Morad Benyoucef and Antonio Silva
University of Ottawa, 136 Jean-Jacques Lussier St., Ottawa, Ontario K1N 6N5 Canada
Keywords: e-negotiation system, design framework, usability, development process.
Abstract: Most design frameworks for e-negotiation systems have focused on achieving higher efficiency and lower
transaction costs and, to a lesser extent, easy development and deployment. However, they have neglected
the most important element in a negotiation: the user. In fact, no framework has properly addressed usability
requirements. Usability must not only be the cornerstone of e-negotiation systems, but also serve as a driver
for their development. This paper presents the five phases essential to an e-negotiation system development
process and addresses how usability requirements and evaluation should be used to guide the process.
The Internet has reshaped the way users and
organizations carry out their tasks. From a business
perspective, it has served as a platform through
which services are delivered to customers and it has
been used by companies to stay nimble within an
extremely competitive market. From a societal
perspective, it has been used to facilitate large scale
decision making and conflict resolution.
Negotiation is a process by which agents
(humans or software agents representing the
interests of their owners) conclude deals, resolve
conflicts, or make decisions. Negotiation
mechanisms (also called protocols) range from
auctions and bargaining to motion-raising and
voting. When a negotiation process relies on
electronic means (such as the Internet), it is referred
to as an electronic negotiation (e-negotiation). A
system implementing or supporting an e-negotiation
process is known as an e-negotiation system (ENS).
Three categories of ENSs have been identified in
the literature (Bichler et al., 2003): negotiation
support systems assist negotiators with
communication and decision making tasks;
negotiation software agents replace negotiators in
their communication and decision making tasks; and
e-negotiation media provide a platform that
implements a negotiation protocol.
An ENS is usually more complex than a
traditional catalogue-based e-commerce application
because in an ENS:
1. Interactions are more complex - An ENS has
to support a wide range of sophisticated
negotiation protocols.
2. Interactions need to be clearly described and
defined - Interactions must be captured and
described in a way that allows participants to
consult and understand the protocols to be
followed during the negotiation process.
3. Market conditions as well as societal
conditions change rather frequently and so do
the underlying negotiation protocols - The
ENS designer should be able to modify the
negotiation protocol easily and quickly and
without risk of introducing errors,
inefficiencies or inconsistencies.
4. Negotiation mechanisms need to be verified
before operational use - A negotiation protocol
must be formally described to allow automatic
checking for consistency, correctness and
5. User demands change very often - An ENS
must therefore meet user demands suitably and
ENS design requires not only a framework to
provide designers with concepts, methodologies,
tools, and techniques, but also a way of tying
together a set of components into a useful ensemble
in order to systematically develop a complete,
correct, and consistent application. A design
framework should support both simplicity (to ease
integration and promote reusability by simplifying
interfaces to other systems and subsystems) and
Benyoucef M. and Silva A. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on e-Business, pages 84-89
DOI: 10.5220/0002114300840089
thought through design with methodological support
regardless of system requirements.
There have been several initiatives, some of them
discussed in Section 2, aiming to support the ENS
development process, but most lack a systematic
approach which we believe is essential in view of
the increasing role that ENSs are set to play in the
context of e-business and e-government.
Furthermore, most existing ENS design frameworks
have focused on achieving higher efficiency and
lower transaction costs and, to a lesser extent, easy
development and deployment. However, they have
paid little attention to the most important element in
a negotiation process: the user.
This paper reports on our ongoing research to
devise an ENS development process. We identify
two phases within the process which address ENS
particularities: requirements gathering and
architectural design. We focus on usability as a way
of ensuring that ENSs meet user needs.
To support interoperability during architectural
design, we follow a service oriented approach where
a collection of services with well-defined interfaces
are designed and composed into useful negotiation
services to be deployed on the ENS.
Section 2 discusses ENS design challenges. We
present a five phase ENS development process in
Section 3. Section 4 discusses the need for adding
usability to an ENS development process.
Concluding remarks are provided in Section 5.
Several efforts (Benyoucef et al., 2000; Neumann et
al., 2005; Kim et al., 2006; Strecker, 2006; Bartolini
et al., 2001; Bartolini et al., 2006; Strobel, 2003) to
provide a framework for designing ENSs have been
made. Most address specific phases of the ENS
development lifecycle. However, they lack an
engineering perspective which would provide a
more systematic way of developing such systems. A
discussion of three prominent frameworks is given
2.1 Prominent Design Frameworks
CAME (Computer Aided Market Engineering)
(Neumann et al., 2005) is a framework aimed at
supporting a market engineering process with a
focus on designing electronic markets. The approach
makes use of MML (Market Modelling Language)
(Mäkiö, 2005) to allow a designer to configure the
rules of an auction by describing a set of parameters.
