risk in
its prescription process with minor adaptation.
5.2 Other cases
In order to illustrate and test the generic character
of our approach, we applied our methodology and
the generic fraud ontology to three more cases and
domains apart from that of TSAY’s.
The first one concerned one of the largest
cardiothoracic centre in the UK and part of NHS
Trust, which provides specialist services for
patients of all ages from across the UK, including
Scotland and Wales. The centre’s interest in fraud
detection involved the identification of conflict of
interest in the process of procurement of goods and
services within the Trust.
ICE-B 2007 - International Conference on e-Business
Figure 3: TSAY Domain Specific Fraud Ontology.
Figure 4: TSAY Case Specific Domain Ontology
Our approach to facilitating the detection of such
kind of fraud was similar to the one we followed in
the TSAY case. Thus, at first a business process
model describing the way the procurement process
performed within the centre was created and then a
number of potential conflict of interest cases were
identified along with corresponding fraud detection
rules. All this knowledge was transformed
correspondingly into the centre’s Domain Specific
Fraud Ontology and Case Specific Domain
Ontology. The centre’s experts evaluated the final
ontology and found it adequate to cover the fraud
detection process described during the first step of
the methodology.
The second case concerned customs control and
particularly fraud regarding tax evasion during the
movement of goods between countries of the EU
which originate from non-EU countries or pass
through non-EU countries. Again, we followed the
same procedure and we managed to create a
complete ontological model of this kind of fraud.
Finally, we applied our methodology in the field of
Public Administration for assisting the General
Inspector Office of Public Administrations to detect
corruption and any other potential fraudulent
activities that take place within the government. In
both cases the final ontology for the particular
organizations and domains was developed in a short
period of time by applying the methodology and
refining the generic ontology. The results were
judged as satisfactory by organizations’ experts.
In this paper we presented a methodology for
building fraud ontologies across domains spanning
the area of e-government. Fraud ontologies are
usually part of rule-based or predictive modelling
fraud detection systems but they can also be utilized
in data mining systems that try to discover
fraudulent behaviour among seemingly irrelevant
data. Our methodology is supported by a generic
ontological framework (called fraud ontology) that
can be used during the building of the domain
specific fraud ontologies for increasing the
efficiency of the whole ontology development
In essence, our methodology and generic
ontology are tools that can be used by any
knowledge engineer who needs to build a domain
ontology for a fraud detection application in the field
of e-government. The methodology provides the
engineer a roadmap of how s/he should proceed with
acquiring the required knowledge for the application
while it leaves him/her free to choose the knowledge
engineering tools and methods s/he wishes. On a
second level, the fraud ontology provides the
engineer useful insights of how the ontology should
look like and helps him/her do the knowledge
modelling more accurately, efficiently and with less
The work presented in this paper is funded by the
European Commission under Grant FP6-2004-IST-
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ICE-B 2007 - International Conference on e-Business