monitored server. The 8 features were preliminary
processed by the statistical subsystem, and then the
statistical results were classified by the neural archi-
tecture basing on their trend.
For the experimental phase, we used the most com-
plete and available benchmark in Internet: the 1999
DARPA dataset. During the first experiment the sys-
tem was able to quite correctly classify the back-
ground traffic. In fact, considering the only back-
ground traffic, a high rate (92%) of this traffic was
classified in class 1. Also in the second experiment,
considering all the dataset, we obtained encouraging
results. The system was able to autonomously dis-
tinguish the normal traffic from the anomalous one:
it classified the attacks in different classes from that
used for the background traffic. A very important as-
pect is that in some cases the system recognized an
attack classifying all the instances of the attack in the
same class. For example, in the case of three differ-
ent Mailbomb instances, for two UdpStorm instances,
and finally for two of three Smurf instances. Besides,
the system reserved a particular class to classify one
typology of attack. In other words, a class is used
to classify only different instances of the same attack.
This means that our IDS is not only able to distinguish
the normal traffic from the malicious traffic, but it can
establish which attack occurs. Our evaluation is based
on a single source of network traffic due to the lack of
other available data. Obviously, every environment is
different, so we plan to confirm our results using other
sources of real traffic.
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