Jing Bai, Jian-Yun Nie and François Paradis
DIRO, Université de Montraél, Québec, Canada
Keywords: e-Business, call for tenders, classification, retrieval.
Abstract: The Web is a useful medium that contains more and more bu
siness opportunities. However, it is often
difficult to identify relevant ones using generic search engines. In this paper, we describe a system MBOI
dedicated to the matching of business opportunities on the Web. It collects automatically calls for tenders,
analyzes and classifies them. User profiles are automatically constructed to help document retrieval. Query
translation is also provided in order to allow users to find calls for tenders written in a different language.
Business opportunities become valuable only if they
are offered to the right enterprises at the right time.
As there are more and more business opportunities
published on the Web, finding and selecting relevant
ones is a crucial activity for businesses, as evidenced
by the recent studies in Business Intelligence (Betts,
2003). A basic form of business opportunity
announcement is call for tenders (CFT). A CFT
announces the interest of a company or organization
to purchase a good or a service. Large organizations
can have staff dedicated to the purpose of finding
CFTs, but smaller companies cannot afford it.
There are a large number of
electronic tendering
sites available on the Web, usually covering an
economic zone (e.g. TED for the European Union,
SourceCan for Canada and FedBizOpps for USA) or
sector of activity. While these sites do increase the
accessibility to the CFTs, their scope is limited in
several respects: First, tendering sites are usually
specific to some countries, specialization domains
and languages. There is no site that federates all the
tendering sites. Second, different sites use different
standards to organize the data. For example,
different classification schemas are used on TED,
FedBizOpps and SourceCan. This can confuse the
users when browsing through the hierarchy. Third,
the sites do not provide information about the
companies involved in CFTs, which is useful
additional information for interested users. Finally,
the browsing and search on these sites are user-
independent. For users with different background,
the same query words would result in the same
answers. For example, a query on “tank” would
strongly depend on the domain of interest to have a
correct interpretation. It should retrieve different
CFTs in military (a vehicle) and forestry (water
tank) domains. A better system should take into
account the user’s background in selecting CFTs.
This paper describes a system developed to
facilitate th
e search of relevant CFTs on the Web.
This system is capable of collecting CFTs from
different sites, classifying them according to a given
class schema, translating user’s query to a different
language automatically, and determine the relevant
CFTs according to user’s profile.
In the following sections, we will first describe
the ge
neral architecture of the system called MBOI.
Then we will describe the main functionalities
implemented in it. An important technical
contribution of our system lies in the utilization of
user background. We will show that the CFTs
retrieved can be more relevant when user
background is considered.
The MBOI system (Matching Business
Opportunities on the Internet) is built from a
research project supported jointly by the Natural
Science and Engineering Council of Canada and
Nstein technologies. Its aim is to facilitate the search
for relevant business opportunities on the Web. It
has been used by an organization of tendering
Bai J., Nie J. and Paradis F. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on e-Business, pages 174-179
DOI: 10.5220/0002115101740179
intermediate. Its basic functionalities are as follows:
- Automatic collecting of CFTs from other
tendering sites;
- Information extraction and filtering from the
collected CFTs to identify the key information;
- Automatic classification of CFTs according to a
class schema;
- Automatic query translation into another
- Query refinement by considering user profile;
- Synthetic analysis of companies.
Figure 1 shows the system architecture of
MBOI. The different processes will be discussed
Figure 1: System Architecture.
2.1 Collecting Documents
The first challenge of such a system is to collect new
s a simple example of CFT for office
supplies of the Saskatchewan government.
wan Government
to its offices in
“off call,
structured. In
cases, t idden in the
ncies. A
CFTs from other sites. This is a problem similar to,
however different from, Web crawler. There is much
work lately on Intelligent Web Robots (Chau, 2003)
and topic-focused Web crawling (Aggarwal, 2001).
In our case, however, we are not just crawling for a
topic, but rather for certain types of documents.
Moreover, the typical crawl strategy might not be
adequate here, since the information is often not
linked directly (for example, a company site will not
offer links to its competitors). To extract
information, we use wrappers (Soderland, 1999), i.e.
tools that can recognize textual and/or structural
patterns, to collect new CFTs from 40 sites,
including SourceCan, which is tendering site in
Canada, FedBizOpps (Federal Business
Opportunities), which maintains a central database
of solicitations in US government, and regional or
organization sites, which publish the tenders
Below i
erence Number: CFAB4
Source ID: PV.MN.SA.213412
Published: 2003/10/08
Closing: 2003/10/28 02:00PM
Organization Name: Sa
Title (English): Office Supplies
Title (French): Fournitures de Bureau
f Saskatchewan invites
Description: The Government o
tenders to provide office supplies
Regina. The supplier is expected to start delivery o
December 5, 2003, and enter an agreement of at l
2 years. Contact: Bernie Juneau, (306) 321-1542
The most important information in this CFT is
ice supplies”. This is the subject of the
ording to which retrieval and classification
operations will carry out.
2.2 Information Extraction
CFTs are often semi-structured or non-
many he key information is h
Description as a free text. In addition, the
description usually contains only one or a few
sentences related to the subject of the call, but a long
description about the procedure, such as the
submission deadline, the contact person, etc., which
is not useful for identifying relevant CFTs.
To deal with this problem, a module of
information extraction is used to recognize different
s of information from the description part. These
types include named entities (Maynard, 2001) (e.g.
place, date, name of person or organization, etc.) and
concepts. Named entities and concepts are extracted
by a tool from our industrial partner of the project –
Nstein technologies. This tool uses techniques
similar to GATE (Cunningham, 2002) based on
rules for the recognition of named entities, but the
rules have been adapted to CFTs. In addition, terms
(nouns or nouns phrases) that fit in some syntactic
structures and appear quite frequently in the
collection of CFTs are considered to encode
important concepts for CFTs. The above process is
aided by a dictionary of concepts. Figure 2 shows an
example of CFT with concepts and named entities
(goegraphical locations) tagged.
We have considered the following generic
entities: geographical location, organization, date,
, money, URL, person, email and phone
number. In addition, we have also considered the
following specific entities to our collection:
- FAR (Federal Acquisition Rules). These are
tendering rules for U.S. government age
CFT may refer to an applicable paragraph in the
FAR (e.g. FAR Subpart 13.5.).
Figure 2: Result of information extraction.
- CLIN (Contract Line Item Number). The line
item defines a part or sub-contract of the tender.
- Dimension. A dimension almost always refers
to the physical characteristics of a product to
deliver (e.g. .240MM x 120MM.).
The result of the information extraction process
is useful for two purposes: 1). it can help determine
which part of a CFT is related to the subject; 2). a
user can choose a related concept or named entity to
modify her query, for example, to narrow down a
geographical location. We will explain these two
utilizations in the following sections.
2.3 Filtering
As a CFT contains a large proportion of sentences
(that we call procedural sentences) specifying the
submission procedure, which are not useful for
retrieval and classification, it is necessary and useful
to remove them.
We observe that there are many named entities
of certain types in procedural sentences, for
example, person names, phone number, and so on.
An intuitive approach is to use named entities to
determine if a sentence is useful or not. In order to
determine the capability of each type of named
entity to predict the usefulness of a sentence, we
have randomly picked 1 000 sentences, and
manually classified them into important and non-
importance sentences. The following table shows
how each type of named entity can predict the useful
sentences (+) or useless sentences (-). For example,
phone number (a negative indicator) appeared in 40
sentences, 39 of which were labeled negative.
Dimensions (a positive indicator) appeared in 8
sentences, all of which were recognized positive.
Locations and organizations are the most
problematic entities, with very low accuracy. That is
partly because they often appear along with the
subject in an introductory sentence. For example the
first sentence in our example CFT contains an
organization (Government of Saskatchewan), the
subject (office supplies) and a location (Regina).
Therefore, we only use the other types of named
entity to select or remove sentences. The grey zones
shown in Figure 2 are the sentences that have been
filtered out using this approach.
Table 1: Named entities in FBO documents.
type Freq. in FBO Accuracy
Location (-) 123344 50% (66/132)
Person (-) 48469 N/A
date & time (-) 170525 96% (101/105)
Money (-) 30606 100% (18/18)
URL & email (-) 29177 100% (38/38)
phone number (-) 25938 98% (39/40)
FAR (-) 142762 100% (56/56)
CLIN (-) 10364 80% (4/5)
Dimensions (+) 5290 100% (8/8)
2.4 Querying with User Profile
We implement the retrieval operation using
statistical language modeling (LM) for information
retrieval (IR) (Ponte 1998; Zhai 2001). LM approach
has been shown to be very effective. In this
approach, for each document D and query Q, we
build a language model, P(t|D) and P(t|Q), reflecting
the probability of each term t being generated from
them. Then the ranking of the document is
determined according to the following score, which
is based on negative KL-divergence:
DtPQtPQDScore )|(log)|(),(
It has been found that smoothing is important for
document model to deal with the zero-probability
problem. Several smoothing methods have been
studied in IR (Zhai 2001). Here, we use the
following Jelinek-Mercer smoothing:
)|()1()|()|( CtPDtPDtP
where P
is the Maximum Likelihood (ML)
estimation of probability and
a smoothing
parameter (set at 0.5 empirically).
