A Practical Approach in Incorporating Mobility with
Enterprise Information System
Guillaume Koum, Augustin Yekel
Ecole Nationale Supérieure Polytechnique, Université de Yaoundé,P.O. Box. 8390 Yaoundé, Cameroon
Tam Sangbong, Raoul M. Tsamo, Arnaud Fosso
Soft-Tech International Inc, P.O. Box. 15412 Douala, Cameroon
Keywords: Mobile Applications, Service-Oriented Architecture, Web Service, Mediator, Gateway, Computer
Reservations System, Java 2 Mobile Edition.
Abstract: Mobile Applications and Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) are two aspects of Computer Science which
offer to Enterprise Information Systems (EIS) more agility and flexibility in order to follow the constant
evolution of enterprises business. However, the inadequacy of hardware resources and wireless network
availability and bandwidth constitutes a major constraint when developing any mobile application. The
challenge is exacerbated for developers when trying to integrate these applications with EIS which are
naturally heavier. This document presents this integration in the context of an EIS built on SOA. Added to
the basic tools needed for local data storage and communication with the server, a mediator (on the device)
is introduced to facilitate interactions between the application and the service. We also study reasons which
lead us to the choice of implementing a gateway on the server, in order to facilitate the service consumption.
The mobile terminal has long served as a
communication tool between people. Its use was
further diversified with the implementation of
gaming, organizer and calculating applications. This
evolution reached a critical point when it was
necessary to allow these applications running on the
mobile to be able to communicate with external
applications, thus granting real mobility to the user.
The object of our work is the integration of the
mobile applications in the global system of the
enterprise, notably in the setting of a SOA.
In this document we present the architecture of
mobile in section 2 which also presents how the
problem of client (on the mobile) and server
(backend system) communication is tackled. After
the description of SOA applications in section 3,
section 4 will present how they are integrated with
mobile applications. Before the concluding remarks
section 5 and 6 respectively show the description of
our prototype and related work in this area.
Like for other applications describing mobile
applications architecture refers to presenting their
various building blocks and the models which
govern interactions between the blocks. However,
mobile applications are specific primarily because
Mobility, the hardware limitation of mobile devices
as well as the fact that devices need to communicate
with backend systems, really influence mobile
applications architecture.
Koum G., Yekel A., Sangbong T., M. Tsamo R. and Fosso A. (2007).
MOBILE APPLICATIONS AND SERVICE-ORIENTED ARCHITECTURE INTEGRATION - A Practical Approach in Incorporating Mobility with Enterprise
Information System.
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on e-Business, pages 204-208
DOI: 10.5220/0002113802040208
2.1 Types of Mobile Application
The first criterion of distinction between mobile
applications is the application connectivity mode.
Then like other applications they can be layered
from three different perspectives (user interface,
processing, and Data layers). The layered view of
the application is applied to another mobile
applications differentiation according to the
client/server paradigm: the thin client and the fat or
smart client.
The fat client solves most of thin client
disadvantage and improves performance by allowing
data and operations to be executed locally. It
facilitates the interaction with other applications on
the terminal and can be integrated to the existing
infrastructures. The inconvenience is that it requires
more resources (Juntao Y., Michael, 2004).
2.2 Client/Server Communications
The fact that mobile applications are mostly partially
disconnected imposes constraints on the
management of data storage and transfer between
the client application and the enterprise server. That
is why a communication model or data exchange
protocol needs to be define thoroughly. The low
debit and the occasional unavailability of the
wireless network can impede the normal execution
of the application if it interacts with the server in
synchronous mode. So, the use of an asynchronous
communication model is better indicated for mobile
However, asynchronous communication poses the
problem of data synchronization. This affects most
partially-connected applications which use the store
- and - forward model. (Jourdain, Sébastien, 2002)
To execute the synchronization it is necessary to
implement solutions such as the protocol SyncML
(Crochet-Damais, Antoine, June 2004).
Along with synchronization, another important facet
of the problem of data transfer between the client
and the server is the format of the data to be
transmitted. Because XML (eXtensible Markup
Language) data is generally “large” (Enrique Ertiz.,
April 2004), WBXML (WAP Binary XML) which is
targeted to mobiles terminals, is preferred.
(WIKIMEDIA Project, January 2006).
We will now examine the architecture of service-
oriented application before looking at its integration
with mobile application.
Service oriented architecture is defined as a set of
methods, practices and environments that allow
functionalities of an application to be provided and
used as a set of services at a suitable level of detail
for the consumer of the service. Services can be
invoked, published, and outlined and are separated
from the implementation by a unique and
standardized interface (Gartner Group, April 2005).
A SOA is centred on a principal concept: the
service which is the means by which a supplier
satisfies a consumer's needs.
The SOA puts in place a certain number of
entities that have to interact in order to permit a
comfortable use of the functionalities of the
application by means of services (the service user;
the service supplier, the service directory, the service
contract, the proxy, communication and transport
Web services are currently the most widely
implemented service oriented architecture (Keen,
Martin, 2004).
