Christos Ilioudis, Dimitrios Baltatzis, George Pangalos
Informatics Laboratory, Computers Division, Faculty of Technology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
54006, Thessaloniki, Greece
Christos Georgiadis
Department of Applied Informatics, University of Macedonia, 156 Egnatia Street
GR-540 06, Thessaloniki, Greece
Keywords: Authorizations, HealthGrid environment, Mobile agent systems, RBAC.
Abstract: Grid technologies promise to change the way that health organizations tackle complex problems by offering
unprecedented opportunities for resource sharing and collaboration. Healthgrids are Grid infrastructures
comprising applications, services or middleware components that deal with the specific problems arising in
the processing of biomedical data. Resources in Healthgrids are databases, computing power, medical
expertise and even medical devices. Securing this new environment in Health organizations is a major issue
today. Security considerations and more specifically authorization decisions is a critical problem. Personal
data is confidential, so access to the information must be restricted to authorized and authenticated persons.
Furthermore data must be protected to guarantee its confidentiality and integrity. This work provides a
suitable authorization mechanism that facilitates the usage of grid and agent technology in HealthGrid
environments. More specifically, our approach applies the RBAC access control model for dynamically
assigning security roles to visiting agents on hosts of the HealthGrid environment. Our methodology
proposes a flexible role decomposition method, which facilitates the role assignment process. The role
decomposition relies on a set of common Attribute Fields, shared between Grid’s hosts, filled with Attribute
values that every host evaluates according to its security goals. In any case, every host participating in the
grid retains its security policy without altering or compromising its security policy in order to participate in
the agent exchange process. The proposed process and the related assignment algorithms have been
experimentally implemented and applied in a typical health environment. The results have shown that the
proposed framework is applicable and implementable, and can be applied successfully in real life health
care environments.
Healthgrids represent an innovative use of emerging
information technology to support broad access to
rapid, cost-effective and high quality healthcare.
Grid computing aims at the provision of a global
Information and Communication Technology
infrastructure that will enable a coordinated,
flexible, and secure sharing of diverse resources,
including computers, applications, data, storage,
networks, and scientific instruments across dynamic
and geographically dispersed organizations and
communities (Virtual Organizations). Goals of
HealthGrid infrastructures can be to provide
researchers with a broad spectrum of data for
analysis and to make it possible for patients to gain
access to their data regardless where they are and
where it is stored.
HealthGrid systems evolved as an important new
field, distinguished from conventional distributed
health systems in the sense that they involve large-
scale resource sharing guided by innovative
applications. Grids provide the necessary
infrastructure by which participant organizations
across widely distributed systems form and operate
for resource sharing (
Scott et all, 2004). The
infrastructure provides an efficient utilization of
existing resources by combining heterogeneous and
widely distributed computational resources into a
consistent environment. The central idea is that
Ilioudis C., Baltatzis D., Pangalos G. and Georgiadis C. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Security and Cryptography, pages 394-401
DOI: 10.5220/0002123203940401
computing and information sharing should be
reliable, pervasive and transparent for widely
distributed systems. Securing such Grid
infrastructures requires therefore suitable security
models and mechanisms.
In contrast, agent technology focuses on the
development of concepts, methodologies and
algorithms for autonomous problem solving engaged
in uncertain and dynamic environments in order to
achieve their objectives (Jennings 2001). Agents are
actually software entities that can move code, data
and state to remote hosts. An agent has the ability to
migrate from one host another in order to fulfil its
task. Their late ability to move computations across
the nodes of a widely distributed network makes
them an attractive paradigm, compared to the
traditional client-server paradigm. It can be said
however that the two technologies attend to service a
common environment that is, communities of large
distributed systems bound together by a common
goal or cause. They also face overlapping problems
as Grids seek to become more flexible and agile
while agent systems seek to become more reliable
and scalable. Various researchers have already
observed this. As noted for example by Foster et al
"For Grids to be effective in their goals, they must
be imbued with flexible, decentralized decision
making capabilities while agents need a robust
distributed computing platform that allows them to
discover, acquire, federate and manage the
capabilities necessary to execute their decisions"
(Foster et al, 2004).