On the query side, the traditional approach is to
estimate it by ML. This results in a retrieval process
independent from user profile. As we stated earlier,
it is important to take into account the user
background so that the retrieved CFTs can
correspond better to the user’s interests. In addition,
user queries are usually very short. Users tend to
omit some terms that seem obvious to them, but turn
out to be important for IR systems. The addition of a
user profile model allows us to recover part of the
interesting terms omitted by the user.
To consider a user profile, we also use a
language modeling approach. This choice is
motivated by the ability of LM to extract important
elements from a highly noisy context. This choice is
ICE-B 2007 - International Conference on e-Business
also preferred to a user profile defined manually by
the user because users are often unable to define a
correct profile themselves. A language model for a
user profile, P(t|U) is interpreted as the probability
that the term t corresponds to a topic of interest of
the user. In our case, we use the documents that a
user has read, or the set of documents from the Web
site of a company, to create a user profile.
For each query submitted by the user (or the
rofile s:
ompany), the query is complemented by the user
through the following smoothing proces
)|()1()|()| UtPQtPQ(
wh re
λ is another smoothing parameter, which is
set at 0.5 empirically.
judg such a test
directory in
( ry Project: http://
dmoz.org). We
b e the difference of search results
ities. For example,
the simple keyword query bush will return all
docum uding
do ts about bu d Bush.
In prec o ly
re nts ab ident) B
an for q
w inf is sh e
ad . T be used ate
ter g with keyword en
ad s o add as
lo classifica e.
ws and i ur
sy qu ow remo ed.
plays the
nders are
listed by order of relevance. Each document has a
It would be interesting to test the impact of using
profile with real queries and relevance
ments. Unfortunately, there is not
lection for CFTs. However, we have simulated
several profiles for companies such as Lockheed
Martin, Canadian Coast Guard, etc., by collecting
documents from the companies’ Web sites. We also
created profiles for different specialization domains:
Military, Forestry, etc. These latter are created from
the documents in the corresponding
ODP Open Directo
have een able to se
with and without user/domain profile. For example,
with the query “tank”, without user/domain profile,
most of CFTs retrieved concern “gas tank”.
However, when the “Military” domain profile is
turned on, the top CFTs concern military tanks.
en the “Forestry” profile is turned on, we retrieve
more CFTs concerning water tanks. For the query
“rescue”, with “Military” profile, we can retrieve
CFTs concerning rescue operations of Canadian
Coast Guard, while when “Forestry” profile is
turned on, more CFTs are about forest fires.
Although these examples are insufficient to
provide a strict measure of the impact of the
user/domain profiles, we can get an intuition about
the usefulness of user and domain profiles. A more
formal evaluation is performed on TREC collections
and it is described in (Bai et al. 2007). We have
observed that once the domain model is integrated,
the retrieval effectiveness (average precision) is
increased on the order of 10%. This result sho
that domain models can indeed improve the retrieval
effectiveness. We can expect a similar (or even
larger) effect on matching CFTs.
2.5 Querying and Query Refinement
Our index supports both simple keyword queries and
precise queries over named ent
ents where the word occurs, incl
cumen sh trimming an
contrast, the
ise query
n:Bush will on
turn docum out (pre ush.
We provide
here extracted
uery refinement,
own and can b
ded to the query
ms (e.g. startin
his can to disambigu
bush and th
ding person: Bu h) or t
tion cod
criteria such
cation or
Figure 3 sho
stem. Here the
a query ts results in o
ery sn val was enter
The bottom right part of the screen dis
results, in the usual manner, i.e. call for te
small excerpt (from its filtered contents) where the
query keywords are highlighted, as well as some
extracted information (here, the classification
codes). The boxes on the left represent information
extracted from the top 100 result documents.
Concepts are phrases extracted by the concept
extraction tool, which represent the salient ideas of
the document. Organizations, locations and
categories are the named entities discussed above.
Figure 3: Querying in MBOI.
2.6 Query Translation
Query translation is an important aspect in
international tendering. A user in a different country,
who does not speak the language of another country,
still be interested in business opportunities in the
latter country. However, most users cannot afford
hiring a professional translator to translate their
queries. An automatic query translation can suffice
for this step.
