Giannis Koumoutsos and Kleanthis Thramboulidis
Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Patras, 26500 Patras, Greece
Keywords: E-negotiations, Ontologies, Process Specification, Protocol Specification, Semantic Web Services.
Abstract: In this paper a framework to support fully automate e-negotiations is presented. A novel approach that
exploits ontologies, Semantic Web Services and software agent platforms to define an architecture that
favours flexible, dynamically created and adapted e-negotiations, is described. Negotiating agents can enter
a negotiation area, acquire the negotiation protocol or even suggest their own in a widely understandable
notation and participate. Rule-based protocol specification along with process specification for describing
interactions during e-negotiations is presented.
E-negotiations try to virtualize the real life
negotiation procedures in the future internet-based
world-wide market. Most of the negotiations used
today are manual e-negotiations involving only
human participants. However, the trend is to create
systems able to participate in fully automated
negotiation procedures. This means that the involved
parties should behave as autonomous software
agents. In the context of this paper only trade e-
negotiations are considered, which are according to
(Bichler et. al., 2002) “negotiation processes in
electronic markets for the exchange of goods and
services based on bargaining, bidding, or dispute
Except from the fixed-price sales through
uncountable e-shops which involve no real
negotiations, auctions are currently the most widely
used form of e-negotiations. Due to the low cost
server-based implementation, auctions have rapidly
proliferated on the internet with multiple alternative
schemes (Wurman et. al., 2001). E-negotiations can
also take a more complex form called bargaining
which involves proposals and counter-proposals
until an agreement is reached. Despite the growth of
e-auctions, complex negotiation systems have not
been extensively studied and implemented and
mature tools for such an effort are not available. The
main objective of this work is to define a framework
for an effective analysis, design and automated
implementation of complex negotiations.
Negotiation protocols and negotiation strategies
are the basic concepts of e-negotiation. A
negotiation protocol is a set of rules which govern
the interaction, whereas a Negotiation Strategy is a
decision making model that participants should
employ in order to achieve their goal. The
negotiation strategy is built upon the selected
negotiation protocol and is private for each
participant. The focus of this paper is on the
negotiation protocol specification.
The remainder of this paper is organized as
follows: In section 2 we discuss the state of the art
and the related background work. In section 3 we
present the proposed layered architecture and in
section 4 we describe the negotiation process based
on this architecture. In section 5 we present our
approach on modelling the negotiation domain and
processes specification, as well as the automated
implementation with the use of Semantic Web
Services (SWS). A simple negotiation example
using the proposed notation is presented in section 6
and finally we conclude the paper in section 7.
Various research groups are working towards
automated e-negotiations with most of them
focussing on auctions. For example, in (Kersten, et
al., 2004) a configurable e-negotiation server is
proposed to support bargaining, splitting negotiation
process into well-defined phases. A set of rules that
govern the information processing, the decision-
making, and communication acts is presented.
More recent research goes beyond auctions and
considers more complicated negotiation schemes. In
Koumoutsos G. and Thramboulidis K. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on e-Business, pages 168-173
DOI: 10.5220/0002114001680173
(Kim and Segev, 2005) a state-chart description of
one e-negotiation protocol and the corresponding
BPEL4WS process is provided. (Chiu et al., 2005)
presents an approach for developing e-negotiation
plans providing meta-models for e-contract
templates and e-negotiation processes. A complete
framework to the same direction is described in
(Benyoucef and Rinderle, 2006). A service oriented
environment is defined using state-charts for model-
driven development as well as automatic generation
of orchestration code for existing web services.
Advanced tools and technologies such as rules
and ontologies are utilized to automate the
negotiation process. Bartolini proposed in (Bartolini,
2002) a simple interaction protocol to support any
mechanism that can be described with a taxonomy
of predefined declarative rules A similar work based
on Bartilini’s approach uses agent technologies and
tools to provide an initial implementation in (Badica
et. al, 2006). Tamma in (Tamma et. al., 2005) also
uses this taxonomy of rules utilizing ontologies to
make the representation of the rules of encounter
explicit, machine readable and sharable; agents
willing to participate to a negotiation session commit
to the shared ontology, which represents the
mechanisms governing the negotiation.