It is clear that in medical data processing privacy
protection needs to be enforced much more
rigorously than in other application areas. The users
of such systems (patients, medical staff, etc.) are not
usually trained in computer security and thus need
easy to use and mostly transparent services.
Securing HealthGrid infrastructures therefore
requires suitable security models and mechanisms
with those characteristics, in order to support
authentication, data integrity, private
communications and access control.
This paper discusses the overall security problem
of HealthGrids and focuses on an authorization
policy for HealthGrid participant organizations,
which utilizes the advantages offered by both the
grid and the agent systems technology. We propose
a dynamic role assignment mechanism for Grid
participants and more specifically we describe an
authorization mechanism, which facilitates the use
of shared resources in such dynamic environments.
Every participant organization in the Grid preserves
and maintains its own local security policy, while
users active in the Grid retain the ability to access
common resources by acquiring local roles for
authorization. The proposed approach takes into
account and exploits the dynamic characteristics of
Grid systems and the flexibility of Role Based
Access Control Policies (Ferraiolo et al, 2001). In
our approach Grid participants that own resources
can specify the authorization policy using a well
defined access control language like the eXtensible
Access Control Markup Language (XACML)
(OASIS 2003) and the Security Assertion Markup
Language (SAML 2003). Grid users can also specify
their identity and security constraints in the same
As already noted, security is an essential
consideration when accessing the shared resources
of a HealthGrid system. The main security
requirements for Grid systems that influence the
definition of the HealthGrid security requirements
are related to the following characteristics of a Grid
(Welch et al, 2003), (
Simpson et al, 2006).
2.1 Access Control Requirements
The different resources in a grid may have different
access policies, including how they authenticate and
authorize users. However, if there are no common or
overlapping authorizations among the resources,
they do not form a usable Grid. Grid service requests
can span multiple security domains. Trust
relationships among these domains play an
important role in the outcome of such end-to-end
traversals. A service needs to make its access
requirements available to interested client entities, so
that they understand how to securely request access
to it. Trust between end points can be presumed,
based on topological assumptions, or explicit,
specified as policies are enforced through the
exchange of some trust-forming credentials. In a
Grid environment, presumed trust is rarely feasible
due to the dynamic and distributed nature of inter
organizational relationships. Furthermore, trust
establishment may be a one-time activity per session
or it may be evaluated dynamically on every request.
The dynamic nature of the Grid can in some cases
make it impossible to establish trust relationships
among sites prior to application execution.
2.2 Authorization Requirements
Authorization has several meanings in a Grid
environment. For example: the process of issuing a
proof of right, the proof of right itself (or reference
to it), the process of determining an authorization
decision by associating user attributes against access
control policies, etc. Our interest focuses mainly on
the third case because authorization is a key problem
associated with the efficient function of the Grid
environment, as authentication solely cannot
effectively determine user rights.
Let us consider a situation where a multi
organizational Grid shares resources. With current
approaches, every change in any of the
organizations’ personnel requires the determination
of new or changed user rights. This interaction
places barriers and administrative overheads to the
Grid functionality, as each participating organization
acts as a resource provider or resource consumer. In
such settings, expressing access control in terms of
direct trust relationships between resource providers
and consumers has the problems of scalability,
flexibility, expressability and lack of policy
We can further classify the authorization
information into two categories: (a) the general
information regarding the user inside his own
organization, like groups or roles he belongs to,
along with other access control rights, and (b)
information - permissions regarding what the user is
allowed to do at the offered resources in the Grid.
