Thiago Curvelo dos Anjos, Luiz Henrique Freitas, Guido Lemos de Souza Filho and Tiago Salmito
Digital Video Applications Lab, Federal University of Paraíba, João Pessoa/PB, Brazil
Keywords: Security architecture, TV content exchange, television virtual enterprises, security in collaborative systems.
Abstract: Nowadays satellite link are costly. Small TV stations can not afford such expenses and big TV stations
make huge investments on such infrastructures. Instead of satellite, IPTV based technologies allow real time
distribution of digital content with lower costs. Security is one of the main impairments for using IPTV on
such type of applications. Considering security as a mandatory requirement we designed Thoth: a
framework for creating secure virtual organizations platforms to share TV content among a scalable number
of TV stations.
The television is currently dominated by three
distribution technologies: over the air broadcast,
cable, and satellite. However, television industry is
in the middle of profound changes caused by IPTV
technology. IPTV provided by telecom service
providers is starting to compete with existing
broadcasting services via terrestrial, satellite and
cable networks. The increasing demand for digital
content, improvements on distribution and
compression techniques in addition to high network
bandwidth have made IPTV feasible
Many telecommunications companies are betting
their future on the IPTV “Triple Play”: data, voice
and video. “Data and voice traffic, delivered over
the same IP pipe as video, can be more easily
integrated with the viewing experience” (Wales et
al, 2005). The use of an IP network to deliver
content also makes it easier to provide new features.
Enterprises are now facing growing global
competition and their continuous success in the
marketplace depends on how efficiently the
companies are able to respond to customer demands.
The formation of virtual enterprise network is taking
up momentum to meet this challenge (Lau, 2005).
Moreover, the idea of a dynamic organization
combining synergetic efforts to perform a given
business project is more likely to achieve costumer
satisfaction and market needs than enterprises by
The combination of IPTV and Virtual
Enterprises technologies create the perfect
environment to develop new TV applications. In
order to explore this opportunity we developed a
framework that makes possible to instantiate secure
platforms to share TV content among a scalable
number of TV stations. This platform may be used
to set up virtual TV networks formed by a set of
individual broadcasters working together organized
as a virtual enterprise. The framework we developed
is called Thoth, and it was named after the Egyptian
god that was responsible for production and
dissemination of knowledge.
In order to properly work in a TV scenario, the
software needs more than just achieve system
functionalities, it must ensure data security.
The access to organizations’ resources is not
public and must be restricted to a set of specific
users. The first step is to ensure that users are
authenticated before they use the system. However,
authentication itself is insufficient to control who
have permission to use the resources. Even
legitimate system users can not have rights to
perform all application functionalities. In addition, it
is necessary to control which users have access to
which resources.
The implementation of an authorization
mechanism ensures that only users who have
authority to do some task are allowed to do it.
However, beyond access control, on business
environment it is necessary also to register users’
actions, in order to make them responsible for their
Curvelo dos Anjos T., Henrique Freitas L., Lemos de Souza Filho G. and Salmito T. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on e-Business, pages 57-62
DOI: 10.5220/0002113500570062
acts. On TV environment, where copyrighted
content flows among stations, this control must be
carefully done due royalties’ payments, for instance.
Another important concern regards security
policy. The organization’s security policy is a
document which defines the organizational rules that
must be followed in order to ensure a secure
operation. These rules vary from one enterprise to
another, because they have their own needs.
Therefore, when it is necessary to design an
application which will be used by many different
companies, efforts to permit different
implementation policies must be dispended.
Section 2 introduces a brief overview on Thoth
architecture and functionalities. On section 3,
security design is discussed and the Thoth security
architecture is detailed. Section 4 exposes a case
study of Thoth, applied to build a network of
Brazilian TV Stations. Finally, in section 5, we
present the conclusion of our work.
Thoth platform is a factory of TV Virtual
Enterprises; it is used to create and also to provide
support for the operation of distributed TV Virtual
Enterprises. Thoth can be used to organize content
exchange between a set of partner TV stations. The
idea is to reduce content production costs by
exchanging it, this way, a small television enterprise,
instead of producing content 24 hours per day, can
produce a smaller amount of it, to provide it for its
partners on a virtual television network and use
content provided by its partners to fulfill its daily
Besides providing support for content exchange,
Thoth can be used to build the television network
reference programming schedule and to distribute
this schedule of the TV network to every affiliate.
Thoth broadcasts the content of the TV network
schedule through the Internet using IPTV. It is
important to highlight that this platform fits in the
traditional television network scenario; where there
is a main TV station (network head end) transmits
content to its affiliate stations and then they
retransmit it to end users adding its local content.