An executable auction based platform is then
generated automatically. Most of the work within
the CAME project has been restricted to auctions,
and the framework requires knowledge of MML and
market modelling, which may not be intuitive
enough for designers.
A context-independent framework for
developing ENSs was proposed in (Kim et al.,
2006). It makes use of the well known Model-View-
Controller (MVC) design pattern in order to promote
modularity, reusability and, as a result, reduce
system development effort. The general framework
is aimed at providing a generic platform which can
support multiple ENSs, and a platform called Invite
has been developed to explore the approach further
(Strecker, 2006). One reason for using the MVC
design pattern is the flexibility it can provide in user
interface design. However, this task may become
difficult when dealing with the design of complex
negotiation scenarios because MVC components are,
in general, tightly coupled and thus become hard to
deal with. Moreover, a not so user friendly table-
based specification has been used for configuring the
negotiation rules.
Generic Negotiation Platform (GNP) (Benyoucef
et al., 2000) was aimed at supporting several
negotiation protocols. Within GNP, the interplay of
negotiations is captured in iterative patterns, called
rounds, using Statecharts. GNP is a componentized
approach since its architecture clearly separates
application logic (i.e., business rules) from the
server component (i.e., the platform). This allows for
an easy deployment of new negotiation applications.
In addition to a lack of (or insufficient / non-
structured / non-documented) design process, a
thorough review of the literature shows that ENS
design has neglected an important element in a
negotiation process, which is the user. No approach
has addressed usability requirements. We believe
that usability must not only be the cornerstone of
such systems, but also serve as a driver within their
development process.
Next we discuss the need to provide a systematic
way of developing ENSs.
2.2 The Need for a Process
The interplay of activities in an ENS development
process calls for continuous communication between
stakeholders (designers, market makers, third party
service providers, regulators, etc.). In addition,
design activities depend on appropriate methods for
describing the artefacts produced during every
development phase.
An ENS development process should provide
guidelines, from a software engineering perspective,
to be followed so that the resulting application will
meet all requirements. The process must be used
from the conception of the ENS application through
requirements gathering and onto deployment. In
fact, Fuggetta defines a software process as “the
coherent set of policies, organizational structures,
technologies, procedures, and artefacts that are
needed to conceive, develop, deploy, and maintain a
software product” (Fuggetta, 2000).
An ENS is usually an online interactive
application through which participants interact with
each other using a variety of negotiation protocols.
Most of these interactions generally take place using
high speed public and private communication
networks. Also, an ENS shares the following
characteristics with other categories of web-based
1. Such systems are usually used by large
numbers of users. The eBay online auction
system (which is an ENS) is a good example.
2. Such systems may have some of their
components modified over time, thus
requiring dynamic updates with minor
downtimes for their users. It is not unusual
that the market maker decides to introduce a
new negotiation protocol or to modify an
existing one within an ENS.
3. Constant improvements in information and
communication technologies require fast
updates of such systems to keep up with the
pace of the advances.
4. The characteristics and functionalities of such
systems can evolve as new demands arise,
which requires rapid ways of inserting,
removing, updating, and maintaining system
Efforts at addressing the design process for web-
based applications are described in (Ginige and
Murugesan, 2001a; Ginige and Murugesan, 2001b;
Lowe, 2003). Parts of these efforts provide the
foundations for web engineering as discussed in
(Deshpande and Hansen, 2001) and more recently in
(Pressman, 2005), and address specific activities of a
process ranging from requirements elicitation and
analysis through architectural design to
implementation and testing.
While ENSs and other web-based applications
carry similarities as aforementioned, ENSs have
their particularities. For instance, some ENSs are
required to support multi-attribute negotiations,
multi-criteria decision making, and multiple
interdependent issues in contract negotiation, which
calls for an appropriate development process to
support such needs. Also, differently from most
web-based applications, ENSs borrow knowledge
from a broad rage of disciplines such as economics,
management science, information systems, game
theory, and computer science. To meet the
requirement of evolving negotiation protocols,
whether the ENS is under development, in an
evolving phase, or in-use, the ENS development
process must be evolutionary rather than static.
A key issue for an ENS development process is
usability. The process should be usability-driven in
the sense that user requirements must be taken into
account during the development process.