The first type of information should definitely be
kept at the local users’ organization, while the
second one should be widely known or be able to
determined by the rest of the participant
Finally, an authorization decision could be made
either at the entry point of the shared resource,
determining the user’s access control rights, or, at a
central point external to the shared’ s resource
organization. We argue that even though a central
decision mechanism offers certain advantages, this
should not overcome every organization’s ability to
decide for its own resources access permissions’.
We also argue that these permissions could be very
well modified during the organizations participation
in the Grid and, furthermore, that an organization
could decide to apply some granularity to these
permissions and not to leave it open (same
permissions) to anyone who wishes to use it.
2.3 Enforcement Mechanisms
The authorization problem can be further divided in
two sub-problems. First to determine the permission
set of a user and then to enforce access control rights
by using existing access control mechanisms. The
enforcement of access rights is usually done by
determining and assigning the appropriate rights to
the entitled user for the corresponding resources. In
a typical non-distributed system scenario, the
enforcement mechanism usually focuses on an
application; because it is through this that a user
actually accesses the underlying resource. The main
concern here is the access rights of the user to that
application and not the application’s to the resource,
as the application is a trusted software component
and its access rights are easily determined.
In a Grid context however we anticipate another
scenario. Resources are accessed by software
components not necessarily trusted by the resource
owners. The resources act as hosting environments
for these software components (services), which are
often transient and migrate between different
resources to meet performance criteria. This implies
that it is not possible to establish static trust
relationships between the service and the underlying
resource’s hosting platform, while it is essential to
examine the access rights of the user to the service
but most important the access rights of the service to
the current resource environment.
We can identify two categories of enforcement
mechanisms: the application dependent and the
application independent. Usually the application
dependent mechanisms are directly integrated in the
service and exercise access permissions before the
service attempt to access the resource. The problem
here is that the resource’s hosting platform should
trust the service’s code and therefore it is favoured
in situations where services are stationary. In the
Grid environments however we believe that the
application independent mechanisms are more
favourable. In the later case the mechanisms are
separate from the service’s implementation.
Current Grid security technology is sufficient to
address computational problems in healthcare.
However Healthgrid technology is not restricted to
the use of Grid technology for distributed computing
only. Eventually, Healthgrids should offer a generic
platform for all eHealth actors. Sharing of large
amounts of distributed heterogeneous (on various
SECRYPT 2007 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
levels) data is therefore an important point of
There are several examples of existing systems
that attempt to address the authorization problem in
a grid-computing environment. In the community
authorization service (CAS) case for example, a
CAS server is in charge of authorization of a
community users, while resource providers in the
community only need authentication after delegating
authorization functions to the CAS server. In the
generic authorization and access control (GAA)
system, GAA API functions obtain policies from
local files, distributed authorization servers and from
credentials provided by the user. Its goal is to design
a flexible and expressive mechanism for
representing and evaluating these authorization
policies. The Global Grid Forum is another system
working on a grid security architecture standard
Lorch et all, 2003) which is based on Web Services
security studies and tries to define fine-grained and
coarse-grained authorization mechanisms under the
Open Grid Service Architecture (OGSA) framework
(Siebenlist et all, 2001). GEMSS is another approach
that is based on a public key infrastructure, and
implements end-to-end security mechanisms in line
with the web services security specifications (
et all, 2004).
Several security authorization models have also
been proposed applying the RBAC access control
model. Al-Kahtani and R.Sandhu, proposed for
example a variation of the RBAC model, the rule-
based RBAC (Al-Kahtani and R.Sandhu, 2002).
According to their proposal Rule-based RBAC, rules
are used to produce roles. These rules are expressed
by attribute values, which the potential user presents
to the system. These values have some seniority
between them, which makes them comparable. The
model has been used in cases of hosts visited by a
huge number of visitors not known in advance by
the system. Al-Kahtani also proposed a series of
modified RBAC models which can very well
contribute to the theoretical basis of our work. The
PERMIS access control policy also provides a tool
that takes advantage of the RBAC model by
enabling roles to users. User’s attribute certificates
in the form of x.509 are compared against a list of
permitted roles in an LDAP directory and a decision
to grant or deny access is granted. An exact match is
however still required in order to acquire a role
(Chadwick, Otenko, 2002).
