A Security System to IDS based on Autonomous Agents
Rafael Páez, Joan Tomàs, Jordi Forné and Miquel Soriano
Telematics Engineering, Technical University of Catalonia, Jordi Girona 1-3, Barcelona, Spain
Keywords: Multiagent systems, mobile agents, Software Watermarking, Intrusion Detection Systems.
Abstract: Intrusion Detection Systems based on autonomous agents are a promising technology due to their
scalability, resilience to failures, independence and reduction of network traffic. However, when used to
protect critical systems, the IDS by itself can be the target of malicious attacks. In this paper we propose a
security system to verify the integrity of the IDS agents during their execution time, by using software
watermarking techniques.
The security of software systems has become an
important topic because they provide the
functionality of critical systems controlling
important infrastructures like centres for disasters
prevention, intelligent buildings, planes’ functions
automation, etc. So, many human lives and
important amounts of money strongly depend on the
confidentiality, integrity and availability of software
systems which must be protected to warranty the
required level of security. There are several tools
that are used to provide this security, such as
firewalls, honeynets, honeypots, and Intrusion
Detection Systems (IDS). However, since the
reliability of the whole system relies on the proper
function of them, the tools their selves become
objectives susceptible to be attacked and therefore
they also need to be protected.
Intrusion Detection Systems detect suspicious
activities and possible intrusions in a system or
private network at the moment at which these
happen. The different entities that compose the IDS
need to communicate among them, therefore is
important to keep in mind security communication
services such as integrity of the information,
authentication and access control.
One of the important characteristics of security
systems and particularly of IDS, is the cooperation
among its components in order to achieve their
global objective and to reduce central processing. By
this reason, an agent-based technology has been
proposed to be integrated with IDSs, since they carry
out the processing in-situ and they can
autonomously communicate to each other.
The main security limitations that affect the
deployment of mobile agents are multiplied in IDS
based on autonomous agents, since IDS by itself are
one of the main objectives to be attacked by
malicious users. In this article we focus our attention
in Autonomous Agents for Intrusion Detection,
identifying a particular threat for these systems and
then proposing a solution to increase the security
against this potential attack. Our proposal is based
on an IDS system architecture based on autonomous
agents named Autonomous Agents For Intrusion
Detection (AAFID). In the AAFID system there are
three types of entities: monitors, transceivers and
agents, hierarchically organised in a tree
Our objective is to analyze a risk scene and to
propose a possible solution. In section 2, we
introduce the related background, including software
agents, watermarking techniques and IDS based on
agents and its security. In the section 3, we present a
risk scene. In section 4 we present a system named
MAIS, its architecture and the operation protocol.
Finally section 5 concludes.
In this section we overview the related background
necessary to understand the solution that we present
here. Likewise, we analyze the security problems
Páez R., Tomàs J., Forné J. and Soriano M. (2007).
MAIS: MOBILE AGENT INTEGRITY SYSTEM - A Security System to IDS based on Autonomous Agents.
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Security and Cryptography, pages 41-47
DOI: 10.5220/0002120500410047
and some solutions that have been presented in the
literature. More specifically, we introduce Intrusion
Detections Systems, agents, software watermarking
techniques and the main existing proposals about
IDS based on autonomous agents, including a
security analysis.
2.1 Intrusion Detection Systems
An Intrusion Detection System tries to detect and to
alert about suspicious activities and possible
intrusions in a system or particular network. An
intrusion is an unauthorized or non wished activity
that attacks confidentiality, integrity and/or
availability of the information or computer
resources. To reach its goal an IDS monitors the
traffic in the network or gets information from
another source such as log files. The IDS analyzes
this information and sends an alarm to the system
administrator. The system administrator decides to
avoid, to correct or to prevent the intrusion.
Basically an IDS has an events generator, an
analyzer or sensor and a response module. The event
generator sends the packets to the events collection
module that communicates with the sensor. The
sensor filters the information and discards irrelevant
data. The response module decides whether to send
or not an alarm according to the policy held in its
database (
Goyal, Sitaraman, and Krishnamurthy 2003).
An IDS can be classified according to its location, it
can be Network based IDS (NIDS) or Host based
IDS (HIDS); according to the detection mechanisms,
it can be misuse detection or anomaly detection; and
according to its nature it can be passive or reactive.
