Neculai Daniel Stoleru and Victor Valeriu Patriciu
Department of Mathematics and Informatics, Military Technical Academy, Caraiman Str. 116, Bucharest, Romania
Keywords: Polynomial composition, identification, key agreement.
Abstract: Generally, the public-key cryptographic schemes base their security on the difficulty of solving hard
mathematical problems. The number of such problems currently known is relative reduced. Therefore the
further investigation of mathematical problems with applications in cryptography is of central interest. This
paper explores a new problem based on polynomial composition. We analyze the connections between the
proposed problem and the RSA problem. Adjacent, we derive from it a zero – knowledge identification
protocol. We show that the method allows the definition of a commutative class of polynomials. Based on
this class, a “Diffie – Hellman like” key exchange protocol can be devised. .
In cryptography, an asymmetric algorithm is based
on a type of function first suggested by Diffie and
Hellman (Diffie, Hellman, 1976) that has special
properties known as trapdoor one-way functions. A
trapdoor one-way function, if given some additional
secret information, allows much easier computation
of its inverse function. The one-way functions are
based on hard mathematical problems, like factoring
large composites into prime factors or the discrete
logarithm problem.
Nevertheless, the number of hard mathematical
problems with applications in cryptography
currently known is rather reduced. Even considering
the known problems of this type, there are still
questionable items. As an example, the Optimal
Asymmetric Encryption Padding (OAEP) has never
been proven secure against the chosen ciphertext
attack in the adaptive scenario (RSA, 2007).
In this context, the further research of such
problems is of central interest. Similarly, finding
general procedures supporting the study of a larger
class of problems is also important.
The Polynomial Composition Problem (PCP)
was first introduced in (Joye, Naccache, Porte, 2004)
and can be enounced as follows:
Problem 1.
Let P and Q be two polynomials in (Z/nZ)[X]where
n is an RSA modulus. Given polynomials Q and
S:=Q(P), find P.
Joye et al. shown that generally the Polynomial
Composition Problem is easier than the RSA
problem – that is the computation of roots in Z/nZ -
and gave a new version of this problem called
“Reduced Polynomial Composition Problem”
(RPCP), which can be proven to be equivalent with
the RSA problem.
A number of cryptographic algorithms like the
key agreement protocols based on asymmetric
techniques (Menez, van Oorschot, Vanderstone,
1997) require operating in commutative groups. It is
well known that generally, the polynomial
composition is not commutative.
The present paper introduces a new problem
called Polynomial Multi - Composition Problem
(PMCP) based on a commutative class of
In a proper approach, the security of the
cryptographic scheme should be proven in a
mathematical sense, i.e. establishing theorems
claiming that illegal actions such as impersonation
are as difficult as solving a specific problem, whose
difficulty is well-established. Among these
problems, as already mentioned, are integer
factorization, or the computation of discrete
logarithms in a finite group. This will also be the
approach in the present paper, relating the new
Daniel Stoleru N. and Valeriu Patriciu V. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Security and Cryptography, pages 269-272
DOI: 10.5220/0002123402690272