All these approaches are based however on
certain attributes and predefined permissions that
should be exactly fulfilled and thus they do not
adequately handle the dynamic nature of the
HealthGrid environments
Membership in such a complex and distributed
environment like the HealthGrid is dynamic as
participant organizations may join or leave any time.
Hence the relationships among participants are not
constant while access control policy at every
participant changes frequently. Authentication and
role assignment therefore represent a major problem
in HealthGrid environments. The following concepts
are essential for the proposed authorization
framework to be described later.
4.1 The Use of Mobile Agent
The use of mobile agent technology can be useful in
such environments. Mobile agents provide an
undoubting advantage over the traditional client-
server paradigm. The ability to move computations
across the nodes of a wide area network helps to
achieve the deployment of services and applications
in a more flexible, dynamic and customisable way.
Mobile Agents are often independent of particular
hardware or operating system, and can be deployed
in heterogeneous environments. Users belonging to
different participants of the HealthGrid system try to
access resources via the use of mobile agents. Once
let loose, mobile agents roam the Grid network, seek
information, carry out tasks on behalf of their
senders autonomously, and return to present the
results of their queries. A doctor for example
working in a hospital A may seek information
regarding a patient. This specific patient might have
been treated in other medical institutions where the
doctor obviously does not hold an account. Instead
the doctor could send an agent loaded with
credential which would help him to access a local
security role at every hospital that visits and thus
help him gather information regarding the specific
However, agent technology carries with it
associated security vulnerabilities that had to be
addressed in order that this new technology to be of
any use. A key requirement in the process is to find
a flexible, convenient and effective approach to deal
with the mobile agent authorization problem. The
approach that solves the problem, dynamically maps
an unknown user to predefined organizational roles
based on the unknown user’s credentials and role-
assignment mechanism. The agents should have
proper authorization mechanisms for providing entry
to the agents. The mechanism should automatically
assign roles to agents. Our approach is based on the
principle that when an agent migrates to a specific
platform, the host decides what privileges to grant to
the requested agent. Instead of using the traditional
access control method via an access matrix, the
mobile agent acquires a role from the local role
hierarchy. This is a direct use of RBAC approach,
but with a flexible method of selecting the
appropriate role every time an agent arrives at a
hosting platform.
The different hosts constituting the HealthGrid
system are visited by mobile agents and should be
able to automatically assign them different roles.
This should mainly depend on a set of credentials
(values on attributes) that the agent carries with it,
the local security policy and constraints defined by
the host that provides the resources. In any case the
organization that provides the resource must have
the privilege, the authority and flexibility to define
the set of rules that define the security roles, applied
to the specific organization.
4.2 The Role Decomposition Process
The process that decomposes the security roles is
based on the following: the roles are defined using
rules, which are constituted by
Attribute_Expressions (A_E). These A_E are
actually constructed by using Attribute_Fields (A_F)
related to each other with some level of seniority as
we shall see later on. In order to define a specific
role, these A_Fs are filled with Attribute_Values
(A_V), which are the ones that finally describe the
role (fig 1).
Fig 1
Figure 1.
The key component in the above process is the
use of the A_Fs, because in order to be able to
exchange agents, the different hosts should refer to
common sets of credentials. This implies the
existence of common A_Fs between organizational
hosts, in order to define a common ground of
understanding. This assumption is already a
necessity in a Grid System environment as the
different organization‘s scope is to facilitate
resource sharing and problem solving.
The A_Vs that an agent carries with it might
correspond to the A_Fs required for a specific role.
