modification of the service response and request in
order to modify it according the authorization policy.
The service itself can be designed and implemented
in a very generic way.
The use of resource hierarchies is quite common.
Normally similar single resources are grouped, like
printers (Ilechko and Kagan, 2006). The hierarchies
are used to assign identical authorization policies, of-
ten ACLs, to all members. Our approach is the first
using the resource hierarchy in the opposite way and
putting single resources in a hierarchy that can be ad-
dressed explicitly in the authorization policy.
We present a dynamic context-aware access control
that can be used in a SOA based architecture. We
propose a separation of business and security logic on
the service level that allows the definition of adapt-
able and easily extensible authorization policies out-
side the service. The complexity when mixing access
control into the business logic can be avoided. The
externalized authorization policies are more explicit.
The authorization policies are dynamically en-
forced using runtime context information. Resource
hierarchies make it possible to define the authoriza-
tion policy granularity outside the service. The defi-
nition of the resource hierarchy itself is based on ser-
vice, on the needs of the client application and, if
needed, on additional context information. The hi-
erarchy helps to keep the relationships between the
sub resources, which would not be the case when the
service itself would split its functionality to a similar
The use of context information questions the way
in which the information is acquired. Context-aware
services and applications have to deal with issues of
trust and dependability. In this paper, we did not ad-
dress the related problems but we will focus them in
the future.
Performance in SOA based application is an issue
investigated by industry and the research community.
The proposed architecture consisting of messages fil-
ters and the Contextual Authorization Services adds
an additional bottleneck. Retrieving and processing
of context information is also time consuming. Due
to the application of the resource filters after the busi-
ness logic it is also possible that the SOA service pro-
cesses and retrieves more data than later passed to the
client applications. There is a need for adaptation of
our architecture in the area of high performance ap-
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DYNAMIC CONTEXT-AWARE ACCESS CONTROL - Use of Resource Hierarchies to Define Fine-grained, Adaptable
Authorization Policies