A very interesting approach for a general
description of processes and protocols is OWL-P
presented in (
Desai et. al., 2004). Ontology Web
Language (OWL) and Semantic Web Rule
Language (SWRL) are used to specify interactions
as rule based commitment protocols. The authors
separate public protocols from private policies thus
allowing protocols to be easily reused and extended.
The layered architecture shown in figure 1 was
defined to favour flexible, customizable and
automated e-negotiations.
The bottom layer is the basic interaction protocol
that provides the basic required functionality for e-
negotiations. This protocol based on existing Web
Service protocols encapsulates well defined in agent
standards communication acts. The description of
SWS, which will implement the proposed
negotiation scheme is given in OWL-S (language for
describing Web Services) (
services/owl-s/). Messages exchanged among
negotiating participants are a subset of the Fipa
agent interaction patterns (
repository/index.html) and are formulated using an
The basic negotiation protocol, in the second
layer, is a rule based protocol specification. Rules
are used to define and constraint the context of the
interaction for the participants. These rules are
expressed with the use of concepts from the well
defined negotiation domain. Constraints can be
broadly classified as either enabling or limiting.
They provide all the appropriate freedom within
predefined rules for the participants to behave
according to their strategy and achieve their goals.
Figure 1: The proposed Architecture.
The third layer uses the same concepts to define
a specific negotiation scheme in consistency with
layer two constraints. Rules are also used but a way
to describe interaction processes is a key issue for
the negotiation scheme description.
In the fourth layer, i.e. the negotiation strategy
layer, private strategies are defined for each
participant. These strategies are based on the
specific negotiation scheme that was adopted for the
interaction. The description of strategies will again
use the same tools and vocabulary forming a flexible
and easy to understand negotiation architecture.
The specification of the basic negotiation
protocol is a difficult task since it has to provide the
infrastructure required by all possible general
interactions that any negotiation may use. Such a
specification may have the form of transition
diagrams (stds) to fully describe the states of the
protocol. This is the approach used in (Su et al.
2000) where an FSM was used to model bilateral
bargaining negotiations. Another approach adopts a
rule-based framework to define the appropriate
behaviour according to the protocol that these rules
specify. Rules in (Bartolini et. al. 2002) are used for
enforcing the negotiation mechanism and are
organized into a taxonomy. Rules compared to STDs
have the advantage of giving simple, easy to
understand and modify, description of the protocol
specification. The same protocol needs a large
number of states and very complicated description if
expressed using STDs. This is why rules and
constraints are our preposition for the basic
negotiation protocol that is used as basis for the
above layers to further specialise the negotiation
According to our architecture the involved
negotiating parties, i.e., a consumer and a merchant
should follow a well defined interaction process,
depicted in figure 2. According to this the Consumer
may use a predefined negotiation scheme or define
his own. Well defined knowledge bases are
exploited to select a predefined negotiation scheme
(1A), while model- driven development techniques
are used to aid the development process of a new
scheme (1B). Basic protocols and named negotiation
schemes, such as the English and Dutch auctions,
are already defined. After selecting the scheme an
appropriate negotiation strategy can be adapted or a
new one constructed (2). Fore the case a new
scheme is created, this will be published to the
knowledge base (3).
At this stage the consumer is ready to negotiate
with the selected scheme the location of which
(URI) he sends to the merchant (4). The merchant
acquires the OWL description of the negotiation
scheme (5) and designs a strategy for it (6). After
that both parties automatically generate a SWS
(Semantic Web Service) described in OWL-S based
on OWL description of the negotiation scheme (7)
and the negotiation between SWS begins (8).
Merchant can publish the negotiation service in a
semantic annotated UDDI with references to all
available negotiation schemes (9).
In the context of the proposed architecture: a)
semantics offer machine understandable concepts,
and b) XSLT-based OWL to OWL-S transformation
offers the ability to automate the whole process after
the negotiation scheme and strategy selection.
5.1 Modeling the Negotiation Domain
In the e-negotiation context there is need for a basic
vocabulary that can be understood and used by all
participating agents. Such a vocabulary will be part
of the modelling of the e-negotiation domain which
is a very complicated task. Several attempts were
made to this direction each with a different point of
view of the domain. In (Wurman et al., 2001) the
focus is on auctions, whereas in (Lomuscio et al.,
2002), they stresses on automation aspects.