Only authorized personal can share content on the
network regarding copyright issues. In this section
we explain Thoth architecture and features. Thoth
architecture is presented in figure 1.
Figure 1: Thoth’s Architecture.
1. All TV stations have their own database where
they store local video content. The content in the
database is used to build local Electronic
Programming Guides (EPG). Video content on
these databases are uploaded by authorized
2. All TV stations have access to the shared
database. They may download content from this
database to build their local EPG.
3. In order to build local EPGs, programming
operators from affiliate stations may use the video
content from its local database, or from the shared
database. In addition, some instances of Thoth
have the option to use a reference EPG.
4. The main TV station builds reference EPGs with
video content from the shared database and then
sends them to affiliate TV stations. This EPG
contains some empty time-spots that will be
fulfilled by each station.
5. A set of operational rules that define processes
and interactions in the architecture
The five entities mentioned in figure 1 forms the
base of Thoth’s architecture. However, in order to
consider Thoth a factory of TV Virtual Enterprises,
it has to achieve different requirements from distinct
TV stations. These requirements may not be the
same in different enterprises and sometimes they can
be even opposites. Therefore, such requirements
must be flexible and dynamically configured for
each instance of a virtual organization. Thoth was
designed to allow users to configure business rules,
security policies and metadata.
This feature works on the so called flexibility
functions of Thoth architecture, defining operational
rules for the virtual organizations. By changing the
configuration of theses functions, a new virtual
enterprise with different rules is created. These
flexibility functions are showed on figure 2.
ICE-B 2007 - International Conference on e-Business
Figure 2: Thoth Flexibility functions.
1. Cooperation is a key aspect in the virtual
enterprise paradigm (Camarinha-Matos, 2001).
Because a virtual enterprise is built according to
the changing business opportunity, the
cooperative partners in a virtual enterprise may
have different priorities. On Thoth, various users
(TV Stations) may have different attributes
requirements to describe their videos and the TV
schedule. To give database’s control to its
administrators, a dynamic metadata approach was
employed. Hence, each station is able to define
and create metadata to achieve its internal
requirements, without interfering on another
station when offering or getting video.
2. In Thoth, affiliate stations can build their local
EPG using video content from their database and
from the shared database. However,
improvements on video content exchange can be
achieved by allowing users to browse and get
content directly from other stations.
3. In order to advertise content to others stations,
affiliate TV stations must either enable the feature
presented above or offers this content to the main
TV station. However, the offered content may be
evaluated and accepted or rejected by the main
TV station. Accepted videos are stored in the
shared database and can be used by all stations.
This flexibility function regards how the offering
process occurs. We have got four different cases:
(i) it can be disabled; (ii) it can be set to
automatically accept an offer; (iii) every time an
offer is made one person will evaluate the content;
(iv) instead of one person, a council will evaluate
the content using a voting system.
4. This issue regards how the shared database is
populated. It may consist only by offered videos
from affiliate TV stations, or only by uploaded
video on the main TV stations or, in a third
scenario, working with both cases.
5. The main TV station builds EPGs with video
content from the shared database and then sends
them to affiliate TV stations. However, the
acceptance of this EPG by affiliate stations can be
configured in three different ways: First, the
acceptance is set to be optional, this ways affiliate
stations may choose not to use the reference EPG
(i.e. on a cooperative TV network). Second, the
acceptance is mandatory and local EPG
administrators are not allowed to change the
schedule (i.e. on a hierarchical TV network), they
are only allowed to add content on the unfulfilled
spots on the reference EPG. Finally, the
acceptance is mandatory but local EPG
administrators can change the schedule, therefore,
they can alter EPG as they want, however, they
have to entirely broadcast the original content
from the reference EPG.
6. In order to control users’ access and to ensure
only authorized personal perform the tasks, Thoth
implements an authorization mechanism, where
the organization security policy is defined and, for
every user action, the right definitions are
On this section, we present the features of Thoth’s
security design issues.
So as to ensure quality of the adopted security
solution, Thoth’s design was based on the use of
security patterns (Schumacher et al, 2006). Security
patterns, like design patterns, consist in a set of
generic, high quality and proven solutions to specific
security problems. They are catalogued concepts,
which have been applied successfully in the past
over and over again.
An important feature within security design
scope is transmission. All communication among
station is done using security channels, a well-
known pattern, employed to ensure confidentiality.
To implement security channels Thoth uses the
secure socket layer.
On the follow we discuss main features on
security design.