Despite the initiatives discussed earlier and the
recent advances in ENS development approaches,
the development process for ENSs lacks a software
engineering perspective which would allow for such
systems to be conceived, built and deployed in a
predictable, reproducible and traceable fashion.
However, we do not intend to propose a new
process, but rather shed light on how to address the
specific development needs of an ENS.
The usability requirements determine the success
or failure of a system in that they comprise the user
acceptance level given in terms of user satisfaction
and performance. To address this issue, designers
need to find out what the users want and require
from a system. In other words, they should have the
premise that “any system designed for people to use
should be easy to learn (and remember), useful, that
it contains functions people really need in their
work, and be easy and pleasant to use” (Gould and
Lewis, 1985).
Previous approaches have focused too much on
system requirements and not enough on users. To
address this issue properly, usability should not only
be part of the overall system requirements, but also
serve as a driver for the ENS development process.
One way of doing so is to introduce a requirements
gathering phase into the ENS development process,
then put an emphasis on the system’s usability
throughout the various phases of the process.
ICE-B 2007 - International Conference on e-Business
In addition, we consider that a process needs to
be configurable so that it can be customized to meet
the requirements of a system under development.
From a software engineering perspective, an
ENS development process should include the
following phases:
Requirements Gathering - It is concerned with
understanding system and user needs. That is, this
phase aims at understanding the nature of the system
to be developed and the required functionality.
Within this context, the main objective is to capture
the system's organization. This organization is
viewed as a collection of components and users. In
addition, this phase aims at identifying the role that
each entity will play.
Interaction Scenario Development - The designer
must describe interaction scenarios involving the
users of the system in order to identify their goals
and tasks. All interaction details such as the kind of
information exchanged between participants are
abstracted out. The focus is on the interactions
between participants.
Architectural Design - A system is described in
terms of its architectural model.
System Building and Testing - This phase
comprises all implementation activities where
system components are implemented and integrated
to the main system (i.e., the ENS application).
Testing is carried out to verify if the desired
functionalities have been correctly delivered.
System Deployment - This phase comprises a set
of activities that aim at delivering the system to the
For an ENS development process the two
important phases are requirements gathering and
architectural design. These phases call for the use of
appropriate modelling techniques to facilitate the
design and not to hinder the system’s capabilities. A
modelling approach for negotiation protocols within
the ENS development process should take into
account the need of negotiators to agree on the
negotiation protocol before they engage in the
negotiation process, which means that the resulting
model of the negotiation protocol must be
understandable by human negotiators and usable by
automated systems (i.e., negotiating software
agents). Furthermore, the model of the negotiation
protocol should be used to configure the ENS in a
“plug-and-play” fashion.
For instance, in our research we address the
configurability of an ENS by separating the
negotiation protocol from the main component
(called the engine) of an e-negotiation media (as
seen in Section 1, an e-negotiation media is one of
the three ENS categories) (Benyoucef, 2007).
Furthermore, using Statecharts as a modelling
language allows the ENS designer to capture most
negotiation protocol requirements and then have
them mapped into an executable process. In our
case, the Statechart describing the negotiation
protocol is mapped into a web service orchestration
described in the BPEL4WS language (BPEL4WS,
2006). A procedure to map Statechart models into
BPEL4WS specifications is given in (Benyoucef,
2006) and it aims at minimizing the effort of
designing and deploying an ENS. Using web service
orchestrations to implement negotiation processes is
a way of supporting interoperability which is
inherent to the service oriented approach.
The service oriented approach also allows for
both development and deployment of ENSs to be
carried out in a cost-effective way while fostering
application integration. The reasons are:
1. Web services improve Internet use by
enabling program to program
2. Application integration can benefit from the
widespread adoption of web services;
3. Interactions between negotiation participants
are complex and dynamic and, thus require
mechanisms to deploy services to customers
faster and at a lower cost;
4. By using web services, interoperability can
be achieved within and between e-negotiation
The development process discussed earlier is
supposed to provide support to and be influenced by:
- Context
(i.e., the resulting ENS design should
tackle different contexts specific to the business
environment, for instance different negotiation
protocols for different situations);
- Usability (i.e., users and organizations involved
in negotiations must have their demands and
requirements met).
Context and usability are used in the process as
triggers to make iterations, thus to enhance and/or
cause redesign with the aim of delivering the right
ENS to the users.
An ENS requires evaluation in order to check
whether organization and user requirements are
being met, which will determine the acceptance of
the ENS. Before committing to a usability
evaluation technique, designers need to identify the
measurement criteria to adopt. One example of such
criteria is the number of favorable user comments.