2.2 Agents
There are different definitions of agents
Balasubramaniyan et al, 1998), (Nwana, 1996), (Jansen
et al, 2000)
. In general, an agent is a software entity
that works autonomous and continuously gathering
data to accomplish an action on behalf of a person or
another agent. Autonomously means that it can work
without direct intervention of a human or other
system and has the control of its internal state and its
2.3 Software Watermarking
Watermarking techniques have been basically used
to ensure the protection of digital contents. With
these techniques, some information (usually called
mark), is embedded into a digital content like video,
audio, software, (Figure 1). The main objective is to
keep this information imperceptible in all copies of
the content that we protect in such a way that we can
later demand the authorship rights over these copies.
In software watermarking, the mark must not
interfere with the software functionalities. The mark
can be: static, when it is introduced in the source
code, or dynamic, when it is stored in the program
execution states.
Figure 1: Software Watermarking.
There are three basic aspects to consider when a
watermarking technique is designed: the required
data rate, the type of source to mark (native binary
code, bytecode, etc.) and the expected threat model
(translation, optimization, obfuscation of code, etc.).
To retrieve the watermark we need a recognizer.
Recognizers are designed to extract the watermark
from the program execution with a specific input.
Recognizers can be defined from trivial (does not
assure that the watermark can be retrieved) to strong
or ideal (resistant against all kind of
transformations). And according their operation,
recognizers can classified from static, when only the
source code is analyzed, to pure dynamic, when
only program execution state is examined.
2.4 IDS based on Autonomous Agents
According to (Jansen et al, 2000), (Lange et al, 1998)
and (
Dorothy et al, 1987), there are several advantages
of mobile agents that make them appropriate to IDS:
scalability, resilience to failures, independence,
reduction of network traffic, when another agent is
generated it is not necessary to restart the system,
solution to complex tasks, etc.
The architecture for IDS based on autonomous
agents has the following components: monitors,
transceivers, agents and filters. Definition of each
component and further information can be found in
Balasubramaniyan, 2003). The AAFID system
(Balasubramaniyan et al, 1998) includes a user
interface and several components of its architecture.
User interfaces use APIs that the monitor exports, to
ask for information and to provide instructions. In
the AAFID system there are three types of static
entities: monitors, transceivers and agents,
hierarchically organised with a tree infrastructure.
king Encoder
SECRYPT 2007 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
2.5 IDS based on Autonomous Agents
To protect the entities of the IDS, it is necessary to
protect both the platform and the agents. Mobile
agents offer many functional advantages, but there
are new threats due to their mobile nature. The more
common threats are: agent against platform,
platform against agent, agent against other agents
and other entities against the agent system. Several
solutions have been proposed to reduce these risks
(Table 1) but particularly the threats of platform
against agents are the most difficult to avoid.
Table 1: Countermeasures for attacks of platforms against
Partial results encapsulation (Yee, 1997)
Mutual itinerary recording (Roth, 1998)
Itinerary recording with replication and voting
(Schneider, 1997)
Execution tracing (Vigna, 1997)
Environmental key generation (Riordan, 1998)
Computing with encrypted functions (Sander et al,
Obfuscated code (Hohl, 1998)
Cooperative agents (Roth, 1998)
Limiting the execution time (Esparza et al, 2003)
2.6 Protecting Agents Against
Malicious Hosts
Particularly, the attack carried out by a platform
against an agent is very difficult to avoid, because
the platform has total access to data, code and results
of the agent. So, if a host is malicious, it can easily
isolate the agent and extract information to corrupt it
or modify its code or its state. Other extreme
measures that a malicious host could perform are to
analyze the operation of the agent or to apply inverse
engineering to introduce subtle changes and to force
the agent to be malicious, reporting false results.
In an IDS based on autonomous agents, a monitor
controls a network segment and it sends a
transceiver to each host. Likewise, various agents
are generated by a transceiver in order to monitor a
determined type of traffic and they send alerts of
suspicious activities to the transceiver on which they
depend within the tree structure. One of the existing
threats in these systems is when an intruder attempts
to replace any IDS entity by another with similar
characteristics but subtly modified in order to avoid
a particular suspicious activity. So, if an agent or
transceiver is modified or replaced, they will not
report their correct results to their correspondent
monitor and likewise, if a monitor is replaced it will
not avoid or prevent the forthcoming attack.