3.1 Authentication and Identification
Authentication is the binding of a computer identity
to a user (Bishop, 2002). When a user goes through
the authentication process, and he is properly
identified, a security session is created. A session is
a large used pattern which consists in an object that
holds user relevant data (Schumacher et al, 2006).
The user client holds a session id (i.e. cookies on a
browser) and presents it on every request. The main
role of session is to identify the user, avoiding him
to re-authenticate on every action.
In Thoth there are two levels of identification. In
the first level, the user identifies him on his TV
station, by using login and password schema. Thus,
if his authentication succeeds and the session is
created, he will be able to attempt to execute tasks
on his station local resources.
The second identification level occurs when the
user attempts to access resources beyond his station.
For instance, offering a program to shared database
or retrieving reference schedule. In Thoth, each
affiliate station has its own users and its own
security server (that will be better showed on
distribution architecture in section 3.4); therefore,
there is a need to identification on main station site.
On these cases, because the session has local station
scope, the user has to be identified on control
station. In order to create another session, and avoid
user re-authentication, a digital certificate-based
authentication is done.
Using this approach, each affiliate station has a
certificate emitted by control station which acts also
as a certificate authority.
When a station attempts to access these
resources, it presents its certificate to the control
station, which creates a session for it. The affiliates
are to main station, as the users are to its affiliates.
That certificate-based authentication approach is
also used when an affiliate attempts to retrieve video
content from another station local database. The
affiliates exchange their certificates in order to
recognize each other as members of the same TV
network. This approach is called known partners
(Schumacher et al, 2006).
3.2 Authorization and Access Control
Users have different access rights, and these
rights must be checked before the application
executes any resource request. So as to ensure that,
Thoth adopts the reference monitor pattern
(Schumacher et al, 2006). Reference monitor is an
entity which intercepts all requests for resources and
checks them for compliance with authorizations.
Therefore, all user requests are addressed to
reference monitor, that queries the security database,
and allow or deny rights to do a task.
Also through the reference monitor, using a
pattern called limited access, the user interface is
customized according to user’s rights. In this way,
the reference monitor hides or display functionalities
to the user.
In Thoth, the main resources are the schedules
(local and reference) and databases (local and
shared). Each resource has different set of functions
and different interests and responsibilities are
involved. Defining detailed rules requires a high
level of granularity.
Aiming to provide the fine granularity
authorization control for the organizations needs,
Thoth uses Role Based Access Control model
(RBAC) (RBAC, 2007). RBAC is a NIST standard
which regulates access of user to resources based on
their roles in an organization. The roles denote
organizational functions which describe authority
and responsibility assigned to a user. In RBAC, the
access rights are assigned to the roles, according to
the role needs. The roles are assigning to the users,
according to their functions on the organization.
In order to ensure the policy independency, the
access control mechanism must be implemented on
an independent layer. In section 4.4 we present
MACA, the middleware solution for access control
adopted by Thoth.
3.3 MACA: Authentication and Access
Control Middleware
MACA (MACA, 2006) is a solution for provide
authentication and authorization service for legacy
or under developing applications. It implements a
contextual authorization model (MOTTA et al,
2003), which extends RBAC reference model.
A contextual authorization allows or denies
access based on evaluation of rules, during an access
attempt. These rules are defined in terms of
environment functions or variables, available on
context, in order to implement specifics access
policies. Using contextual authorization enhances
the granularity of access control, ensuring more
flexibility to implement distinct policies.
MACA implementation is based on open
standards to ensure interoperability. It’s a scalable
solution, which makes possible a centralized access
policy administration, from different systems, for
heterogeneous applications, made in different
languages. Furthermore, in future their services will
be available via web services, aiming to improve
3.4 Security Architecture
In this section, we show Thoth’s security
architecture. First, the Logic Model shows the
solution elements. In the follow, the Distribution
Model expose where the elements are placed on TV
ICE-B 2007 - International Conference on e-Business
The elements of Thoth security architecture are
showed in Figure 3.
Figure 3: Security architecture: Logic Model.
1. Information about users, roles, resources and
rights, used for authentication and authorization,
are stored on a database known as Security
Information Management Base (SIMB). The
data on this base is populated and managed for
system administrators using a set of
Administration Tools (1.b).
2. The information on SIMB is retrieved by the
Security Server, which is the main element of
Thoth Security Architecture. It must ensure the
security policy implementation.
On the security server occurs the user
identification through the authentication server
(2.a). When a valid user attempts to log in on
Thoth, the authentication server asks the session
manager (2.b) to create a new session (2.c).