Another example is the time to complete a
transaction. This is an important criterion for a
system that handles a large number of transactions
such as the eBay ENS which has over 200 million
registered users worldwide.
Usability evaluation techniques can be
empirical, automated, formal, and informal.
Examples of such approaches comprise: heuristic
evaluation, surveys, observations, usability testing,
and data logging.
Heuristic evaluation (Nielsen, 1999), also known
as reviews, is a technique to find usability problems
by checking whether heuristics (i.e., largely accepted
usability principles) are being met or not within
system design. It is a cost-effective method, easy to
learn, and easily to apply.
Cognitive walkthrough (Wharton et al., 1994) is
a usability investigation method where one or more
evaluators make a usability inspection by going
through a set of tasks and evaluating the ease of
learning and understandability. This method
considers that users prefer to learn new system
functionalities by adopting a trial-and-error
Surveys form another usability evaluation
technique that can be performed using
questionnaires or interviews. It has usually been
used to assess user needs as well as to gather data for
a large variety of purposes. If questionnaires are
used to conduct the usability inspection, they can be
either delivered online or in person. Online
questionnaires have a low cost and can provide
results faster. However, results may not be as precise
as hoped, unless careful attention is paid to the
participants and conditions of the survey.
Observation is another usability evaluation
technique which involves watching and monitoring
the activities of users. It is somewhat subjective, and
interpretation of the findings is necessary. Moreover,
collecting data using this technique is time-
consuming. An example is Ethnography (a technique
originally developed by anthropologists where they
spend long periods of time in foreign societies
aiming to understand the social mechanisms).
Within a design context, the major objective is to
achieve a thorough understanding of work practices
in order to better support the system’s design. This is
an approach that has been receiving increasing
interest. By having its starting point anchored in the
Social Sciences and Humanities, it brings a
provoking and relevant perspective into the design
of software applications. The focus is on the detailed
analysis of current work practices, as viewed by the
people who actually do the work. According to
(Blomberg et al., 1993), the four main principles that
guide the ethnographic work are: (1) First hand
encounters: a commitment to study the activities of
people in their everyday settings; (2) Holism: a
belief that particular behaviors can only be
understood in the everyday context in which they
occur; (3) Descriptive rather than prescriptive:
describe how people actually behave, instead of how
they ought to behave; and (4) Members' point-of-
view: describe the behavior in terms relevant and
meaningful to the study participants.
Usability testing (Dumas and Redish, 1999) is
derived from experimental procedures and is more
appropriate to be applied during system
development. Usability testing usually takes place in
a usability laboratory where people can be gathered
to perform tests. During experiments, evaluators
monitor and record tasks being carried out by
individuals who take part in the test.
Data logging and metrics both involve
accumulation of numeric data (NIST, 2007). Data
logging provides a way to quantify online activity
while metrics can be used as measures to quantity
activity in online applications. Thus, online activities
can be described and quantified provided that a set
of metrics is developed.
The reader is referred to (Nielsen and Mack,
1994) for other usability inspection methods and a
broader discussion on the topic.
Choosing a suitable method for evaluating
system usability depends mainly of the universe of
system users. Although surveys and usability testing
are powerful techniques, they serve mainly to point
out major usability problems, and results may not be
precise unless careful attention is paid.
Our current investigation considers the use of a
heuristic evaluation approach which relies on a set
of evaluation sessions carried out by one or more
experts in order to identify usability problems of an
ENS under development. Such heuristics aim, for
instance, at checking if:
1. The dialogue is carried out in a simple and
natural fashion;
2. The system is minimalist in the sense that it
does consider the human memory constraints;
3. The system offers proper user feedback;
4. The system supports consistency and its state
is clearly identified by users.
We are in the process of evaluating the usability
of several ENSs, some of them from academia (e.g.,
INSPIRE) and some from the business world (e.g.,
ICE-B 2007 - International Conference on e-Business
eBay). We plan to report on the results of the
evaluation soon.
In this paper we reported on an ongoing effort to
identify what is missing from the design process of
e-negotiation systems. We identified requirements
gathering and architectural design as two phases
within the process that address the particularity of e-
negotiation systems. We emphasised on usability as
a way of meeting the needs of the users. To support
interoperability during architectural design, we
proposed a service oriented approach where a
collection of services are designed and composed
into negotiation services that are deployed on the e-
negotiation system. A thorough evaluation of the
usability of several e-negotiation systems from
business and academia is in progress. We will report
on its results when it is completed.
Funding for this work is provided by the Natural
Sciences and Engineering Research Council
(NSERC) of Canada.
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