In most cases however, they will not literally equal
them. And in the case that these A_Vs are not of
numeric type, a comparison between these two
Attribute Expressions is not possible, even though
they correspond to identical A_Fs. F. ex lets
consider an A_F: “Business_Position” and a role
requiring the A_V: Stuff Manager for this specific
A_F. What happens if a mobile agent presents an
A_V: General Manager? How could it be evaluated?
4.3 The Seniority Concept
A solution to the problem would be the introduction
of the concept of seniority between the A_Vs of an
A_Fs and furthermore seniority levels between
A_Fs. The seniority level between A_Vs indicates
which value dominates which in an actual
comparison while seniority levels between A_Fs
denotes which A_F consider higher in seniority to
another A_F when it comes to compare A_Vs
belonging to these two Fields. This leads us to the
definition of the concept of an A_F hierarchy. The
above mechanism permits a comparison between
A_Es even though they are not constituted by
exactly the same A_Fs. A_Es could be comparable
as long as they either have identical structure
(A_Fs), or A_Fs related each other with some level
of seniority.
Instead of storing and distributing lists of A_Vs,
which are difficult to manipulate, we introduce the
idea of transforming the nonnumeric values to
numeric. This makes the comparison between A_Vs
extremely ease and self-explanatory. Moreover the
A_Fs can contain not only the corresponding A_V
but also the scale that this value came from. This is
absolutely necessary, as different organizations
might not use exactly the same scale to describe the
A_Vs of the same A_F. Sending the scale with the
value would permit them to “transform’ it to their
own scale, performing sort of normalization. This is
another degree of liberal mechanism in our model,
as the main motivation remains always to permit
every participant organization to establish its own
security policy as independent as possible.
Obviously, this transformation is not working for
all kind of A_Fs. There are certain categories of A_s
which is meaningful to try to transform them into
Attribute Expressions
Attribute Fields
Attribute Values
SECRYPT 2007 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
numeric (e.g. names). In these cases where the A_Vs
are discrete and determine, they should stay
unchanged and left to the hosting organization to
decide about the necessary seniority between these
A_Vs (e.g countries, locations).
By this, A_Fs can contain only numeric A_Vs.
The introduction of seniority between A_Fs and
between A_Vs eases the comparison between A_Es
1. It imposes seniority between A_Fs, while it not
even necessarily agreed in advance between all
participants of the infrastructure. Instead every
participant reasons and evaluates the importance
of each A_F under his/her own judgment.
2. A_Fs are grouped and related with some level of
seniority according to their significance. Not all
A_Fs necessarily are related each other.
Introducing seniority between A_Fs with diverse
implication is meaningless, so only A_Fs with
similar significance are related to each other.
This leads us to groups of A_Fs with seniority
among them.
A role can be expressed in the form of an A_E as
represents an A_F, i identifies the group it
belongs, j represents the rank number of the A_F
inside the group while X
represents the
corresponding A_V.
The above mechanism allows for two roles from
different role hierarchies R and R’ to be compared
for dominance.
The effective management of trust and policy within
a community in HealthGrid systems also requires
flexible, autonomous mechanisms able to take into
account, when organizing communities, not only the
semantics of policy statements, but also the ability to
negotiate policy terms and to manage restricted
delegation of rights. A procedure that is already
known in agent technology.
The mechanism presented earlier could therefore
be implemented easily using existing agent
technology. In this section we present such an
adaptation of agent technologies in order to enforce
a flexible and scalable authorization service, suitable
for complex HealthGrid system structures. We
assume that the authorization decisions must often
be made in the absence of strong existing trust
relationships. Furthermore we assume that the
proposed authorization service will use the existing
access control model at every participant node of the
Healthgrid. A suitable, flexible agent structure is
needed to anticipate the above requirements. The
proposed adapted mobile agent structure is based on
the following concepts:
When an author (programmer) constructs an
agent, for such an environment, he should therefore
include in this case the following:
The source code
The set of possible A_Fs, the agent is allowed
to carry
Default A_Vs, for the corresponding A_Fs
which construct an A_E that yields to a
default agent role.