The authorization server (2.d) is the entity
responsible for verifying if users are allowed to
execute the tasks they attempt to. The RBAC
logic is implemented on this element. It checks
user’s permissions on the SIMB, based on his
3. All the integration between user and system is
accomplished by a single access point entity. It is
an element of the user interface that allows
system access and it consists in a large utilized
security pattern to provide a unique way access.
4. Finally, the reference monitor intermediates
users and business rules. It is responsible for
asking security server if the user has permission
to execute a task, and allows or denies its
execution. Reference monitor also asks for the
user authentication when he attempts to log in.
Thoth architecture allows to implement distinct
security policies without modifying business rules,
therefore, making Thoth capable to easily adapt for
different TV organizations realities. In the following
section, the distribution model of Thoth architecture
is exposed.
The entities of Thoth architecture are distributed
among the stations affiliated to the television
network. Figure 4 details the distribution model.
Figure 4: Security Architecture: Distribution Model.
Each station has an implementation of its business
rules (1) and a local security server (2a). On the
local security server, users are authenticated and
authorized. However, when resources from the
control station are required (shared base or main
station EPG) both local and shared security servers
are consulted. In these cases, the local server tests if
the user has permission to do what he asks to,
regarding his role. If a positive answer is obtained,
the local server gets clearance with the control
station and then, asks to execute the task on the
control station.
In the control station viewpoint, the affiliate
stations are users, therefore, authentication is
needed. So as to identify affiliate stations, the
control station security server (2b) uses
authentication based on digital certificate. Hence,
control station acts as a certificate authority (2b),
emitting certificate to the affiliate stations.
The use of this architecture for the distribution
model makes Thoth security policy adaptability
more flexible, because Control Station can regulate
what their affiliate stations are allowed to do.
University TV Stations in Brazil spread scientific,
technical and educational information throughout the
country. However, a large number of these TV
stations have limited budget and personal to produce
such content and sometimes these productions are
not enough to fulfill its daily programming content.
In addition, video content produced by them is
stored in only one place and at most times in non-
digital Medias making difficult to share the content
with other stations.
Brazilian University TV Stations are using Thoth
to build a television network for sharing content
aiming to complete their daily Electronic
Programming Guide (EPG). This network is called
RITU. RITU stands for Brazilian’s university TV
network for content exchange; from the Portuguese
“Rede de intercâmbio de televisão universitária”.
RITU configuration is presented on figure 5.
Figure 5: Thoth configuration schema for RITU.
On RITU, there is one council that defines a
reference programming guide and recommends it to
the stations, however, TV stations are not
contractually enforced to use this reference so, the
acceptance of EPG from the Programming Control is
not mandatory (4). Affiliate stations have complete
control on its local EPGs; they can build their own
programming guide with local video content, content
from shared database or willingly accepting EPG
from the RITU programming council.
Since RITU was developed for sharing content,
affiliate TV stations have access to other TV stations
databases and may download content from them (1).
In fact, if a search is performed the showed results
are from databases of all TV stations on RITU.
Another type of interaction among stations is the
offer process; it always flows from the affiliate to
the main station. At the main TV station the offered
video content is evaluated by a one person (2).
Accepted videos are stored in the shared database
(3). In addition, video content can be uploaded by
authorized personal; in this case the role responsible
for uploading content is the Content Editor (3).
Moreover, there is a file describing the access
control policy (5). It gives control to enterprises,
allowing them to create and manage roles and rights,
according to their needs. In figure 5 we used the role
“Programming Counselor” as configuration sample.
Finally, there is a dynamic metadata system (6)
where the user can define data according to
enterprise needs.
Thoth is factory for TV virtual enterprises that uses
IPTV to distribute video content among TV stations.
It inherits all the advantages of internet based
applications like robustness and maintainability. It is
a cheaper, more robust, and more efficient way to
distribute content among TV stations.
In contrast of many distributed systems, where
security concerns are neglected, Thoth focuses
efforts on design a strong and flexible security
approach. Its flexibility functions allow a high level
of customization, supporting various TV scenarios.
Thoth has been proving it very useful.
RITU, an instance of Thoth, help University TVs
to complete their EPG, exchange content and
minimize costs and flaws. It is a very powerful
solution for TV stations to exchange and commerce
their products with other TV stations.
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1. Browsing: allowed;
2. Offer: counselor;
3. Shared Database: offered, uploaded;
4. EPG Acceptance: optional;
5. Security Rules: accesspolicies.xml;
6. Metadata: data.xml
<role name= “Programming Counselor”>
<resource name =”Shared Database”>
<right> read </right>
<right> delete </right>
<right> evaluate</right>
ICE-B 2007 - International Conference on e-Business