We adopted the Montreal Taxonomy (Strobel
and Weinhardt, 2002)
which can be considered an
abstract collection of the most important views
which provide a framework that can be used for
descriptive and prescriptive purposes. It covers
aspects such as the negotiating participant roles,
processes (offer specification, offer submission,
offer analysis, offer matching, offer allocation, offer
acceptance), information revelation, and business
model implementation of e-negotiations.
Figure 2: The negotiation process.
Based on the Montreal Taxonomy a negotiation
ontology was developed to exploit the reasoning
capability that is provided through a generic
reasoning engine, a great advantage of an ontology
compared to a simple taxonomy. Moreover,
inference can be used as an extension to the
proposed framework to draw conclusions which will
drive decisions in strategy and negotiation scheme
The Negotiation ontology captures, except from
the important concepts of the domain, the well-
known named negotiation schemes like English
auction, Dutch auction and many others. For the
description of complicated negotiation schemes,
such as bargaining, other ontologies are also
required, as for example the time ontology or the
ontology describing the item to be negotiated.
Moreover, a message ontology was defined
exploiting the Fipa ACL (Agent Communication
Languages) messages, to represent the messages that
can be exchanged between participants.
Among the classification criteria in the
negotiation area modelling we have adopted, we
discriminate: the number of participants, the bid
privacy, the number of items to be negotiated, the
attributes of negotiated items, the number of
suppliers, and the use of a broker or mediator.
Participants have to execute, during a
negotiation, certain well-defined actions. For
example every participant in any kind of negotiation
has to process the received proposal and decide his
ICE-B 2007 - International Conference on e-Business
next action based on the negotiation protocol and the
adopted strategy. We have collected the most
important actions and depicted them as concepts in
our ontology in an attempt to describe internal
behavior in each phase of the negotiation for each
participant. Among the concepts we discriminate:
Prepare Preference, Send, Receive, Prepare
Proposal, Make Choice, Matchmaking-Critic etc.
Negotiations depend a lot on the modeling of the
item that is under negotiation, since different
approaches can be adopted depending on the
negotiated-item. For example, negotiation schemes
for multi-attribute items can become very
complicated. An agreement on the negotiated object
properties that should not be altered, such as
minimum and maximum values of properties and
flexible or “don’t care” properties, has to be
established in an early step. Participants may express
these constrains upon the concepts of the negotiated
item ontology.
Every negotiation can be modeled as a peer-to-
peer interaction. Based on that, we decided to model
the negotiation process as peer-to-peer interaction in
flexible way that can be extended.
5.2 Modeling Interactions
The above defined representation of the negotiation
domain captures the static view and not the dynamic
view that is very important in interactions. The FSM
ontology was defined to address this requirement.
The most important concepts of the UML FSM
notation were used to describe the negotiation
process as an FSM diagram. Such an attempt that led
to an FSM ontology based on UML FSM notation is
also presented in Dolog (2004).
Negotiating participants go through a process
that can be described as a sequence of states. Each
state describes the exact phase of the negotiation.
During a state one or more activities are performed
by each negotiating party. Usually one participant
performs some activity while the other waits for an
event to occur. The description of the activity will
come from the negotiation ontology. Entry actions
of states can be used to perform the setup needed
within a state, as for example the check for validity
in an incoming message. Exit actions can be used
for the required clean up before exiting the state.
Transitions can also have actions which usually
produce a message from the message ontology for
the waiting participant. The transition guards contain
SWRL rules in order to create Boolean Expressions
for the firing of transitions. It should be noted that
the Completion Transition has no explicit trigger
event but it is fired by the completion of the
activities of the current state.
FSM notation has already been used for
modeling the negotiation process domain (Kumar,
1998 - Su, 2000). In (Kumar, 1998) a very simple
representation is presented trying to catch only basic
states in an English auction negotiation mechanism.
In (Su, 2000) again the possible phases of the
negotiation are represented as FSM states and the
transitions between states are fired from “send” and
“receive” proposals. The diagram produced is more
complex and uses numerous states trying to catch
the internal behaviour for each participant for the
bilateral bargaining negotiation scheme. Our
approach uses: a) a rule-based basic negotiation
protocol to give the desired generality, and b) the
FSM notation for specific scheme description able to
catch all important details using well defined
Benyoucef and Rinderle stating the FSM
limitations propose Statecharts due to their
advantage in executability, popularity and
completeness. The Process Specification Language
http://www. provides another
alternative for modeling interactions. PSL was used
for this purpose in (Tamma et al., 2005) although the
applicability is not proven.
5.3 Automated Generation of Stateful
Web Services
One important issue towards automation is the
translation of the OWL document describing the
overall negotiation process, to an OWL-S document
that will give the semantic description of the SWS
created to handle the negotiation for each party.
What is needed is to translate and map between
XML-based (OWL and OWL-S) documents. For
this, XSLT will be used to grasp all appropriate
information from the OWL document and generate
the OWL-S SWS description. In this way our engine
will only have to be in position of using a simple
XSLT engine and understanding and using the well
known ontology concepts.
Web services, by their nature, typically do not
maintain state information during their interactions.
However their interfaces must frequently allow for
the manipulation of state, that is, data values that
persist across and evolve as a result of SWS
interactions. Especially in our case a way of
remembering previous proposals must be
implemented. We could leave this job to the private
negotiating engine but selecting stateful resources is
another way of taking burden from the internal
proprietary engine of each party and injecting it to
the automated web service interaction. Stateful
resources will be mapped to state variables used in
FSM process ontology.
An example negotiation scheme for acquiring an
Service Level Agreement (SLA), for an internet
access service, from an ISP is used to demonstrate
the applicability of our approach. The example is a
“small” auction that allows service providers to
Figure 3: Example scheme interaction.
improve their proposal only ones before the final
decision is made (figure 3). Before the actual
propose-counter_propose process begins, the client-
initiator sends his preference which is the ability of
the provider to guarantee the end-to-end Quality of
Service (QoS). The SLA and QoS ontologies that
were imported in our framework during the design
of the example negotiation scheme are utilized along
with SWRL for describing constraints upon
concepts. After the confirmation the client sends the
complete preferred SLA as an SLA-ontology
instance asking for the providers to make their
suggestions. Involved ISPs answer with their
preposition and the client sends back the best choice
after comparing. An improved preposition is allowed
to be send by ISPs before the small auction is
Figure 4 presents the example negotiation
scheme using an FSM diagram with concepts from
fsm, negotiation and SLA ontologies. It is the
representation of the OWL document describing the
whole interaction. There we can see how each state,
transition, event, action etc bears the appropriate
semantic annotation in order to be easily recognized
and translated by the engine of the participants. In
each state a fundamental activity or activities from
the negotiation ontology is given that must be
performed in this phase of the negotiation by
participants. For this simple example in each state
only one participant is performing an activity while
the other is in the wait state. Each transition has also
actions which is usually the Send action of a
message between participants.
For example the first state is annotated with
State: Initial from the FSM ontology and Role:
initiator from the negotiation ontology meaning that
it is the starting state and the initiator performs an
activity during it while Negotiation: Role:
Participant is at wait state. The following transition
bares an Action: Send from the Initiator which is a
Start negotiation message to participant. In the
second simple state the Initiator executes one
Activity: Prepare_ Preference for the Service: End-
to-End QoS concept from the Service ontology. In
order to enter the second state our Guard: Condition
must be true which is an Event: Receive: Start
message from participant. In the second transition a
Query_if is sent by the Initiator-client about the
discussed concept and we enter the third state when
this preference is received by the Participant-ISP.
There the Participant performs a Matchmaking
Activity for the particular concept and answers with
a Confirm or Disconfirm message in the following
Transition. After another Prepare_Preference for a
complete SLA instance which is send to Participant
with a Call_for_Proposal message, we enter the
states where they exchange Proposals and Counter-
Proposals in Composite states where more than one
activity is performed. At the end the End state with
all appropriate messages follows the
Accept_Proposal message. In the particular figure
only some basic concepts are depicted from the
selected ontologies in order to keep it simple and
In this paper an approach to automate negotiations
between machines acting on behalf of their users has
been proposed.
An FSM and a negotiation ontology were defined
and utilized to construct negotiation schemes that
can guide the interaction of negotiating parties that
has no previous knowledge of the negotiation
scheme. This entire infrastructure can be used along
with semantic web services to automate the
generation process of negotiating interface of each
ICE-B 2007 - International Conference on e-Business
This work is funded by the Greek General
Secretariat for Research and Technology in the
context of PENED 2003 03ED723 project, (75%
EC, 25% Greek Republic, according to 8.3, 3
Framework programme).
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Figure 4: The example negotiation scheme.