There have been many studies on query
translation in IR (Peters, 2003). In our case, we use
an approach based on parallel texts – texts with their
translations in a different language. A statistical
translation model is trained from a set of parallel
texts, which tells the probability to translate
a source
word into a target word. We use IBM model 1
(Brown et al. 1991) as the translation model because
this model does not consider the sentence structu
and word order in queries. This corresp
2003) is a simple
approach, which has been shown to be reasonably
effective, and it is very efficient in time. The
classification task in NB is formulated as follows:
onds to the
situation of IR where queries often do not follow
strict syntactic rules.
We use English-French as our test languages.
Ideally, the translation model should be trained on a
set of in-domain parallel texts. In our case, we have
collected 100,000 pairs of documents from the TED
site (Tenders Electronic Daily - for the European
community) in both English and French. These texts
are used to train two translation models in both
As can be seen in Figure 4, the English query
“snow blower” has been translated by French words
“neige” (snow), “neigeux” (snowy), “soufleuse”
(blower), etc. This translation, combined with the
original query, allows retrieving relevant French
Figure 4: Query translation.
2.7 Classification
There are many classification algorithms proposed
in literature, such as SVM, Naïve Bayes, etc. (Yang,
2001). Naïve Bayes (NB) (Jason,
where P(t|c) is the probability of the term t in the
class c, and P(c) is the prior probability of class c.
We use NB in our case. It has been found that
feature selection is useful for NB (Yang, 2001).
Following this study we select 8000 strongest
features according to Information Gain.
= cPctPDc )()|(maxarg)
2.8 Synthetic Analysis
Another aspect of our system is to present the user
with useful synthetic information. This information
(Figure 5) The hot list for a given period: the
top categories of CFTs and the top contracting
authorities, together with the total amount of the
(Figure 6) Company profile. This information is
entirely extracted from the CFT and awards
documents. It includes the known addresses for
this organization, the categories of awarded
contracts and business relationships.
Figure 5: Most active entities.
Figure 6: Company profile.
ICE-B 2007 - International Conference on e-Business
On FedBizOpps (FBO), calls for tenders have been
manually classified according to two classification
schemas, FCS (Federal Supply Code) and NAICS
(North American Industry Classification System,
www.census.gov/naics). So we can use
them to test the accuracy of classification. In our
test, we only consider the first three digits of
NAICS, i.e. the corresponding sector. There are 92
such categories.
We collected 21,945 CFTs from FBO, covering
the period of September 2000 to October 2003. This
collection is split into
two parts: 60% for training,
Table 2: Classification on FBO.
method macro-F1 micro-F1
40% for testing. We used Rainbow package
(McCallum, 1996) to perform NB classification.
Table 2 shows a comparison of the classification
results with and without sentence filtering. What is
the most interesting to observe is Micro-F1.
The sentence filtering reduces the size of the
whole collection from around 600,000 sentences to
96,811. The results, identified in the table as sent.filt,
w a strong increase in the micro-F1 measure
(+7.6%). This shows that sentence filtering can be
highly useful for the classification of CFTs. This
allows removing many procedural sentences that are
not directly related to the subject of the CFT.
baseline .3297 .5498
sent.filt. .3223 .5918 (+7.6%)
The system we described in this paper has been in
use by our commercial partners, and deployed in
several applications: as an aid for business
opportunities watch, as a CFT search facility for the
Canada's metal industry portal, and as an thematic
watch for the travel industry. The system has been
found very useful in all these applications, whic
shows that such a system would be of great help to
facilitate the information.
believe t ding of relevant business
t step to a business success.
This is part of e-Business.
and filtering, and user/domain profiles are highly
useful for retrieving CFTs.
a eedings of
Chau, M., Zeng, D., Chen, H., Huang, M. and
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distribution of business
We hat the fin
oppor unities is the first
From a technical point of view, our study shows
that sentence filtering brings a strong increase to
classification accuracy (Micro-F1). User/domain
profiles seem to be useful. Their usefulness has been
formally tested in another study (Bai et al. 2007). All
our results indicate that both information extractio
The system can be improved on several aspects:
the translation module can be more precise; we can
use a more effective classification approach such as
SVM. However, the general approach presented here
seems promising for business intelligence.
Aggarwal, C.C., Al-Garawi, F. and Yu. P.S. Intelligent
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L. and Hofmann, T. Text categorization by boosting
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ecent Advances in Natura
lkit for statistical languag
afferty, J., A Study of Smoo
e Models Applied to