Security solutions in IDS based on agents are the
same that are offered for any environment that use
agents. However, all the requirements are not
covered; in particular, the threats against the IDS, its
components and communications are not faced. So,
in this paper we propose to detect attacks against any
IDS entity with a new security scheme named
We propose a new system to verify not only the
integrity of transceivers located in different hosts of
the IDS architecture, but the correct execution of the
transceivers during its operation. The MAIS system
architecture is similar to AAFID system, but the
transceivers and monitors behave like mobile agents
and their mobility is limited, they only can displace
to their corresponding trusted entity, that is to say,
the upper level entity from which they depend. The
data collection agents are static and they conserve
the same characteristics of the AAFID system
4.1 MAIS Architecture
The MAIS architecture has three essential
components: monitors, transceivers and data
collection agents. The monitors are agents that are
located in the high levels of the infrastructure, they
carry out correlation of information of high level and
they control a network segment. There is a root
monitor located in the higher level. It has the ability
to communicate with an administrator interface and
it also can provide the access point for the whole
MAIS system. The administrator interface is
independent of the IDS entities, in order to permit
different implementations. The monitors can also
control other monitors and besides they are in charge
of emitting and to control another type of agents
called transceivers.
In MAIS, the monitors are also Trusted Parties,
which are in charge of identifying the entities that
MAIS: MOBILE AGENT INTEGRITY SYSTEM - A Security System to IDS based on Autonomous Agents
Figure 2: MAIS system architecture.
they control and to carry out the process of
watermarking recognition. The watermark allows us
to verify not only the transceiver’s or monitor’s
integrity but also their correct execution (a wrong
execution generates a wrong watermark).
Transceivers carry out correlation functions and
they send the information to the monitor which they
depend from. Transceivers have information about
the host where they reside and also control the
underlying agents. The main differences between an
AAFID transceiver and a MAIS transceiver are the
mobility and the mark.
The data collection agents inside the MAIS
infrastructure are in charge of monitoring a host and
its behaviour. The agents and their transceivers are
located in the same host.
In the MAIS system, the transceivers and monitors
must be mobile because they have to displace from
its host to their TTP. This TTP is the immediately
superior entity in the infrastructure, which will be
able to do the mark verification; therefore, it is
necessary to establish new characteristics for the
system. The first one is that all the monitors and
transceivers of the IDS must be mobile. The second
one is that an entity which controls to another
entities must behave as a trusted party when thus be
required and to perform the mark verification. The
third one is that each host must have at least two
transceivers being able to carry out the same
function, so when an agent is sent to the TTP to
verify the integrity of its code and of its execution,
another agent replaces its functionality.
The transceivers depend on monitors and
monitors likewise can depend on other monitors
(Figure 2), but the transceivers can only control their
underlying static agents (data collection agents). So,
the monitors are required to be trusted parties and
they control the marking and verification processes
to its underlying entities. The monitors have an
overview of a network segment and the transceivers
have an overview of a host
4.2 MAIS System Operation
The system operation protocol is as follows:
Network se
Network segment
Host 2
Host 1
T1 T2
Monitor (TTP)
T3 T4
Host n
T3 T4
SECRYPT 2007 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
1. A monitor generates an entity and its
corresponding support entity.
2. Subsequently it performs the watermarking
process on each entity and sends them to the
destination host conserving its timestamp.
3. The entity moves to its destination host to carry
out its function.
4. The agents periodically move to their generating
entity according the established time
(timestamp). While an entity goes to verify the
integrity of its code and of its execution, the
support entity continues carrying out their work.
5. When an agent arrives to verify its integrity, the
issuing entity performs functions of third trust
party verifying the mark of the agent. If the
agent has been compromised, the TTP
eliminates it and isolate the host in which was
residing, considering it malicious.
6. In case that an agent do not arrive on the
established time to perform the verification
process, the host is isolated and the agent
The issuing entity conserves the timestamp to
verify that each agent arrives on time to control its
integrity in determined periods of time. In each host
there will be at least two entities executing the same
function to provide service continuity while an entity
displaces to carry out the verification of its integrity
When the agent arrives to the verifier it verifies the
mark. Is important to note that an incorrect
transceiver's execution generates a wrong mark; so,
the system administrator can detect the anomalous
behaviour and perform the corresponding security
On the other hand, watermarking techniques are
used instead of digest techniques because the
transceivers are constantly being self modified to
incorporate the new collected information.
