Adnan Abdul-Aziz Gutub, Lahouari Ghouti, Alaaeldin A. Amin, Talal M. Alkharobi
Computer Engineering Department, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Dhahran 31261, Saudi Arabia
Mohammad K. Ibrahim
School of Engineering and Technology, De Montfort University, Leicester LE1 9BH, United Kingdom
Keywords: Arabic text, Cryptography, Feature coding, Information security, Steganography, Text watermarking.
Abstract: This paper exploits the existence of the redundant Arabic extension character, i.e. Kashida. We propose to
use pointed letters in Arabic text with a Kashida to hold the secret bit ‘one’ and the un-pointed letters with a
Kashida to hold ‘zero’. The method can be classified under secrecy feature coding methods where it hides
secret information bits within the letters benefiting from their inherited points. This watermarking technique
is found attractive too to other languages having similar texts to Arabic such as Persian and Urdu.
DIGITAL WATERMARKING, in today’s electronic era,
is the process of embedding data called a watermark
into a multimedia object such that the watermark can
be detected whenever necessary. It is the ability of
injecting information in redundant bits of any
unremarkable cover media. Its objective is to keep
the injected data undetectable or unchangeable
without destroying the cover media integrity. Digital
watermarking can be implemented by replacing
unneeded bits in image, sound, and text files with
secret watermarking data. Watermarking main
benefits can be in copyright protection and related
issues. It gives an idea about the possible
unauthorized replication and manipulation of
electronic data. It can protect the intellectual
property (IP) rights specifically the digital rights
management (DRM) systems necessities.
Capacity, security, and robustness (Chen, 2001),
are the three main aspects affecting digital
watermarking and its usefulness. Capacity refers to
the amount of watermarking bits that can be hidden
or injected in the cover medium. Security relates to
the ability of an eavesdropper to figure-out or
modify the watermarking information easily.
Robustness is concerned about the resist possibility
of destroying the watermarking data. Watermarking
is different than Steganography and cryptography
although they all have overlapping usages in the
information hiding processes (Provos, 2003).
Watermarking and Steganography security hides the
awareness that there is information in the cover
medium, where cryptography revels this knowledge
but encodes the data as cipher-text and disputes
decoding it without permission. Watermarking is
different from steganography in its main goal.
Watermarking aim is to protect the cover medium
from any modification with no too much emphasis
on secrecy. It can be observed as steganography that
is concentrating on high robustness and low security.
Languages and their structures play differences
in the preferred watermarking system. Normally no
single technique is to be used for all languages
(Provos, 2003). The Arabic language, written from
right to left, is based on an alphabetical system that
uses 28 basic letters. Unlike English, Arabic does
not differentiate between upper and lower case or
between written and printed letters. Our proposed
approach exploits the existence of the redundant
Arabic extension character, i.e. Kashida and the
pointed letters, benefiting from the steganography
method presented in (Gutub, 2007). We propose to
use pointed letters in Arabic with a Kashida to hold
Abdul-Aziz Gutub A., Ghouti L., A. Amin A., M. Alkharobi T. and K. Ibrahim M. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Security and Cryptography, pages 329-332
DOI: 10.5220/0002116903290332
the secret bit ‘one’ and the un-pointed letters with a
Kashida to hold ‘zero’. This approach will be used
for analysis and comparison with another method
proposed for Arabic text secrecy.
The paper flow is as follows. The next section,
Section 2, presents some idea of watermarking. A
proposed method by Shirali-Shahreza for hiding
information in Arabic texts is detailed in Section 3.
Section 4 discusses our new Arabic text
watermarking technique using Kashida (character
extensions) and pointed letters. Some comparisons
and experimental results are presented in Section 5.
The conclusion is given in Section 6.
Digital watermarking process enables injecting
watermarking information as redundant bits of any
cover media. Its applications varies but utilized best
for protecting data originalities in case of a violation
as real copyright protection (Provos, 2003). Its
original aim is to protect the cover medium from
claiming its credit by others, with low emphasis on
Most watermarking and security research use cover
media as pictures (Chandramouli, 2001), video clips
(Doërr, 2003) and sounds (Gopalan, 2003).
However, text digital watermarking is not normally
preferred due to the difficulty in finding redundant
bits in text files (Gutub, 2007). The structure of text
documents is related to what is seen much more than
all other cover media types, making the hiding of
information in other than texts easy without a
remarkable alteration. The advantage to prefer text
watermarking over other media is its usage
popularity, smaller memory occupation, and simpler
communication (Shirali-Shahreza, 2006).
