5.4.3 JESS
JESS (Java Expert System Shell) is an inference
engine written in Java. It enables inferences based
on rules and conditions defined in a script language.
It permits mainly forward reasoning, but backward
reasoning is possible, both through an algorithm
called RETE. We used JESS to search for itineraries
between cities.
Found in the literature are the works of (Do Van
Thanh; Jorstad, I., July 2005).and (Duda, I.; Aleksy,
M.; Butter, T., July 2005).
Mobile applications are an opportunity for
enterprises that wish to cover wide areas and at the
same time be closer to the user. However,
developers face challenges because of a certain
number of restrictions in term of material and
network infrastructure. We have examined in this
paper how these problems can be solved in the case
where the mobile application integrates an enterprise
application with a service-oriented architecture. This
work permitted us to propose an architecture
allowing the mobile application to access services
through the intermediary of mediators. However,
two important aspects must be studied in depth:
security and the supply of services.
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ICE-B 2007 - International Conference on e-Business