4.3 Watermarking Layer
The algorithm that we use to embed the mark is the
Dynamic Graph Watermarking (Collberg and
Thomborson, 1998) and (Collberg and Thomborson,
1999), but others watermarking algorithms may be
4.3.1 Watermarking Algorithm Overview
The main characteristic of the Dynamic Graph
Watermarking algorithm is that it offers protection
against distortive de-watermarking attacks as
obfuscation or optimization. The basic idea is to
embed the mark into a graph topology. This graph is
dynamically built during run time. As it is well
known, dynamic graph structures are hard to
analyze. On the other hand, semantic source code
modification does not affect these algorithm
performances because execution results must be the
same, in other words, the agent has to generate the
same graph structure of its watermark.
The mathematical hard problem used by this
algorithm is the same that is used by public key
cryptography: the prime number factorization. In
other words, if n is the product of two bigger prime
numbers p and q, calculate p and q from n is a hard
computational problem. Applied in this
environment, a system that is able to embed this
number n into a graph structure in an agent can be a
good option to prove the legal origin of one code.
That is to say, as the legal owner has the values that
factorize n and the method to retrieve the value of n,
he can prove his ownership. From this point of view,
the efforts to solve the watermarking problem will
be concentrated in mark embedding and extracting
4.3.2 Mark Embedding
Basically, there are two encoding techniques to
embed the mark into a graph topology: Radix-K and
Figure 3: Radix-K encoding example.
Radix-K encoding consists in a graph with circular
linked list structure. This list has an extra pointer
field which encodes a base-K digit. A null pointer
encodes a 0, a self-pointer encodes a 1, a pointer to
the next node encodes a 2, etc. Figure 3 shows, as an
example, the codification for 61 * 73 = 4453 = 3*6
+ 4*6
+ 1*6
. On the other hand,
Enumeration Encoding is based in the work of F.
Harary and E. Palmer in (
Harary and Palmer, 1973).
4.3.3 Embedding Process
As shown in figure 4, the owner selects n as product
of two big prime numbers p and q. n is embedded in
the topology of a graph G. After that, a source code
W which builds G is constructed. W is embedded
into the original agent O and the watermarked agent
is obtained. When O
is run with I as input, the
MAIS: MOBILE AGENT INTEGRITY SYSTEM - A Security System to IDS based on Autonomous Agents
Figure 4: Embedding and Extraction process.
graph G will be built and the recognizer R is
constructed. The objective of R is identified G on the
heap of the agent execution. After that,
tamperproofing and obfuscation techniques can be
applied (see O
and O
). Finally, the recognizer is
extracted from the application and O
is sent to its
destination host. When a malicious agent O
moved to their generating entity, this entity can
identify if the execution of this agent has been
modified linking O
with R and executing them with
I as input. As result, the modified watermark n’ is
obtained and this entity can verify that the original
factors p and q can not factorize n’ and it allows to
detect the malicious agent. In other words, if n and
n’ does not match; the agent execution has been
4.3.4 Mark Extraction
As was commented before, the idea is to construct a
graph in memory which topology embeds the mark.
To recover this mark, an extraction process is
needed. One method can be to examine all reachable
heap objects but this can be a hard computational
problem. Instead of this, the input I is divided in
parts an every part builds a portion of the
watermark. As a result of the last part, the recognizer
returns the root node of the watermark.
4.3.5 Watermarking Justification
Digital signatures are widely used to guarantee the
code integrity and authenticity. The digital signature
can be used to verify, at a given moment, that a
software code is exactly as created. However, it
cannot assure that the code was properly executed
over a period of time.
In the IDS, given that the transceivers are
changing continuously because they are collecting
information, digital signatures techniques are
inappropriate. Moreover we want to provide not
only transceivers integrity but the correct execution
of the transceiver. Therefore, we propose to use a
watermarking technique which is suitable because
the mark is dynamically built during run time and if
the semantic source code is modified the agent has
to generate the same graph structure of its
watermark, otherwise it indicates that the agent
execution has been modified.
The attacks of malicious hosts against the agents are
considered one of the problems most difficult to
solve and there is not a form of protection that
eliminates them completely. To offer a determined
security level in an IDS based on agents is necessary
SECRYPT 2007 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
to combine different techniques that permit to detect
an attack although it cannot be avoided. The
drawback to send an agent to a malicious host is that
this can be attacked, because of the host has total
access to the code and data, therefore, to carry out a
verification of its integrity, we propose the use of
trusted monitors using watermarking techniques to
verify the proper working of the IDS software
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MAIS: MOBILE AGENT INTEGRITY SYSTEM - A Security System to IDS based on Autonomous Agents