Shirali-Shahreza (2006) proposed a special character
feature security method for Arabic and Persian
letters. Their scheme depends on the points inherited
in the Arabic and Persian letters (Shirali-Shahreza,
2005), which are some who very similar. The
concentration in this study will be on it related to
Arabic language.
Although, both Arabic and English languages
have points in their letters, the amount of pointed
letters differ too much. English language has points
in only two letters, small "i" and small "j", while
Arabic has in 15 letters out of its 28 alphabet letters
as shown in Figure 1. This large number of points in
Arabic letters made the points in any given Arabic
text remarkable and can be utilized for information
security and watermarking as presented by Shirali-
Shahreza in their “new approach to Persian/Arabic
text steganography” (Shirali-Shahreza, 2006).
un-pointed letters pointed letters
ص س ر د ح ا
و ـه م ل ك ع ط
ذ خ ج ث ت بش ز
ي ن ق ف غ ظ ض
Figure 1: Arabic letters.
Shirali-Shahreza proposed to hide information in
the points of the Arabic letters. To be specific, they
hide the information in the points’ location within
the pointed letters. First, the hidden information is
looked at as binary with the first several bits (for
example, 20 bits) to indicate the length of the hidden
bits to be stored. Then, the cover medium text is
scanned. Whenever a pointed letter is detected its’
point location may be affected by the hidden info
bit. If hidden value bit is one the point is slightly
shifted up; otherwise, the concerned cover-text
character point location remains unchanged.
This point shifting process is shown in Figure 2 for
the Arabic letter ‘Noon’. “In order to divert the
attention of readers, after hiding all information, the
points of the remaining characters are also changed
randomly” (Shirali-Shahreza, 2006). Note that, as
mentioned earlier, the size of hidden bits is known
and also hidden in the first 20 bits.
Figure 2: Point shift-up of Arabic letter ‘noon’.
This method of point shifting may have its
advantages in security and capacity; it features good
secret storing of large number of hidden bits within
any Arabic text. However, it has main drawback in
robustness making it unpractical. For example, the
hidden information is lost in any retyping or
scanning. The output text has a fixed frame due to
the use of only one font. In fact, this information
security method is appropriate with its font type of
characters, which is not standard and can be lost or
changed easily.
SECRYPT 2007 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Benefiting from Shirali-Shahreza (Shirali-Shahreza,
2006) point steganography and trying to overcome
the negative robustness aspect, we propose a new
method to hide info in any letters instead of pointed
ones only. We use the pointed letters with extension
(Kashida) to hold secret bit ‘one’ and the un-pointed
letters with Kashida to hold secret bit ‘zero’. Note
that the Kashida doesn’t have any affect to the
writing content. It has a standard character
hexadecimal code: 0640 in the Unicode system. In
fact, this Arabic Kashida character in electronic
typing is considered as redundant character only for
arrangement and format purposes.
The only bargain in using Kashida is that not all
letters can be extended with this extension character
due to their position in words and Arabic writing
natural structure. The Kashida can only be added in
locations between connected letters of Arabic text;
i.e. Kashida cannot be placed after letters at end of
words or before letter at beginning. Our proposed
watermarking hypothesis is that whenever a letter
cannot have an extension or found intentionally
without extension it is considered not holding any
secret bits.
This proposed digital watermarking method can
have the option of adding Kashida before or after the
letters. To be consistent, however, the location of the
extensions should be the same through out the
complete document with watermarking.
Assume we add Kashida after the letters. Figure
3 shows an example to detail this watermarking
process. We first select the secret bits to be hidden
(say 110010) looking from the least significant bits
to be started with. The first secret bit found is ‘0’ to
be hidden in an un-pointed letter. The cover-text is
scanned from right to left due to Arabic regular
direction. The first un-pointed letter in the cover-text
is found to be the first, known as ‘meem’. This
‘meem’ should hold the first secret bit ‘0’ noted by
adding extension character after it.
The second secret bit is ‘1’ and the second letter
of the cover-text is pointed known as ‘noon’.
However, this letter position cannot allow extension,
forcing us to ignore it. The next possible pointed
letter to be extended is ‘ta’. Note that a pointed letter
‘noon’ before ‘ta’ is not utilized due to its
unfeasibility to add extension character after it.
The same watermarking example of securing:
110010 in the Arabic text, illustrated earlier, is
readjusted assuming the extensions added are before
the letters, as shown in Figure 4.