More details on mobile and service oriented
applications architecture can be found in references.
4.1 Principles
We present here the integration of a mobile
application on a server whose architecture is service-
oriented. The goal is to enable the application to
integrate the SOA while taking into consideration
the fact that the connection is not guaranteed at all
times and that capacities of the mobile terminal are
The mediators’ model (Kureshi, Arif, 2004) has
been used to allow the application to reach the
offered services in order to preserve a weak coupling
between the various aspects of the application and
the service. Therefore the mediator will execute the
operations normally reserved for the services. It has
the following roles:
Intermediary between the application and the
service: It can offer the application to do in
several small actions of operations that the
service asks to make in only one time;
Local processing unit: it encapsulates
processes and local data which enables,
Incorporating Mobility with Enterprise Information System
among others, the application to be able to
function in a partially connected environment;
Scheduling: it must be able to schedule the
resumption of transactions. For this, it needs
to be autonomous;
4.1.1 Mediator–service Association
A mediator can be the mediator of several services if
these have a narrow relation between them. It is the
case if transactions exist in which these services
participate explicitly from the point of view of the
mobile application.
4.1.2 Communication between Mediators
It is possible that mediators need to use data used by
another mediator. To maintain the weakest possible
coupling between the different mediators as is
maintained between services themselves, one
mediator should not directly address another. An
object of the application must be able to take data
from one and transfer it to the other.
4.2 Proposed Architecture
The model presented above is summarised on the
figure 2 and explained in subsections below.
Figure 1: Proposed architecture.
4.2.1 Client Side (Mobile Terminal)
Basic infrastructure: The basic infrastructure
comprises the set of services enabling the
storage of data on the mobile terminal and
communication network operations. The topic
is not about services offered by the SOA but
of tools that can be implemented by the
developer or placed at his disposal by the
development environment or external
Business logic layer: This layer contains
mediators and possibly entities executing
other processes that are not provided by the
User Interface: The user-interface comprises
all the components enabling the interaction
with the user. These elements can be visual or
4.2.2 Server Side
Service - oriented architecture: We developed
this work on the basis that the application
server has a service - oriented architecture,
which means that functionalities are
distributed in the form of services that can
eventually be integrated on an enterprise
services bus;
Gateway: We presented the different
properties of this gateway. It has an optional
role, depending on the capacities of the mobile
terminal and the network on which the
application is going to function.
This section applies the studied concepts in order to
verify their validity. Thus, we have developed a
working prototype, the Flight Info application. The
system provides information on scheduled flights of
various airline companies. The importance of a
flight information application can be recognized by
anybody having had to plan a long distance journey
requiring several stopovers.
5.1 General Description of the Use of
the Product
The product will be used by the commercial agents
of travel agencies or any other third parties. The
software comprises two main modules, one for
agents of travel agencies and the other for travellers.
5.2 The Different Functionalities
Obtain flight information (costs, timetables,
number of available seats, etc.);
ICE-B 2007 - International Conference on e-Business
Determine flight itineraries while specifying
constraints (minimum cost, timetables,
stopovers, etc.)
Book customer reservations (card number can
be stored since data is isolated);
Receive and send notifications from and to the
travel agency;
5.3 Application Architecture
The application architecture is the one that we
proposed above. We describe the different services
and mediators who build the application server and
the client application respectively.
5.3.1 The Application Server
It comprises the set of services that offer Flight Info
The identified services are:
The information service on flights and
accommodation (hotels); offers customers
flight and hotel information
The booking service; enables the customer to
book a seat on a flight or a room in a hotel.
This service uses the electronic payment
service for confirmation;
The electronic payment service: enables
electronic payment of a booking;
The customer management service: enables
registration, modification or deletion of
customer information.
The agent management service: enables
registration, modification or deletion of agent
The security service, assures the security of
the application (authentication of users, etc.)
5.3.2 The client Application on the Mobile
It comprises all functionalities that are accessible
from the mobile terminal (client of the travel agent
or the traveller). We have the different mediators
and services to which they correspond
The information and booking mediator: this is
the mediator between the application and the
information service on flights and
accommodation and the booking service;
The customer management mediator: this is
the mediator between the application and the
customer management service. It will enable
access and modification of customer data;
The agent management mediator: this
mediator enables the agent management
service, notably for the access and the
modification of information on this agent;
The notification management mediator, this
mediator permits to manage the sending and
reception of notifications.
5.3.3 The Gateway between
the Client Application and
the Application Server
It is relevant mainly for the functioning of the flight
itineraries search service. It permits to store the
important data in order to send only a tolerable
amount to the application.
5.4 Tools and Technologies used to
develop a flight Information System
Several tools and technologies were used to develop
the prototype. We describe then below.
5.4.1 J2ME and J2EE
J2ME is a Java (language) platform used for
developing mobile applications. The framework
provides three main categories of virtual machines:
the CVM (C-Virtual Machine) which implements
nearly all specifications of the regular JVM but is
optimized for the mobile; the KVM (Kilobyte
Virtual Machine): a very light version of the JVM
(40 - 80 KB) which supports fewer functionalities;
the CardVM (Card Virtual Machine): a version of
the virtual machine for applications on SIM cards.
5.4.2 Simplicity
Simplicity for Mobile Servers is a development
environment especially for mobile Client–Server
applications. This environment permits to develop
enterprise servlets and integrates MIDPS that permit
to develop Midlets applications. It offers some key
The XML Export component allows to quasi-
automatically export captured data in XML by
a servlet. This module proves to be very useful
for the communication between the client and
the server.
The Transaction module is available at the
level of the client Midlet application. It
permits to send requests to a servlet via HTTP
and to receive the data in XML format
Incorporating Mobility with Enterprise Information System
5.4.3 JESS
JESS (Java Expert System Shell) is an inference
engine written in Java. It enables inferences based
on rules and conditions defined in a script language.
It permits mainly forward reasoning, but backward
reasoning is possible, both through an algorithm
called RETE. We used JESS to search for itineraries
between cities.
Found in the literature are the works of (Do Van
Thanh; Jorstad, I., July 2005).and (Duda, I.; Aleksy,
M.; Butter, T., July 2005).
Mobile applications are an opportunity for
enterprises that wish to cover wide areas and at the
same time be closer to the user. However,
developers face challenges because of a certain
number of restrictions in term of material and
network infrastructure. We have examined in this
paper how these problems can be solved in the case
where the mobile application integrates an enterprise
application with a service-oriented architecture. This
work permitted us to propose an architecture
allowing the mobile application to access services
through the intermediary of mediators. However,
two important aspects must be studied in depth:
security and the supply of services.
Anderson, Christoffer, 2004. GPRS and 3G Wireless
Applications, The Ultimate Guide to Maximizing
Mobile Internet Technologies, Wiley Computer
Jourdain, Sébastien, 2002. SAMS : Environnements
coopératifs Synchrone, Asynchrone, Multi-Synchrone
pour les équipes virtuelles, Mémoire de DEA,
Université Henri Poincaré.
Juntao Y., Michael, 2004. Enterprise J2ME, Developing
Mobile Java Applications, Prentice Hall PTR.
Lee, Valentino, 2004. Mobile Applications, Architecture,
Design, and Development, Prentice Hall & Hewlett
Livingstone, Dan, 2002. Advanced SOAP for Web
Development, Prentice Hall.
Mbassi, Cyrille, 2005.Conception et mise en oeuvre d’une
architecture orientée service. Master of engineering’s
end of course thesis in computer science National
Advanced Polytechnic School. Cameroon.
Fosso, Arnaud, 2006. Intégration d’applications mobiles
dans une architecture orientée service. Master of
engineering’s end of course thesis in computer science
National Advanced Polytechnic School. Cameroon.
Crochet-Damais, Antoine, June 2004. Panorama des
outils de synchroniation client / serveur.
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Enrique Ertiz, C., April 2004. Introduction to J2ME Web
mobility/apis/articles/wsa. Sun Publications.
Gartner Group, April 2005. Architecture and Planning for
Modern Application Styles.
Gartner Group.
Hemphill, David, July 2002. Using J2EE to drive J2ME
Juntao, Michael, June 2002. Securing your J2ME/MIDP
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Keen, Martin, 2004. Patterns: Implementing an SOA using
an Enterprise Service Bus.
http:// IBM Publications.
Kureshi, Arif, 2004. Architecting Disconnected
Applications using Service-Oriented Architecture.
op_disconnect_mob_apps_topic2. MSDN
Stemberg, Scott, October 2001. Syncing Data, an
introduction to SyncML. http://www-
Sun Microsystems, May 2001. L Over-The-Air User
Initiated Provisioning Recommended Practice for
Mobile Information Device Profile 1.0.
1.0.pdf. Sun Publications.
Warren, Nigel, June 2005. Talking Service-Oriented
Architecture Mobile.
2005/08/02/mobile1.html. Publications.
Wikimedia Project, January 2006. XML: Managing Data
Wikimedia Project.
Do Van Thanh; Jorstad, I., July 2005. A service-oriented
architecture framework for mobile services. Advanced
Industrial Conference on Telecommunications/Service
Assurance with Partial and Intermittent Resources
Conference/ E-Learning on Telecommunications
Workshop. AICT/SAPIR/ELETE 2005. P 65 - 70.
Duda, I.; Aleksy, M.; Butter, T., July 2005. Architectures
for mobile device integration into service-oriented
architectures. ICMB 2005, International Conference
on Mobile Business. P 193 - 198.
ICE-B 2007 - International Conference on e-Business