Accordingly, when a user is about to dispatch an
agent, he should include:
All the previous, plus
A set of A_Vs that correspond to the set or
subset of the A_Fs the author of the agent, permits it
to carry. These A_Vs derive from the role that the
user is already been assigned at the specific host.
Every mobile agent has a default agent role
defined by its author (programmer) and a user role
inherited by its user/sender. The corresponding
A_Vs do not change during the agent’s journey, as
they constitute its original identity, authority and
Let us consider the generic case where an agent
initially launches on host H0 holding its default role
R0. The user (sender) loads his role R
on the agent
thus the A_Vs that actually constitute this role. We
assume that the agent will execute autonomously on
a set of network hosts (namely H
, H
). When
agent is residing on the host H
, its current role is R
We have to distinguish the following different role
• R
stands for the agent’s default role
• R
stands for the user (sender) role that is
initially assigned to the agent
• AR
stands for the agent role, the role which the
agent holds while migrating from host H
• R
stands for the role that the agent acquires on
host H
• R
stands for the final role that host H
grants to the agent.
This ultimate role assignment depends on the
role of the arriving agent AR
, the specific migration
method the agent followed to arrive at host H
the agent’s initial R
and default role R
. This means
that when an agent migrates from host H
to the next
host H
, its role (represented as AR
) is actually the
role R
that the agent obtained during its execution
on host H
. According to (Lorch et all, 2003), the
agent migration to the next host can be initiated by
two different ways: either from the hosting place
(host), or from the agent itself, (the agent’s code
decides to move to the next place). The migration
can also take place with two different ways: either
by handoff (a principal hand his authority to another
principal), or by delegation (a principal is combining
his authority with another principal).
During the process of delegation, when one
principal (initiator) authorizes another principal
(delegate), the attached privileges, in the form of
A_Vs, are passed from initiator to the delegate. Te
proposed delegation mechanism supports the RBAC
access control by delegating roles and provides a
higher level of granularity than approaches limited
only to individuals. The proposed mechanism can be
summarised as follows:
Every host in the Grid is considered as a unique
entity and is able to delegate his authority. The four
distinct cases (namely the specific migration method
as well as the initiative) and our proposed role
decomposition methodology lead us to:
1. Place handoff:
The current host H
hands off his authority to the
next host H
. In this case the next role R
result from the following expression:
The A_Vs the agent came with at the host H
presented and at the next host H
2. Place delegation:
Host H
delegates his authority to H
. In this
case the next role R
will result from the following
union expression:
When the host delegates his authority to a visited
mobile agent, the A_Vs that constitute the role that
the host assigned to the agent, are transferred to the
delegated agent. The A_Vs of the roles R
the agent
acquired on host H
are combined with the ones that
came with from the previous host H
, in order to
obtain the next role R
3. Agent handoff:
The agent directly hands off to H
. The next
role R
will result from the user’s initial role, the
role assigned by the agent’s user. The following
expression stands in this case:
The A_Vs of role R
are presented to host H
order to obtain the next role R
4. Agent delegation:
The agent can delegate itself to H
. Since the
agent delegates his authority, his default role R
combined with the agent’s role R
. The next role
will result from the following expression:
The A_Vs of roles R
and R
are combined in
order to obtain the next role R
The above agent migration methods affect
decisively the agent’s ability to join the security
policy of the different Healthgrid organisations it
visits. This adapted agent structure can therefore
effectively address the authorization problem in
HealthGrid environments and thus facilitates
collaboration between participant health institutions
in order to establish an e-health environment. .
The proposed process and the related assignment –
migration algorithms presented above have been
implemented and applied, using the Java
programming language. The implementation used as
an example a typical health care environment where
the ministry, local hospitals, hospital departments
(nutrition, etc), patients and health insurance
companies collaborate in order to exchange
information. We tried different role hierarchies at
every organization and we tested all different
migration methods. Every time the mobile agent
adopted a different suitable security role at the
organization that it visited.
The results have shown that the proposed
framework is applicable and implementable, and can
be applied in real life situations. Also the proposed
framework does not require any change of the
different local role hierarchies of the participating
organizations and it preserves their security
requirements. Based on those results, it can therefore
be said that the experimental implementation of the
proposed adapted agent structure, together with the
proposed earlier role assignment process, can
effectively address the authorization / security
problem in Grid based health environments
Securing HealthGrid environments is a major issue
today. Current Grid security technology is sufficient
to address computational problems in healthcare.
Healthgrids are not restricted to the use of Grid
technology for distributed computing only.
Healthgrid should eventually offer a generic
platform for all eHealth actors. Sharing of large
amounts of distributed heterogeneous (on various
SECRYPT 2007 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
levels) data is therefore an important point of
attention. In this paper we discussed the overall
security problem of such environments and we
presented a suitable a local authorization policy for
HealthGrid participating organizations, which
utilizes the advantages offered by both the grid and
the agent systems technology. More specifically, we
addressed the dynamic authorization problem of
HealthGrid environments by describing a flexible,
RBAC based role assignment mechanism. Our
approach proposes a secure and consistent solution
to the authorization problem in HealthGrid
environments, based on a role decomposition
process, that every organization is qualified to
perform according to its local security policy. The
main contribution of this work is that it proposes a
practical mechanism by applying the well-accepted
RBAC access control model to dynamic HealthGrid
based environments. The proposed methodology has
been successfully tested in a real life health
Al-Kahtani, R.Sandhu, 2002 A model for Attribute-Based
User-Role Assignment. Proceedings of the 18th
Annual Computer Security Applications Conference,
Las Vegas.
Chadwick, Otenko, 2002. “The PERMIS X.509 Role
Based Privilege Management Infrastructure”,
Proceedings of the seventh ACM symposium on Access
control models and technologies SACMAT 2002,
Monterey, California, USA
Ferraiolo, Sandhu, Gavrila, Kuhn, Chandramouli: 2001
Proposed NIST standard for role-based access control.
TISSEC 4(3): 224-274.
Foster I, Jennings N, Kesselman C, Brain Meets Brawn:
2004 Why grid and Agents Need Each other,
Herveg, J., Crazzolara, F., Middleton, S. E., Marvin, D. J.
and Poullet, Y. 2004, “GEMSS: Privacy and security
for a Medical Grid”. In Proceedings of HealthGRID
2004, Clermont-Ferrand, France.
Jennings, N., 2001.An agent-based approach for building
complex software systems. Communications of the
ACM, 44(4). 35-41.
Lorch, B.Cowles, R.Baker, L,Gommans, P.Madsen,
A.McNab, L. Ramakrishnan, K.Sankar, D.Skow, M.
Thomson, 2004 Conceptual Grid Authorization
Framework and Classification, Global Grid Forum, ..
OASIS 2003, Security Services Technical Committee
XAMCL, extendible access control markup language
(XACML) committee specification 1.0.
SAML 2003 Security Services Technical Committee,
Assertions and protocol for the oasis security assertion
markup language (SAML), OASIS .
Scott Richard., Jennett Penny, Yeo Maryann, 2004,
Access and authorisation in a Glocal e-Health Policy
context, International Journal of Medical Informatics
Elsevier (2004) 73, 259—266
Siebenlist, V. Welch, S. Tuecke, I. Foster, N. Nagaratnam,
P. Janson, J. Dayka, A. Nadalin, 2002, OGSA security
roadmap, Open Grid Services Architecture Group.
Simpson Andrew, Power David, Slaymaker Mark, 2006,
On tracker attacks in health grids, SAC’06 April 2006,
Dijon, France
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Twelfth International Symposium on High
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IEEE Press