Watermarking bits 110010
Cover-text ﻪﻴﻨﻌﻳ ﻻﺎﻣ ﻪآﺮﺗ ءﺮﻤﻟا مﻼﺳا ﻦﺴﺣ ﻦﻣ
Output text ﻪﻴـﻨﻌـﻳ ﻻﺎـﻣ ﻪـآﺮـﺗ ءﺮﻤﻟا مﻼﺳا ﻦﺴﺣ ﻦـﻣ
1 1 0 0 1 0
Figure 3: Watermarking adding Kashida after letters.
To add more security and misleading to
trespassers, both options of adding extensions before
and after the letters can be used within the same
document but in different paragraphs or lines. For
example, the even lines or paragraphs use
watermarking of extensions after the letters and the
odd use extensions before or visa versa.
Watermarking bits 110010
Cover-text ﻪﻴﻨﻌﻳ ﻻﺎﻣ ﻪآﺮﺗ ءﺮﻤﻟا مﻼﺳا ﻦﺴﺣ ﻦﻣ
Output text ﻪﻴـﻨـﻌﻳ ﻻﺎﻣ ﻪآﺮﺗ ءﺮﻤـﻟا مﻼـﺳا ﻦـﺴـﺣ ﻦﻣ
11 0 0 1 0
Figure 4: Watermarking by adding Kashida before letters.
We compare the capacity of our Kashida approaches
to the dots approach of (Shirali-Shahreza, 2006).
First, we need to note that in our Kashida methods,
hiding a bit is equivalent to inserting a character.
The dots approach doesn’t suffer such increase in
size due to hidden message embedding. In fact, the
dotted approach can be viewed as an ideal (hence,
unpractical) case for the Kashida method.
Since there are several scenarios for
implementations, we count the number of usable
characters per approach, independent from the
scenario or the watermarking secret message to be
embedded. For this goal to be realistic, we find
utterances in the Corpus of Contemporary Arabic
(CCA), by (Al-Sulaiti, 2004). The corpus is reported
to have 842,684 words from 415 diverse texts,
mainly from websites.
Our proposed work was implemented using (Al-
Sulaiti, 2004) for comparison reasons with the dots
proposal of (Shirali-Shahreza, 2006). We use p for
the ratio of characters capable of baring a secret bit
of a given level, and q for the ratio of characters
capable of baring the opposite level. In the case of
the dots approach, dotted characters may contribute
to p while un-dotted characters may contribute to q.
For the Kashida method, we study the two cases: the
case of inserting Kashida before, and the case of
inserting them after, the required character. We
count extendible characters before/after dotted
characters for p and those before/after un-dotted
characters for q. The last column assumes equal-
probability of (p+r) and q.
Table 1: Comparing Kashida with dots approaches.
Approach P q r (p+r+q)/2
0.2764 0.4313 0.0300 0.3689
0.2757 0.4296 0.0298 0.3676
0.1880 0.2204 0.0028 0.2056
The figures in Table 1 are quite near. As pointed
out previously, the dots approach is actually the
ideal unpractical case for our Kashida method. The
program was also tested under various formats and
results are reported in Table 2. It produced an
average capacity of 1.22%.
Table 2: Kashida experiments for different file-types.
This paper presents a watermarking scheme useful
for Arabic language electronic writing. It benefits
from the feature of having points within more than
half the text letters. We use pointed letters to hold
secret information bit ‘one’ and the un-pointed
letters to hold secret bit ‘zero’. Not all letters are
holding secret bits since the secret information needs
to fit in accordance to the cover-text letters.
Redundant Arabic Kashida (extension character) is
used beside the letters to note the specific letters
holding the hidden secret bits. The nice thing about
Kashida is that it doesn’t have any affect to the
writing content.
This method featured security, capacity, and
robustness, the three needed aspects of data hiding
and watermarking. Our proposed method is
evaluated and compared to a previous method
showing similar performance but with the advantage
of using standard fonts. This Arabic text
watermarking technique is also useful to other
languages having similar texts fonts structure such
as Persian and Urdu scripts, the official languages of
Iran and Pakistan, respectively. These characteristics
and features promises that this Arabic text
watermarking method using Kashida joint to pointed
letters is attractive in the information security field.
It should be noted, at the end, that this research
idea is not restricted only for the Arabic, Persian and
Urdu scripts. Most of the Semitic languages can use
some features in one form or another, and the
proposed approach can be slightly modified to suit
other languages requirements.
Thanks to King Fahd University of Petroleum and
Minerals (KFUPM), Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, for its
support of all research work. Thanks to the COE 509
students of the Applied Cryptography course for all
their inputs, feedback, and comments.
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SECRYPT 2007 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography